~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Monday, August 30, 2010

What's Up?

It's been a long week. I was sick Tuesday through Thursday with some weird headachy-stomach thing. I noticed the headache as I was driving home from work Monday evening. By Tuesday, it had gotten pretty bad, and then on the drive to work that morning, my stomach decided to do jumping jacks. I wound up having to leave work early and go home. I slept most of that day, then that evening, since sleep seemed to have made it worse, Dustin took me out to eat and walk a bit. That may sound counter-productive, but in my case it usually helps, and it did. Wednesday I only had to work a half-day, since I had worked at the Back To School Celebration the previous Saturday. It was the longest 4&1/2 hours I've ever worked. My head was pounding, and at one point I almost threw up right into the book bin. Thursday morning I thought I was going to be okay as I headed out to my meeting, but by the time I got home, my head and tummy were back at blows, each vieing to be the King Yukinator. By the time I went to bed I was near tears from pain and just plain sick of feeling ill.

Then Friday we went to the Kitsap County Fair.

That was actually quite nice. My stomach and head cooperated and in return I stayed mostly away from the fair food and rides. I went ballistic in the goat area. I love those little creatures! I think I embarrassed my kids by my outpouring of uncontrollable cute overload, squealing at each little adorable animal. My own animals (aka children) stayed on the other side of the building and avoided eye contact.

The same thing happened with the bunnies.

I totally want goats and bunnies now.

I think I could actually get away with goats, but I'm pretty sure my cat would think he had been such a good boy for killing all the mice that we brought him home a tasty treat as a reward.

In other news, my daughter has really gotten into crafting lately. She picked up a book that had a felted bag in it that she made. Her bag blew the book's bag away. Her's was so much cooler, and I'm not just saying that because I'm mom. It really did. So, now I'm making a Halloween one, and she is on a crafting kick. It's awesome. Like Dustin, my boyfriend, said: "Now we're trying to kick her off the crafting books at 11pm to get her to go to bed instead of kicking her off the computer." It makes it a lot harder to enforce! She's spent about $40 of her own dollars on crafting supplies. It rocks socks that maybe one day she'll make!

Saturday we went out and did some family photos at the park. I think they turned out great. We still need to go down and do some at the studio, but so far I think I picked out about 6 or 7 from the park that I want printed. My kids are such little models sometimes! Most of the time they just run amuck. That's what kids do. =)

Maybe I'll post one on here!

Then the boys went to a movie while my daughter and I went (guess, guess) CRAFT shopping. Bet you couldn't guess. Dinner with friends, those friends giving us a bunch of books, going home...

Sunday I went and kept a gal-pal company for awhile, then home to work on my Halloween bag, housework, laundry, dinner and hanging out with the kids.

So, my week started off crappy but ended quite nicely.

Anyway... that's what's up.

There was a lady I saw today, that I just have to incorperate into my story. Of course, she probably won't appreciate her role, if she ever read it, but then again, maybe she would find the humor in it.

She had to have been 70 or 80 years old. She wore a beautiful gossamer-type skirt, all black and flowing. Something I would think to see in a ballroom type dance. She had on black tights, with a hint of shimmer, and some black sandals. Then, she had on a raggedy blue t-shirt. Her hair was buzzed short, white. Her nose was elongated and wide. Her mouth, lips thin and pursed, were drawn down into a sort of sneer. Her blue eyes were piercing and wide. I can imagine her with feathers pinned into her hair.

I want to make her one of the gals in the sanitarium where one of my main characters lives. A true, bona fide nutcase. But a fun one. She would be a fun one.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

All in Time

So, I've been looking at my blog, realizing that I've been very naughty about upkeep on it. I haven't posted in ages, even with stuff going on. It's hard to motivate myself to blog, when I can't even motivate myself to write!

Some things that have happened in my absence:

*My best friend and her son came up to visit from California! I've known her since I was 15 years old. That was a LOOOONNNGGG time ago! Okay, maybe not that long, but it sometimes feels like it. We went and visited a place called Wolf Haven. It was very cool. If you are in the area, it's worth a looksie. We did the whole Pike's Place Market in Seattle, and took the Monorail to the Seattle Center. But, other than that, we didn't do a whole lot. It was nice to just hang out and catch up and see what a great guy my godson has grown into!

*I finally got myself to the doctor. I found a new one who seems to be working out pretty well so far. While doing my normal checkup, he discovered a couple of moles he really didn't like the look of, so he had me schedule another appointment to come back and get them biopsied. It's a good thing I did, because both showed what they called "Neoplasm of uncertain behavior: skin". What they told me was that basically both moles came back showing signs of developing into cancer, so it's a damn good thing we removed them. Now I get to become OCD about checking my moles to make sure they aren't growing, or changing color, or whatnot. Fun times, eh?

* I think I need to go back to the doctor. The incision on my butt isn't doing too well. It's causing pain and problems. It's being a pain in the butt! (yuck yuck yuck). I don't want to go back, despite Dustin's insistence that I do. I'm being stubborn. I love that I found a new doctor that I like, but 3 times in one month already is enough!

*The weather is finally gorgeous here. I've been spending as much time as possible at the lake. The kids like it, I like it, and I even got some writing done due to it! Not nearly as much as I'd like to, but any amount is good mojo for me!

*My son entered another karate tournament, and came out 3rd in his katas and 1st in sparring for his division! I was so proud. And rather loud, judging by the judges dirty looks. I didn't care though. I was excited!

*That's all I can think of. I'll leave it at that for now, save this in a draft, and see if anything pops into my head in the next few little while.

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