~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Friday, February 15, 2008

the aftermath

So now we are all finished with KRL2.0. Well, most of us anyways. I did not make it to the party on Valentine's morning. I did recieve my cool little MP3 player though. My boyfriend thinks it is pretty nifty, and found it to be a wonderful Valentine's present to steal from me... LOL. Which is fine, because I'm sure he'll get a lot more use out of it than I will. He'll just have to fight my daughter for it. Better him than me.. I don't want any part of that ruckus..

My question now is this... how many of us will actually continue to utilize our blogs, or any other part of this whole ordeal? I myself see myself using the blog (even though no one pays attention to it! or at least don't comment, not that I give much to comment on..), as well as LibraryThing (I finally figured out how to add random books to my blog) , Backpack and Notely. I don't twitter, or RSS stuff, or Facebook. I have a Facebook account, but it falls short to my MySpace, which I have a much easier and more successful time with. YouTube, while I can see how it can be entertaining for people, just really isn't my thing. There is a video on there (I believe he put it on YouTube) of me doing the hokey-pokey at a 3-year old's birthday party while I was in the delirious stage of my illness....

I look forward to seeing who keeps up with thier blogs, and wonder if there will be some way for us to note which ones are still being used. I find it rather tedious to click through all of the blogs listed on the KRL2.0 site, only to find many of them are have been inactive since October.... I'm sure there is a way, I just haven't found it yet.


Kim Doyle said...

I just wanted to know that I've enjoyed reading your blog, esp the "kid" anecdotes, and will continue to at least skim it. :-)

I think you could do RSS feeds of all the other blogs, or maybe just your favorites. It will be interesting to see who keeps going without the iPod incentive.

bear said...

just agreeing with kim's comment. rss feeds have been the only way i could have kept up with all the different blogs, and i do read them all, and will keep reading....hope you keep posting.

it's been a great virtual conversation across all 9 branches. i hope it keeps up. it's one way that everyone still has a forum for making their voice heard.


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