I've come to the conclusion that I am friggered in the head. I find myself to be so out of the loop of how others think that sometimes I wonder if my father was actually human.
The targeted idea for this one is the idea of celebrity idolization. I watch as people are so enamored of someone just because of their celebrity status that I find it ridiculous. Most of the celebrities I see that are idolized are not even worth it. They are cheats, bigots, druggies, asshats and divas, vain, teen parents, liars, etc.

Every once in a while I will see one that is worthy of the respect and awe they inspire, but they inspire it by what they do OFF screen..not on. At least in my opinion.
I watch as spouses tote off what celebrity totally gets them off- often in front of their spouse (or partner), and I can't help by wonder what purpose that information serves. "I love you honey, but you are always going to be #2 compared to so-and-so. If they came and said 'take me', I'd be gone". Yay! Being number 2 is great! Isn't that the call-name of shit? I'm sorry- but the fact that the possibility of that celebrity ever actually showing up and doing that is little to beyond none does not make it okay in my eyes. You are still telling the person you "love" that they are not the best. They are still only second in your eyes (or third or fourth with some of the couples I've seen). Worse still is the fact that it is most often based off of looks and sex appeal than off any other real reason.
Perhaps I'm pulling this all out of context, but who cares. I am very much aware of the fact that humans find other humans attractive or not so. I just don't get why you would let your significant other know how insignificant they really are in your eyes when compared to your "idol".
The targeted idea for this one is the idea of celebrity idolization. I watch as people are so enamored of someone just because of their celebrity status that I find it ridiculous. Most of the celebrities I see that are idolized are not even worth it. They are cheats, bigots, druggies, asshats and divas, vain, teen parents, liars, etc.

Every once in a while I will see one that is worthy of the respect and awe they inspire, but they inspire it by what they do OFF screen..not on. At least in my opinion.
I watch as spouses tote off what celebrity totally gets them off- often in front of their spouse (or partner), and I can't help by wonder what purpose that information serves. "I love you honey, but you are always going to be #2 compared to so-and-so. If they came and said 'take me', I'd be gone". Yay! Being number 2 is great! Isn't that the call-name of shit? I'm sorry- but the fact that the possibility of that celebrity ever actually showing up and doing that is little to beyond none does not make it okay in my eyes. You are still telling the person you "love" that they are not the best. They are still only second in your eyes (or third or fourth with some of the couples I've seen). Worse still is the fact that it is most often based off of looks and sex appeal than off any other real reason.
Perhaps I'm pulling this all out of context, but who cares. I am very much aware of the fact that humans find other humans attractive or not so. I just don't get why you would let your significant other know how insignificant they really are in your eyes when compared to your "idol".

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