I have been slacking in my "daily writing" though. It has been quite awhile since I've written anything on either this site or my other, save for a couple of dreams I had the other day.
I figure now is a good time to finish this years posts up with what has been finishing off my days of 2008.
I decided to stop taking my Effexor. I quit, again, cold turkey. I'm sure that once I am able to afford to take myself to the doctor's office again (and actually do so), my doctor will yell at me for that. It is a big no-no to just quit without weening oneself off of it. Be that as it may, I just stopped.sporadic taking of them was causing more problems than anything.

We got ourselves a new puppy. He is part Akita, and part something else- I'm not sure what. He is an adorable little guy, but definitely a puppy, and definitely challenging on my nerves. I thought he was at least a bit trained when we got him, but i must be misremembering something because he is not even a little trained. He pees and poos in the house, he whines, he does not answer to any commands (even his name). However, he is a pup, so it is time to dig my heels in and work on training him. Wish me luck!
We got snowed in at the house after inches of snow fell in town. It was beautiful, but after being holed up in the house for so long, it got really old. Luckily enough, I had gotten all of my Christmas shopping down before December even got here, so while we were trapped at home, I got my wrapping done, and was able to relax while I watched the rest of the town frantically brave the ice and snow to get out there and get the rest of those gifts!
Dustin got the kids a Wii for Christmas. It was hilarious.

My son was the first whose light bulb blinked on, and he tore through the house looking. He found it set up, and proudly proclaimed "I found it!! I found it!!". It was great fun.
Christmas dinner was spent at my sister's house. They decided not to have it here. There was too much snow that no one wanted to get stuck in. Plus I think they had their hearts set on having an after-party, which they knew they wouldn't get here. Oh well. It was nice. We brought the turkey, and she made ham and all the fixings. The kids got a bunch of money and other goodies. Then they got to go to their dad's over the weekend where they got even more money. Yesterday I spent six hours out in town chauffeuring them around while they spent it. LOL.
Now, I am sitting here at home, after having dinner out with some friends before the night was over. I am content, full, happy, and at peace. It has been a good year. I am expecting 2009 to be even better.