You know, I see these little food places all over that tout how their food is "New York Style". Now, I have never been to New York, so I wouldn't know their food style if it jumped up and took a bite out of me.
Today, however, I drove by a little place that proudly displayed that their food was indeed, in the style of the big N.Y. But what struck me off balance was the fact that it was a Chinese food place! While New York may have some scrumptious food choices available, I would think that one would want their Chinese food to be, well, Chinese style. That's kind of like saying my Mexican food is Italian style.. It doesn't necessarily make me want to fly in and try it, except for maybe if I have a few extra bucks to spare, and am not really hungry, just curious...
Am I wrong?
Maybe that is their plan...
I had to take a double take, and loudly proclaim "WTF??" while driving down the road. It was a very interesting concept, indeed.
It's nice to see I am not the only one strangely confused by this. Note the name of the site :)

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