~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Thursday, April 9, 2009

Lights Out

Today I had an extra long time frame for lunch, as our morning meeting at work ended much earlier than normal. Dustin and I decided to go to the buffet here in town(well, I decided.. he just agreed to go along). I usually go there when I have long lunches, because I feel more inclined to linger there. Usually with a good book; this time with good company.

Well, it so happened that the power went out while we were finishing up. So, of course, they could not run my debit card. They also do not take checks. Since the entire block was out, there was no readily available ATM. The restaurant wanted me to hand over my debit card number. Had I been in a clearer state of mind, I would have just told the library I would be late, and sent Dustin on an ATM hunt. As it stood though, I reluctantly gave her my card information. She seemed rather flustered that I was hesitant to just hand over my account information.

It just so happens that I am a paranoid person. A contradiction, considering I am usually such a trusting person- to a fault sometimes. Keep in mind though, if you read my previous post, I just did my taxes and am expecting my return. That return is scheduled to be deposited into THAT account. Not to mention it is where my paycheck is deposited. I am constantly hearing about people stealing card numbers and going on spending spree, and with the down-turn in the economy, people are becoming more desperate.

It is not the company or even it's employees that I am concerned about. It's all of the customers that were inside. It's that thought that one of those customers could have been watching that young gal writing all those people's card information on that one reciept booklet. The one that watches when she sets it down, and casually walks up and walks out with it under his arm.

Paranoid? More than likely. But I still had Dustin go home and transfer everything out of that account and into my other one, with the exception of just enough to cover the tab at the restaurant. I figure I should also contact the bank and let them know. Maybe have them stop any other transaction with the card (excpet for the buffet's check) until further notice. Sometimes I think I worry too much. Maybe that's true. But I also am counting on that money for very specific things, and the last thing I need is to lose it to some person who decided to be decietful.


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