~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Medical Dillemmas

So, I need to figure out what to do about my doctor visit I need to schedule. I know you don't really want to hear about my medical stuff, but too bad, because I'm going to type it anyway.

I really, really don't like the doctor office I go to. I use to love the doctor I had. He was awesome. He was our family doctor, so everytime any of us went, he was always asking about the others, and sometimes would just do a 2 for 1 right then and there. That's how I got my moles removed- during one of my son's routine vaccination visits. We talked about BBQ. It was awesome.

But, he has moved over to the hospital now. The doctors they have at the clinic now make me uneasy. My last visit, I met my new doctor there for the first time. I got in early, and meticulously filled out the "first-timer" form (mind you, same office, just new doc). I took my time with this form, because there were many issues I needed to bring to light with her. Things like:

Q: When was your last period?
A: I don't know, about 8 or 9 months ago?

Q: What, if any, kind of birth control do you currently use?
A: None
Q: Do you want to change?
A: YES!!

And then various medical questions to do with headaches, depression, heart issues, etc etc etc all with answers that would lead you to believe they shall be discussed.

So, she comes in, gives me a pap smear that lasts for maybe not even a minute, and is out the door. I had to physically stop her to even ask about birth control. She wanted to refer me to someone for something that I can't even remember. She said she was leaving to write up the referral, and she'd be right back. A few moments later, the nurse came back with my birth control prescription and said I was good to go.

Uh, what??? Not even a shrug at the no period for 8 months thing? Nadda. Nothing. She never even read my paperwork. I never got that referral either.

The other doctors there I can't understand. They are from other ethnic origions. Don't get me wrong. In no way am I racist. They make some pretty awesome docs. I'm just absolutely horrible with accents. I cannot understand them. And it makes me feel bad to have them repeat over and over and over again that they now want me to raise my other arm. I really don't want to discuss in depth stuff, ya know?

Okay, which brings me to my dilemma. I had no insurance when I went to this office. So, I get sliding scale rates, which also involve any prescriptions this clinic's doctors prescribe. This brings my $150 birth control bill down to around an average of $30.

As many of you know, I recently got insurance through my work. What I misunderstood was that I have to pay for it. What I thought I'd be getting at no charge actually costs me $250 a month. I will have to drop the insurance, as I just can't afford that. (Luckily, I do get the vision, dental and life insurance no charge, which is where the misunderstanding came to play.) But, I figured since I have been paying for it anyway, that I should utilize it and get myself a doctor whose actually worth something, have him/her check everything out and make sure there's nothing serious going on, and get in somewhere for when I have to drop insurance again, I'll already be established.

However, that makes epic fail on the prescription front.

Thus- the dilemma.

Do I say screw it and go find a doctor who gives a crap about his/her patients and actually reads the charts, and be willing to pay full price for any prescriptions I may need? Or do I make due and save the money? Maybe see about being able to understand one of the others?


This sucks.


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