I always tell myself that I want to try this whole “affirmation” thing. I hear how well it’s supposed to work- as long as you stick with it and get through that part where you feel like a dumbass. I’ve tried the daily ones. That didn’t work. They weren’t there long enough for me to get used to them. So I tried switching to weekly, because I figured that would give me time to digest them; to really try and find where I can and am incorporating it in my life. Now, this plan sounded solid in theory. It still does. My problem is that I had a hell of a time finding affirmations that I felt related to me. Not just because I didn’t feel like I was like that – I know how affirmations work. It was that it wasn’t how I wanted to be. It didn’t fit with what I was after. Because of this, I would just forget about whatever affirmation I had picked for the week. I’d write it down- then forget it. By the time I remembered it again I had already gone through my day without giving it a second though. It wasn’t relatable. I didn’t care
Then I came across this blog: Inside Insights. I started reading it and came across her I AM posts. These resonated with me. They were simple yet effective. It wasn’t some deep, flowery phrase. It was short and to the point. I can make it as deep or as shallow as I want or need to. It removes the need for all that time searching and scrolling. I simply go down the alphabet and choose a word with that letter. Yeah, some letters will probably be more difficult. I mean, what the fuck word goes with X? I figure that will be part of the fun with it though. Discovering new words along the way. I’m sure there will be rabbit holes. Rabbit holes can be entertaining. Sometimes disturbing, but entertaining nonetheless.
So, I decided to adopt this method as my weekly affirmation for this year. After I get through the alphabet, I will see how it worked out and then decide if I want to continue on with it or not. All I know is that it feels good to have the first few months of the year more simplified in this regard.
The other aspect I decided to do this time around regarding these affirmations is to blog about them. This will hold me more accountable, and allow me to really do a deep dive into each word and what it really means to me. How I feel it relates to me now. How I would like to relate to it more. Etc. It will also get me writing more consistently in a form other than just my nightly journaling, which will be good for me.
Interact if you want. Don’t if you don’t. This is for me, so I’m not expecting you too. If you get something out of it though- like I did from the blogger I got it from- then awesome. Otherwise, carry on.
Now, I already threw out some good “A” words in those previous paragraphs. “Affirmation” “Accountable” “Awesome”. However, the word I chose for “A” is Accepting.
So, what does that mean- Accepting?
Here’s what the Miriam-Webster Dictionary has to say about it:
ac·cept·ing (ik-ˈsep-tiŋ) ak-
: able or willing to accept something or someone : inclined to regard something or someone with acceptance rather than with hostility or fear —often + of
I had become more accepting of death as an inevitable and natural part of life …—Nigel Farndalem
: tending to regard different types of people and ways of life with tolerance and acceptance
His parents are very accepting people.
You’ve gotta love the dictionary and how they define a word by pretty using the word. It really clears things up sometimes…
Fortunately for me, I don’t need to define what the word “accepting” means. I am just here to explain what it means to me when I say “I Am Accepting.”
I accept the fact that I have made poor choices in my past that have led me to where I am now. I accept that I cannot change those choices and continue forward.
I accept that I cannot afford to purchase the house and property that I want right now. I accept that I may never be able to. I can instead strive to create the sanctuary that I want where I am instead of thinking it is only available in that future place.
I accept that I do not have the same energy or passion for things that others do. I do not need to in order to be a good or successful person.
I accept the body that I have, and can try to love and honor it as it is while continuing to work on making it healthier
I accept that I am getting older and am leaving some of the activities and ideas of youth behind as I enter different chapters.
I accept a solitary life, and have grown to find solace and peace in it.
I accept the fact that I will continue to face obstacles and challenges in life that will cause frustration and pain, but will remember that I have conquered them before and will continue to conquer them going forward.
I accept that my coffee pot broke and I’m having to go old school for awhile until I can get a new one- and my brain is a bit foggy right now…..
Some of those are things I’ve already accomplished. Others are ones I am trying to work towards. There will be more things to acknowledge I’m sure. Those are the things I can think of right now. But that is the idea of choosing the word “Accepting” as my first word of 2023..
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