According to my handy little "holiday madness" link over there -----> , today - October 27th, is Cranky Co-Workers Day and Navy Day. I have to wonder... is it really coincidence that these two days fall together??? Hmmm?
The 30th has some fantabulous things to celebrate! It's the host of "Create a Great Funeral Day", "Devil's Night", and "Haunted Refrigerator Night". Not to mention "Candy Corn Day", which is one of my favorite Samhain candies.
What cracks me up is Halloween / Samhain being synonymous with Knock Knock Joke Day? How fun is that!?
With all this greatness in just the last WEEK, it's no wonder October is my favorite month!
(oh, and it may have something to do with my birthday being in there, too)
I'm so excited! I know I cannot be completely sure of this until Monday, but we're moving into a house with a yard! I can hardly contain myself. I'm already trying to figure out where to put what, and what kind of plants I will have and where the garden will be and what kinds of veggies and berries it will have in it. My daughter has already designed the back porch area. The kids have picked out their rooms, and were very good about discussing which one they wanted and picking the one that fit them based on their ideas, preferences, and how they live. That is to say, my daughter got the biggest of the two! LOL.
Things are finally starting to look even brighter, even with our economy supposedly flailing about like a fish out of water. I even have a good prospect of getting my son into a martial arts class that I think he will love. We shall see how that pans out.
I won't be close enough to walk to work anymore, which will be a bummer. Not sure what kind of walk I'll really be able to go on. But I will have an acre of land to mess with, a new house to decorate, and I've already checked out a load of crafting books to fill my additional time. ( I have plenty more on hold as well).
Now I get to fill the next month's time "off" with packing and sorting. I expect to be discarding quite a bit of stuff (hopefully) in order to clear out most of our clutter. Perhaps I can even sell some of it and make a little cash. Both kids are once again going to have to thoroughly go through their rooms and choose what they honestly still need, and what they can part with. It helps them knowing that their items are going to others who could use it, and not just being tossed away.
This move also means an opportunity for some new furniture. The stuff we have is so old and used up. I'd really like to get something new. Start completely afresh. Dustin is looking forward to building the kids some new beds, probably the captain's type, which would be fantastically awesome, in my opinion. New dressers, couches, tables, etc... how wonderful! Of course, that is going to take some time, since it all costs money.. lol. But the ability is there and it feels great.
I plan to use this as a jumping start for really working on obtaining some semblance of sewing ability, and perhaps making some curtains for the rooms. I got a book on other things to make by sewing for household use, so we'll see how far my creativity (ability provided) can take me.
I am trying to decide how to decorate the bathrooms and kitchen. Do I want the kids to have their colorful display in their bathroom that also doubles as the guest bathroom, or will I stick with the orientalish type theme that we have in our guest bath now? Will the kitchen be herbs or sunflowers?
It was exciting this morning, when I got online for my normal stint through the available rentals, and I realized I no longer need to do that. I wondered what would fill my time now, and then realized all the options I had with this move. I'm in heaven, I tell ya!
So, if you no longer see me online as much as before, you now know why. Smile to yourself, and know that I am having a blast! Call me and come over to see! :)
I voted today. I don't get my official "I voted" button, which is kind of a bummer. But I have the satisfaction of knowing that I did my part in taking action on how my country is run. I can't say I think that my vote will make much of an impact, but I do know that not voting is giving the other guys an advantage. If everyone stopped voting just because they didn't think their vote counted, then we would definitely see the effects our voting has.
I am not going to go into the politics of who I voted for. I voted for who I thought best equipped and/or whose ideals matched my own. I even voted for a couple from the opposite party because of that. I don't like lumping myself into the cliche of voters. I lean towards the democratic side, but won't vote for someone just because he or she is a Democrat. I vote for who I think will work in my best interest. Does that make me independent? I don't know, for I don't vote strictly independent either.
In any event, I did my patriotic duty in keeping our country a democracy. I hope I get who I want, but more importantly, I hope whoever gets the job takes this country in the right direction and keeps us strong and vital.
I just discovered that today is the national mental health day.
Doesn't that mean we should all be in mental wards strapped up and curled in a padded room?
Oh wait.. as mentioned in my previous post.. I'm on medication for that... so I am declared mentally sane..
Or am I?
I think it should mean we all get the day off.

At first, I started to think that they weren't really working. Then it dawned on me that since I was only remembering to take them every couple days, that I probably wasn't really giving them much of a real shot. So I switched my time frame to an easier time for me to remember. Well, I still didn't see much of a result. I wasn't bouncing off the walls full of energy like I expected (that is what happened to me the previous time I was on them). So I'm thinking that they aren't really worth the $5 I'm spending every three months on them. (Luckily, the company agrees that there is no way I could afford them otherwise, so is helping me out). This is, until a couple days goes by and I haven't taken them. Then all hell breaks loose. I'm like a raging lunatic monster on PMS- without the actual PMS. My kids and boyfriend practically literally hide from me. They are afraid to move or speak. Every action on their part is met with a crouching, watching look at me to gauge whether I can see them, and if I am going to come apart at the seams or not over it.
Really-- I'm horrible. It's scary.
So, I am now wondering whether this is due to actual workings of the medication, or psychological gamma rays. Is my horrible attitude when not taking it due to withdrawls? Or is it actually the way my brain will continue to work should I not take it. I don't like taking it. It makes me feel - dirty- even with it's positive effects on me. I'm trying to go to a more natural state of health, and taking this makes me feel like cheating. Oddly enough, my birth control pills do not.
I guess we'll see how it goes, and what I decide to do. It's not like it's breaking my checkbook, which is another big factor I will have to keep in mind. The alternative will be much more expensive. Either by natural products, or funeral and jail costs.... /eeps!
You know, some days I am quintessentially reminded of just how much of a loser I really am. Tonight is turning out to be one of those times. I knew I lost a lot when I left my marriage, but holy shit, sometimes it is just insanely sad how much. Or maybe it was really never there to begin with, which I am thinking is probably closer to the truth of the matter. Take tonight, for instance. I had a birthday dinner for myself at my favorite resteraunt. Other than myself, my children, and my boyfriend, 3 other people showed up. One was my sister, the other two were a couple of friends. And they are more my boyfriend's friends than they are mine. Not that we don't get along, because we do ( as far as I know ). It's just that if Dustin and I were to break up, I don't think I'd ever actually hear from them again. He knew them long before I did.
I think the whole birthday dinner thing has ran it's course. I have a feeling this was the last year for that.
Anyways- what makes it all so much worse is that everyone's reasoning for not coming was monetary. Ok, that makes sense, until I realize that they are all planning on going out to the casino for the bartender's birthday next weekend.... and half of them were probably out at the bar tonight. Doesn't make me feel real considered, ya know.
Then, I get shit because I wound up spending too much on dinner. I don't think he was overly serious, but to a point he was. I didn't realize I had a limit, especially considering he had previously been talking about paying for the entire meal (paying everyone's tab) to thank the people who did show up for coming out. That in and of itself could give me a complex, but since I know what he meant, I let it be.
I don't even know why I'm posting this stupid blog. No one but me is going to read it, and I am very much aware of that. Sometimes I wonder why I bother keeping this blog updated. I am the only person who reads it, unless I push it on Dustin, and even then, I don't think he reads half of what I asked. I have linked this to people more than a couple times, and I haven't gotten one single solitary comment about it. Not even in passing. So why the hell do I bother. Part I know is to give myself an outlet, but what about all the other crap I post about. I think some piece of me is hoping someone out there is actually keeping tabs on it, but I know that it isn't going to happen. I'm just giving myself another failure to mark in the record books...
Sometimes it is so lonely. I look around and there is no one there. I know Dustin and my kids are.. but, where did everyone else go. What the hell did I do that was so horrible? Or was it never me that they were hanging out with to begin with?
Gods! I really wish I could just move far far away. Move somewhere where no one has any idea of who I am. Somewhere where I could just start all over again. Then at least when I have no one calling me or coming to my birthday, at least there is a viable excuse. If it weren't for my kids, I'd do it. But I can't uproot them and all they have just because mommy is lame. /sigh
So, I guess I get to emmerse myself in a game I have no interest in, and write about stuff that no one gives a shit about. Yay me!
Anyone going to sing "Happy Birthday" yet?
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