~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Friday, October 24, 2008

We're Moving!

I'm so excited! I know I cannot be completely sure of this until Monday, but we're moving into a house with a yard! I can hardly contain myself. I'm already trying to figure out where to put what, and what kind of plants I will have and where the garden will be and what kinds of veggies and berries it will have in it. My daughter has already designed the back porch area. The kids have picked out their rooms, and were very good about discussing which one they wanted and picking the one that fit them based on their ideas, preferences, and how they live. That is to say, my daughter got the biggest of the two! LOL.

Things are finally starting to look even brighter, even with our economy supposedly flailing about like a fish out of water. I even have a good prospect of getting my son into a martial arts class that I think he will love. We shall see how that pans out.

I won't be close enough to walk to work anymore, which will be a bummer. Not sure what kind of walk I'll really be able to go on. But I will have an acre of land to mess with, a new house to decorate, and I've already checked out a load of crafting books to fill my additional time. ( I have plenty more on hold as well).

Now I get to fill the next month's time "off" with packing and sorting. I expect to be discarding quite a bit of stuff (hopefully) in order to clear out most of our clutter. Perhaps I can even sell some of it and make a little cash. Both kids are once again going to have to thoroughly go through their rooms and choose what they honestly still need, and what they can part with. It helps them knowing that their items are going to others who could use it, and not just being tossed away.

This move also means an opportunity for some new furniture. The stuff we have is so old and used up. I'd really like to get something new. Start completely afresh. Dustin is looking forward to building the kids some new beds, probably the captain's type, which would be fantastically awesome, in my opinion. New dressers, couches, tables, etc... how wonderful! Of course, that is going to take some time, since it all costs money.. lol. But the ability is there and it feels great.

I plan to use this as a jumping start for really working on obtaining some semblance of sewing ability, and perhaps making some curtains for the rooms. I got a book on other things to make by sewing for household use, so we'll see how far my creativity (ability provided) can take me.

I am trying to decide how to decorate the bathrooms and kitchen. Do I want the kids to have their colorful display in their bathroom that also doubles as the guest bathroom, or will I stick with the orientalish type theme that we have in our guest bath now? Will the kitchen be herbs or sunflowers?

It was exciting this morning, when I got online for my normal stint through the available rentals, and I realized I no longer need to do that. I wondered what would fill my time now, and then realized all the options I had with this move. I'm in heaven, I tell ya!

So, if you no longer see me online as much as before, you now know why. Smile to yourself, and know that I am having a blast! Call me and come over to see! :)


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