The day is coming to it's end, and I have to say, I feel rather accomplished, even if I did not get everything done I had originally intended. I finished my cup of coffee, and did indeed have another. Once the kids were up and ready to go, we headed out to get some shopping done. Your garden variety household items from Walmart- including some food for my mouse, which is usually not easy to find there. A trip to the chinese buffet for some lunch, which the kids always enjoy. I did make it to the Goodwill, and while I did not find my baking pans, I did pick up some various items, such as a cute little tea party tin for my tea, and I even tried on some clothes, and brought them home with me. I even found a pair of very cute snakeskin look-a-like boots. Rawr.
On the way home we stopped at Lowe's- always dangerous! But we found just the light Dustin wanted for really cheap. We grabbed some of those planting pots that you can plant right into the ground, and I was able to transfer all of my starts that are now too big for their little greenhouse to those, and keep them in the shed with the lights still.
I got my house picked up, and the kitchen clean. My son worked on more of his homework, and him and my daughter both chose to use tomorrow as their day of cleaning their rooms. That is fine by me. I'll be working all day!
I sat down and went through a couple of the cookbooks, and typed up some of the recipes I thought looked interesting into my laptop. (The laptop is the only computer we have set up for printing from at the moment.) I even drew up a menu for the next 8 days, including a shopping list. Most of the items I already have on hand though.
So, all in all, I think it was a pretty good day. I'm satisfied with what I got done, and it makes me feel good. Now, I'm going to go play video games!
I woke up in a grouchy mood this morning. The one morning when I get to really, truly sleep in. This only comes once every two weeks now, with my new schedule. My one morning, and nope... waking up grouchy. I slept shallowly all night. I was anticipating the nice, rich, deep slumber I've been getting all week (to be torn out of by my blasted alarm clock). Instead, I got to skim the surface. Don't get me wrong. I slept. I dreamt. But it wasn't a refreshing, relaxing sleep.
And I woke up with a headache. One of those tension kind that spread like a taunt rubber band across the forehead. Those blasted rubber bands. I wonder what would happen if I snapped it. If I just reached up with a pair of scissors and cut through that tight band. Would it feel all better? Or would my brain snap with it. Of course, that might make it feel better as well.
I like to sleep. It's my one guilty pleasure. My little escapism. From what, who knows. Just life and it's duties in general. My dreams are always interesting. At least while I'm having them. Even when they are "bad" dreams, they are intriguing. But at the same time I want to be a morning person. Every day, while I'm sitting here looking at bedtime, or at how much I need to do, etc... I think that I should be much better if I started my day earlier. I don't stay up horribly late at night, so this shouldn't be a problem.
Not until morning comes around, at least. Then, knowing full well that I need to get up, because the alarm clock is blaring in my ear, I hit the snooze button a dozen times before I get up. Morning annoys me- I am not a morning person. I lie there ant think- why should I get up any earlier? What would I possibly do with myself between the time I got up, and the time I get the kids up? My brain conjurs up things like exercise. I know that won't happen though. I'm an afternoon exerciser.
Ok, what about writing? I should use those quiet hours to get some serious writing done. But, my laptop is derelict enough that it drives me crazy to use it now. It's too slow, to used up. And sitting here at the desktop is too uncomfortable for writing. The angles are all wrong. Excuses, excuses. I think that is all it is. I am sitting here now, writing this. I should be writing my story. But I'm grumpy, and that isn't happening right now, because I want to be grumpy and complain. So, I'm complaining instead.
About how my head hurts, and I should be writing. And I should be a morning person.
Yeah, someday. Right now, though, I am going to do a spell check here so you all don't see how lousy of a speller I am. Then finish my cup of coffee, and perhaps even have another. Then, well that is yet to be decided yet. I need to clean house. Get the kids in their rooms to clean up. I might go get my daughter a haircut. I'd like to go search for some of the baking/cooking pans I need for some recipies I've been eyeballing. Wonder if the Goodwill would have any. Doubt my luck is that good, but a trip to the Goodwill is always fun. As long as I'm not trying on clothes.
The sun will come out tomorrow, they say. Yes, perhaps it will. It will come out today as well. My headache won't last forever, and neither will my grumpiness. I'm always grumpy in the morning. Anyone who sees me in the morning knows that!
So, to copy straight out of the Latin book, since I'm failing horribly in my quest to learn it:
Sit hic dies tibi iucundus, abeo!
I woke up this morning to a couple-inch layer of snow across my yard and car. I didn't think much of it, although being very glad that I had not yet put my zucchini starts into the ground. Padded into the kitchen to start my coffee, feed the cat, wake the kids- the normal morning routine. Out into the living room to flip on the news for that background noise, and occassional story of interest. I caught it right as it was reading off school closures. I didn't think the kids' school would be on there, but yet, there it was. Not under the closures, mind you, but under the "two hours delayed" section.
I hollered for the kids to nevermind about getting up, and vented profusely at the television, taking my ire out on them that I should have focused on the snow. Had it completely closed the school for the day, it would have been nicer to me. I had a meeting over in Bremerton today for work, but because we are not on a bus schedule, I cannot go. I need to get my kids to school today. Had it been closed, I would have just let them know I would be gone for a couple hours, and gone to the meeting. Alas, I will need to be dropping them off at school during the meeting. And not a couple minutes ahead or behind, but pretty much right in the middle. Grrr...
So, I called my fellow coworker I was going to carpool with, and let her know what happened. And I curse more at the dratted snow. I'm so ready for it to be gone for the year. I have my planting bed all ready to go, but can do nothing with it because this frost keeps lingering. My starts are beginning to be ready to transplant, yet this icky frozen stuff.... /sigh.
Not to mention, I have the kids' birthday party scheduled next weekend at a park. Let us hope that the weather turns out kindly for us on that day!
Ok, enough venting for now. Back to my coffee, and picking up around the house while I wait.
And I'm sure the Devil frolicks in mine often. Especially when I'm screwing around on the computer. But I've picked up some reading material (yet, here I still am on the computer) with ideas of changing some of that idleness, while pursuing things I've always wanted.
I've picked up a couple of books on learning Latin. Old-school, dead Latin. I've always wanted to learn it. Languages we speak today are always evolving and changing, with words picking up more and more meaning. Latin is what it is. Not to mention, our language is highly comprised of Latin derivatives, and when you know those base words, it's easier to decipher what a particular word might mean.
Oh, and I just think it's cool.
But learning a new language by reading a book is painful. Even when you have the "For Dummies" version. I'm a bigger dummy than they take me for. They are using words in there, that are supposedly in English, that I don't understand. Words for figuring out the configuration of Latin speech- how they put all their parts together. Their sentence structure is not the same as ours.
I looked into that Rosetta Stone program. It's suppose to be a great program. And it better be, for that cost. There is no way I can afford anything like that right now. So, book scouring it is (that being.. the book scouring my brain). At least I should have some of the basics down (and hopefully the correct pronunciation) by the time I can get to the Cd's.
The other thing I've been reading into (and it's much easier on my brain) is eating better. Not just low-fat, etc.. but actually reading up on things like how different foods affect your blood sugar, and what that does to your body. I'm not diabetic, but have noticed the way I feel after eating. And the things it says makes perfect sense. So, I'm reading into how to alter my diet. Not go on a diet, or make drastic changes that will never last in the long run. But maybe substituting some Grape Nuts instead of corn flakes, or starting my day instead with oatmeal and fruit. Using whole grain pasta instead of white pasta. The hardest will be losing my white rice. How I love white rice. But maybe I can add some veggies along with my chicken, to cut down on the amount of actual rice that is in there. That kind of thing.
To do this, I have to be able to go into my kitchen and actually prepare food, as well. Not just cooking, but learning how to open my fridge or my cupboards and find meals (such as breakfast or lunch) that I can whip together out of what I find in there. This is my biggest challenge in the kitchen. Trying to make a meal out of the randomness I see. I don't look in there and see items I can combine into something yummy. Instead, I see different individual things. My mind doesn't yet make the connection between them all. So, time to completely clear out my fridge and my cupboards, take at least a mental inventory of everything I have on hand, and somehow organize everything in this little amount of cupboard space I have, so that I can see it clearly when I go looking. Maybe a hard-copy inventory will have to be kept for awhile. Just until I get the hang of it.
I got some cookbook recommendations from a coworker friend of mine who also loves to cook. I found one at the library, and brought it home (yet to look through it though, other than a quick browse through. That is for later today). I plan to go through not only it, but the others I have on hand, and maybe peruse through the Goodwill and like stores for other good ones. I need to find good, staple recipes to keep on hand. Those old go-to stand-by recipes for those nights I don't want to think about what to cook, as well as those that are good bases for making other meals. Also to find those items I can make batches of, and throw into the freezer for later days.
So, Latin and cooking. This aught to be interesting. I can see myself in the kitchen, wooden spoon in hand, trying my hand at Latin pronunciation while mixing up a bowl of... well, something. I'll need to get an apron to protect myself from the imminent spills while trying to lean over and look at the book. Wish me luck!
Don't you just love it when you are struggling to find just exactally what you are looking for, and it falls in your lap?!
A big kudos to my coworker, Shannon, for pointing me to Mayo Clinic's website, where they allow you to do a "symptom checker". I was asking her thinking maybe she could direct me to some books, and instead I got a valuable website that gave me EXACTALLY what I wanted.
I'm thrilled. And now, all I want to do is go write. Unfortunately I am currently at work, and while I may be able to juggle writing this with my duties with the patrons here, that would not be the case with my serious writing. I think a few patrons, as well as my coworkers, would be a little bit peeved at my sudden complete and utter abandonment to the "real" world, as I emmersed myself into the one I create in my head. Albeit, a few would probably completely understand.
And so, with my new diagnosis in hand, I eagerly await 5:00 tonight, when we close up shop here, and I can run on home and start typing what I really want to be typing!
If you all would be so kind as to do me a favor, and help me out with my writing.. (yes, I'm writing!). Would you please go to and click on the Bone & Silver link to the left. Please read both sections, and tell me what I need to fix, what doesn't make sense, etc.. etc... etc... I would be much obliged! Thank you
P.S. You can leave your feedback here, there, or in my email!
This one tells you what your name means. The little note says to use the name that is printed on your birth certificate for best results. Mine came out pretty cool:
You entered: Thedra Lynn Buol
There are 14 letters in your name.Those 14 letters total to 63. There are 4 vowels and 10 consonants in your name.
Your number is: 9
The characteristics of #9 are: Humanitarian, giving nature, selflessness, obligations, creative expression.
The expression or destiny for #9: The expression that you exhibit is represented bythe number 9. Your talents center in humanistic interests and approaches. You like to help others as you were intended to be the 'big brother or big sister' type. You operate best when you follow your feelings and sense of compassion, and allow yourself to be sensitive to the needs of others. You work well with people, and have the potential to inspire. This suggests that you could successfully teach or counsel. Creative ability, imagination and artistic talent (often latent) of the highest order are present in this expression. It's possible that you're not using or developing all of these capabilities at this time. Some of your talents may have been used at an earlier time in your life, and some may still be latent. Be aware of your capabilities, so that you can make use of them at appropriate times.
If you are able to achieve the potential of your natural expression in this life, you are capable of much human understanding and have a lot to give to others. Your personal ambitions are likely to be maintained in a very positive perspective, never losing sight of an interest in people, and a sympathetic, tolerant, broad-minded and compassionate point of view. You are quite idealistic, and disappointed at the lack of perfection in the world. You have a strong awareness of your own feeling as well as those of others. Friendships, affection, and love are extremely important.
Undeveloped or ignored, the negative side of the 9 expression can be very selfish and self-centered. If you do not actively involve yourself with work that benefits others, you may tend to express just the opposite characteristics. It is your role to be very involved with other people and their needs, but it may be difficult for you achieve this role. Aloofness, lack of involvement, and a lack of sensitivity mark the low road of this expression.
Your Soul Urge number is: 6
A Soul Urge number of 6 means: With a number 6 Soul Urge, you would like to be appreciated for your ability to handle responsibility. Your home and family are likely to be a strong focus for you, perhaps the strongest focus of your life. Friendship, love, and affection are high on your list of priorities for a happy life. You have a lot of diplomatic tendencies in your makeup, as you a able to rectify and balance situations with an innate skill. You like working with people rather than by yourself. It is extremely important for you to have harmony in your environment at all times.
The positive side of the 6 Soul Urge produces a huge capacity for responsibility; you are always there and ready to assume more than your share of the load. If you possess positive 6 Soul Urges and express them, you are known for your generosity, understanding and deep sympathetic attitude. Strong 6 energy is very giving of love, affection, and emotional support. You may have the inclination to teach or serve your community in other idealistic ways. You have natural abilities to help people. You are also likely to have artistic and creative leanings.
If you have an over-supply of 6 energy in your makeup, you may express some of the negative traits common to this number. With such a strong sympathetic attitude, it is easy to become too emotional. Sometimes the desires to render help can be over done, and it can become interfering and an attitude that is too protective, rather than helpful. The person with too much 6 energy often finds that people tend to take advantage of this very giving spirit. You may tend to repress your own needs so that you can cater to the demands from others. At times, there may be a tendency in this, for becoming over-loaded with such demands, and as a result become resentful.
Your Inner Dream number is: 3
An Inner Dream number of 3 means: You dream of artistic expression; writing, painting, music. You would seek to more freely express your inner feeling and obtain more enjoyment from life. You also dream of being more popular, likable, and appreciated.
Check out this site... it asks you to type in your birthdate. It's pretty interesting :) Here's all about me based off my birthday:
6 October 1976
Your date of conception was on or about 14 January 1976 which was a Wednesday.
You were born on a Wednesday
under the astrological sign Libra.
Your Life path number is 3.
Your fortune cookie reads:
The first step to better times is to imagine them.
Life Path Compatibility:
You are most compatible with those with the Life Path numbers 3, 6 & 9.
You should get along well with those with the Life Path numbers 1, 2, 5 & 11.
You are least compatible with those with the Life Path numbers 4, 7, 8 & 22.
The Julian calendar date of your birth is 2443057.5.
The golden number for 1976 is 1.
The epact number for 1976 is -1.
The year 1976 was a leap year.
Your birthday falls into the Chinese year beginning 1/31/1976 and ending 2/17/1977.
You were born in the Chinese year of the Dragon.
Your Native American Zodiac sign is Raven; your plant is Ivy.
You were born in the Egyptian month of Choiach, the fourth month of the season of Poret (Emergence - Fertile soil).
Your date of birth on the Hebrew calendar is 12 Tishri 5737.
Or if you were born after sundown then the date is 13 Tishri 5737.
The Mayan Calendar long count date of your birthday is which is
12 baktun 18 katun 3 tun 4 uinal 13 kin
The Hijra (Islamic Calendar) date of your birth is Wednsday, 12 Shavval 1396 (1396-10-12).
The date of Easter on your birth year was Sunday, 18 April 1976.
The date of Orthodox Easter on your birth year was Sunday, 25 April 1976.
The date of Ash Wednesday (the first day of Lent) on your birth year was Wednesday 3 March 1976.
The date of Whitsun (Pentecost Sunday) in the year of your birth was Sunday 6 June 1976.
The date of Whisuntide in the year of your birth was Sunday 13 June 1976.
The date of Rosh Hashanah in the year of your birth was Saturday, 25 September 1976.
The date of Passover in the year of your birth was Thursday, 15 April 1976.
The date of Mardi Gras on your birth year was Tuesday 2 March 1976.
As of 2/14/2009 3:03:31 AM EST
You are 32 years old.
You are 388 months old.
You are 1,688 weeks old.
You are 11,819 days old.
You are 283,659 hours old.
You are 17,019,543 minutes old.
You are 1,021,172,611 seconds old.
Celebrities who share your birthday:
Taylor Hicks (1976) Janet Gaynor (1906) Amy Jo Johnson (1970)
Elisabeth Shue (1963) Britt Ekland (1942) Carole Lombard (1908)
Le Corbusier (1887) George Westinghouse (1846)
Top songs of 1976
Tonight's the Night by Rod Stewart Silly Love Songs by Wings
Don't Go Breaking My Heart by Elton John & Kiki Dee Disco Lady by Johnnie Taylor
Play The Funky Music by Wild Cherry December, 1963 (Oh What a Night) by Four Seasons
50 Ways to Leave Your Lover by Paul Simon Kiss and Say Goodbye by Manhattans
If You Leave Me Now by Chicago Love Hangover by Diana Ross
Your age is the equivalent of a dog that is 4.62583170254403 years old. (You're still chasing cats!)
Your lucky day is Friday.
Your lucky number is 6.
Your ruling planet(s) is Venus.
Your lucky dates are 6th, 15th, 24th.
Your opposition sign is Aries.
Your opposition number(s) is 9.
Today is not one of your lucky days!
There are 234 days till your next birthday
on which your cake will have 33 candles.
Those 33 candles produce 33 BTUs,
or 8,316 calories of heat (that's only 8.3160 food Calories!) .
You can boil 3.77 US ounces of water with that many candles.
In 1976 there were approximately 3.1 million births in the US.
In 1976 the US population was approximately 203,302,031 people, 57.4 persons per square mile.
In 1976 in the US there were approximately 2,152,662 marriages (10.1%) and 1,036,000 divorces (4.9%)
In 1976 in the US there were approximately 1,921,000 deaths (9.5 per 1000)
In the US a new person is born approximately every 8 seconds.
In the US one person dies approximately every 12 seconds.
In 1976 the population of Australia was approximately 14,110,107.
In 1976 there were approximately 227,810 births in Australia.
In 1976 in Australia there were approximately 109,973 marriages and 63,230 divorces.
In 1976 in Australia there were approximately 112,662 deaths.
Your birthstone is Tourmaline
The Mystical properties of Tourmaline
Pink Tourmaline promotes female balance and protection. Green Toumaline promotes male balance.
Some lists consider these stones to be your birthstone. (Birthstone lists come from Jewelers, Tibet, Ayurvedic Indian medicine, and other sources)
Opal, Jasper
Your birth tree is
Rowan, the Sensitivity
Full of charm, cheerful, gifted, without egoism, likes to draw attention, loves life, motion, unrest and even complications, is both dependent and independent, good taste, artistic, passionate, emotional, good company, does not forgive.
There are 314 days till Christmas 2009!
There are 327 days till Orthodox Christmas!
Last week our dogs got out of the yard. That is really nothing new, as the puppy digs escape holes from under the fence, and the older dog can jump the fence. Since the neighbor dogs are always out running loose, while the dogs escaping bothers me, it does not necessarily worry me.
Well, this last time, Muttley, the older one, came home when called. The puppy, Bear, did not. This was peculiar, and worrisome. So Dustin got Muttley on his leash, and went walking the neighborhood looking for the pup, knocking door to door. He got a couple sightings, but did not find him.
The irritating part is the lady at the end of the drive who said that she played with the pup, and fed him, while Muttley, she says, was prancing and jumping around, as if trying to round the pup up and take him home. So, instead of letting Muttley bring him home, she gave him a bunch of attention, and Muttley finally came home without him.
We searched for him daily. Dustin had talked to the neighbors, so everyone knew where he belonged if they found him. We live in a heavily treed area, and it's rather rural, so we figured he must be holed up at some one's house. He had been out of the yard plenty of times to know his way back. We took daily trips up the drive, looking and calling for him.
Then yesterday, I was browsing Craigslist and saw a picture of him at the pound. Turns out, there is a road not far behind the lady who fed him. But it is one we did not realize was there, as you have to get to it from the other side of town. As it is, apparently after hanging out with the lady who fed him, he went to the house behind hers, and the owners there, who Dustin did not talk to since we were unaware that neighborhood was so close to ours, took him in, and then took him to the pound on Friday. We got ahold of them today to let them know he was ours, and were told that since he has been "listed" that it will cost us at least $120 to get him back. We just don't have that kind of money. It is disappointing, to say the least. While I was not a fan of his constant peeing in the house, it did seem like he was making progress and might come around. That, and Muttley and our cat, Booska, wander around looking for him still.
I am happy to know that he is sheltered and not wandering the area hurt somewhere (we have black bears out here, which was my main concern). I am glad that I no longer have to worry about one of the kids seeing him dead on the side of the road somewhere. But I hate knowing where he is and knowing there is nothing we can do. I was thinking of rehoming him, but didn't want it to go like this.
I hope that whomever decides to adopt him will give him a great life. I hope they have the time and patience to devote to him and his training. I hope that he loves where he winds up, and that they give him all the love and attention he deserves.
Have a good life, Bear Pup.
Well, it took me all morning, and part of this afternoon, but I got my house pretty much cleaned up. I was under the impression I was going to get some help with the cleaning, but unfortunately that didn't happen. Oh well. I got it done. I still feel a bit under the weather, but nothing like yesterday. Yesterday got pretty horrible. I was so relieved to wake up feeling better! Thank you for the luck wishing! I am feeling a bit worse now than I did when I woke up, but I think that is from all the activity. Now I can sit back and relax for a bit before I head off to the library. Hopefully my tummy and my head will settle back down.
It's nice to have the kitchen cleaned and practically organized, the laundry washed and drying, the bathroom cleaned up and presentable, the kitchen table cleared of my crafting stuff, and the gifts put together in their bags and ready to be delivered (brother, sister, and galpal birthdays this month!). The floor is swept and mopped and vacuumed where applicable. The counters are cleared of most of their clutter and wiped down. I even got in and scrubbed the tub a bit. Even if they do not show up tonite, I will still have the satisfaction of coming home to a tidy house, and that just rocks.
I did not, however, get to the store to gather my supplies. At this point, though, I am not even sure that my company is coming over this evening, so I am not in a huge rush to secure those items. Once I get confirmation, I can stop on the way home from work. All I need is some taco stuffings, like lettuce and such.
Now if I could just get people to clean their rooms and keep them clean! LOL. Including my own. I did a little bit today, but I am done for now. And with that, I heard the dryer stop, so off to fold some more laundry before I head out the door!
Ok, so maybe the title implies that this post is about many, but it's all about me. Well, I'm sure there are others in the same boat, so we'll include them as well.
I am sick. And I am restless. Bet that comes as a shocker. I actually got sent home from work. A coworker said he could tell that I feel like crap based just off my posture today. I wonder if that is an indication that my posture is usually good? I'll roll with that.
I feel like my head is stuck in a vat of mashed potatoes. Not real mashed potatoes, but those fake, boxed ones that always come out kind of chalky. And they are watery mashed potatoes on top of it.. because my head feels heavy, but watery. It's almost as if I can hear liquid sloshing back and forth in there. My sinuses won't stop running, and my poor nose is so mad at me now. I should have stopped and picked up some Puffs Plus on the way home, but it was all I could do to just concentrate on driving myself home safely, much less think of making pit stops along the way. My neck hurts, and my back hurts. That sick, achy kind of pain. My tummy is doing somersaults in there to spite me, I'm sure.
I've tried some Tylenol Cold, and while that cleared up my stuffy nose a little, that's all it did. I've tried to eat more but my stomach thinks that is a horrible idea, and is threatening to use force against me if I push it. I try to sleep, but my brain will not shut off and let me. I doubt it would be a restful sleep anyway.
So now I'm sitting here wondering what to do next. Thankfully, I have my laptop handy, so I can sit quietly here on the couch, snuggled in my blankie while the sun shines through the window. As long as I don't move, I'm ok. I tried to dispute that earlier, and it didn't work so well for me. I took a hot shower to try and break up some of this stuff, but with the trouble breathing I'm having with this thing, the shower didn't work so well, either. I had to lean against the wall the entire time, and cut my shower short.
It's hard to just sit here though, since I know that there are dishes to be done, laundry to be started and more to be folded, a bathroom in desperate need of some attention, and food to be prepped. Originally I had had plans to have my brother and his girlfriend over for dinner tonite, but I had to call and cancel that. I just don't see me making it through that. Dustin went over to a friend's house to watch movies on their big screen t.v with their new surround sound system. The quiet is nice, but my lack of ability to fall asleep is making me stir crazy. My attempts to get up and do something are making my body retaliate.
Gah.. I wish it would stop! Hopefully tomorrow it will be all better, and I can resume life as normal. Breathing and eating and sleeping! Wish me luck!
Ever get sick of those library fines and wish you could push a button and get rid of them? Me too. Unfortunately, that isn't how it works, even sitting back here on the other side of the counter.
I lost two books. $13 and $14 for them. And now, me- the person who WORKS here at the library- am blocked. I am unable to check out any more materials until I pay my lost dues. Grrr.... and there are so many great titles to check out!
I guess this just means it's time for me to get a little bit more organized around my house. I also need to keep my "bringing items home for the kids" in check. I have a tendency to find all these things I think my kids will just love. Then of course, I get them home, and they could care less. That is precisly what happened with these two lost items. I thought my son would be thrilled. Instead, they have been moved aside hither and thither, and now I can't find them. $30 for something they didn't have any interest in. However, maybe if I buy them, then they will take notice. Otherwise maybe I'll just donate them back to the library.
So, for all of you out there with overdue fines, damaged material fines, lost item fines- know that it happens to all of us- even us library employees! (in fact, we probably rack them up even more!)
"A Curse Against Book StealersFor him that stealeth a book from this library, let it change into a serpent in his hand and rend him. Let him be struck with palsy and all his members blasted. Let him languish in pain crying aloud for mercy and let there be no surcease to his agony till he sink to dissolution. Let bookworms gnaw his entrails in token of the worm that dieth not, and when at last he goeth to his final punishment, let the flames of hell consume him for ever and aye. "
That's one hell of a curse! Wonder what the patrons would think if we had that on our walls in the library!
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- breathe (1)
- bucket list (1)
- bugs bunny (1)
- bugs on windshield (1)
- bullies (1)
- calm (1)
- cambridge (1)
- camp (1)
- cancer (6)
- cartoons (1)
- cats (2)
- causes (1)
- celebrations (2)
- celebrities (1)
- changes (2)
- charities (2)
- charity (1)
- chicken dance (1)
- childhood cancer (3)
- childhood caner (1)
- childhood death (1)
- childhood illness (1)
- children (4)
- chores (4)
- christmas (3)
- cigarettes (1)
- clean air month (1)
- cleaning (3)
- coffee (2)
- cold (1)
- cold gin (1)
- colts (1)
- company (1)
- competing (1)
- computer arrangement (1)
- computers (1)
- concert (1)
- Congress (1)
- contacting (1)
- cookbooks (2)
- cookie monster (1)
- cooking (7)
- cool sites (1)
- CPR (1)
- craft room (1)
- crafting (7)
- crazy (1)
- creative writing (7)
- credit card theft (1)
- critique (1)
- crypticon (1)
- curesearch (1)
- custody (1)
- customer service (1)
- cyanide and happiness (1)
- daddy issues (1)
- dance (1)
- dancing (1)
- daughter (1)
- death (2)
- death angel (1)
- declutter (1)
- decorating (1)
- dedication (1)
- definitions (2)
- democracy (1)
- dentist (1)
- depression (6)
- deserving (1)
- diagnosis (1)
- dieting (1)
- digital (1)
- dinner (1)
- dirt (1)
- doctor (3)
- dogs (3)
- don't sweat the small stuff (2)
- donation (1)
- down time (1)
- dreams (4)
- drinking (2)
- DSHS (1)
- duties (1)
- e-filing (1)
- easter (1)
- eating (1)
- edible underwear (1)
- editing (2)
- Effexor XR (1)
- elections (2)
- electric (1)
- email (1)
- emergency (1)
- errands (2)
- estrangement (1)
- evolution (1)
- ex libris (1)
- exercise (7)
- extinction (1)
- Facebook (2)
- failure (1)
- fair (1)
- fall (1)
- family (4)
- family portraits (1)
- father (3)
- father-daughter relationship (2)
- fathoms of fun (1)
- favor (1)
- favorite songs (1)
- fear (1)
- feedback (1)
- felt (2)
- festivals (2)
- fiction (2)
- finances (1)
- fines (1)
- first aide (1)
- first blog (1)
- flesh-eating disease (1)
- flowers (1)
- flu (1)
- food stamps (1)
- football (1)
- freedom (1)
- friends (3)
- frolic through the park (1)
- funding (1)
- funny (1)
- furniture (2)
- gall bladder (1)
- gardening (5)
- gardens (3)
- geeks (1)
- GeekSquad (1)
- get caught reading (1)
- goals (6)
- grouchy (1)
- growing up (1)
- habitat for humanity (1)
- Halloween (1)
- hallucinations (1)
- happiness (1)
- happy birthday (1)
- Harry Potter (1)
- hauling (1)
- headache (1)
- headaches (1)
- health (5)
- healthy eating (3)
- healthy lifestyle (1)
- heart attacks (1)
- heaven (1)
- hell (1)
- help (1)
- herniation (2)
- hiking (1)
- holiday shopping (1)
- holidays (5)
- homemade (1)
- homework help (2)
- horror (2)
- horror conventions (1)
- horror films (1)
- horror movies (1)
- hospital (1)
- hours (1)
- houses (1)
- housework (1)
- humane society (2)
- hygge (1)
- I am (2)
- idols (1)
- incarcerations (1)
- increased hours (1)
- infilltrating fibullary astrocytoma (1)
- inner peace (1)
- internet searching (1)
- interpretations (1)
- IRS (1)
- jobs (2)
- johari (1)
- jokes (1)
- karate (4)
- karma (1)
- kata (1)
- kid talk (1)
- kidney (1)
- kidney disease (1)
- kidney specialist (1)
- kids (11)
- kitchen (1)
- Kitsap Mental Health (1)
- kittens (1)
- kitties (1)
- lady (1)
- lake (1)
- landlord (1)
- landscaping (2)
- language (1)
- laptop (3)
- laundry (1)
- laundry soap (1)
- laziness (1)
- learning (1)
- learning language (1)
- letting go (1)
- libraries (1)
- library (2)
- library dues (1)
- library fines (1)
- library thing (3)
- life (3)
- lifted trucks (1)
- light cooking (1)
- links (1)
- lists (1)
- loneliness (1)
- lost books (1)
- lost dogs (1)
- lost pets (2)
- lost works (1)
- manners (1)
- marina (1)
- may day (1)
- mayo clini (1)
- medical (1)
- medical coverage (1)
- medical insurance (2)
- medication (1)
- meditation (1)
- meeting (1)
- megadeth (1)
- memories (1)
- mental health (3)
- mental well-being (1)
- menu (1)
- menu planning (1)
- midway (1)
- mist (1)
- money (2)
- monkey (1)
- monster (1)
- monthly holidays (1)
- mornings (3)
- motivation (1)
- movies (2)
- moving (5)
- Mt Rainier (1)
- Mt Townsend (1)
- mud-slinging (1)
- music (2)
- name meaning (1)
- national brain tumor awareness month (1)
- National Cancer Institute (1)
- national childhood cancer awareness month (2)
- national childhood cancer foundation (1)
- national pediatric cancer awareness month (1)
- nausea (1)
- necrotizing fascitis (1)
- negative attributes (1)
- neighbors (3)
- nerds (1)
- new house (1)
- new year resolutions (6)
- new years (5)
- nohari (1)
- non-fiction (1)
- nostalgia (1)
- numerology (1)
- ocean (1)
- old friends (1)
- open house (1)
- open-minded (1)
- orange belt (2)
- organization (1)
- organizing (1)
- outdoors (1)
- over the hill (1)
- pacific northwest (1)
- packing (1)
- pain (2)
- panic (1)
- parade (3)
- parents (3)
- park (1)
- party (1)
- partying (1)
- patron (1)
- pediatric cancer (1)
- pen and paper (1)
- people (1)
- people-watching (1)
- perception (1)
- personal (1)
- personality (3)
- personality disorder (1)
- perspectives (1)
- pets (3)
- picky eaters (1)
- picture writing (1)
- pictures (2)
- Pilates (2)
- pirates (1)
- planting (1)
- poems (1)
- politics (1)
- positive thinking (1)
- posting (1)
- pound (1)
- power outages (3)
- pranks (1)
- presents (1)
- president obama (1)
- pride (1)
- prison (1)
- procrastination (1)
- productivity (1)
- proud (1)
- publication (1)
- puppy (1)
- purpose (1)
- quest (1)
- quitting work (1)
- quotes from kids (1)
- rain (2)
- rants (3)
- rapture (1)
- rational (1)
- reading (3)
- realizations (1)
- rearranging (2)
- relationships (1)
- renal disease (1)
- rental (1)
- repost (2)
- research (1)
- resolution (1)
- resolutions (3)
- respect (1)
- restless (1)
- rock (1)
- Rotater Cuff (1)
- ryujin ryu (1)
- saints (1)
- sanitarium (1)
- schedule (2)
- schizoid personality disorder (1)
- schizophrenia (1)
- scholastic (1)
- school (2)
- school help (1)
- school starting (2)
- schools (1)
- science center (1)
- seattle (2)
- self balance (2)
- self-promotion (1)
- sewing (2)
- shopping (3)
- short stories (1)
- shows (1)
- sick (5)
- sick dogs (1)
- similies (1)
- simplify (1)
- skin cancer (1)
- slayer (1)
- sleep (1)
- sleeplessness (2)
- slim-fast (1)
- slumber parties (1)
- snow (2)
- snow days (1)
- sob story (1)
- sober (1)
- song lyrics (1)
- soundtracks (1)
- sparring (1)
- specialist (1)
- spelling and grammar (1)
- spirituality (1)
- spring (1)
- spring break (1)
- spring cleaning (1)
- staged death (1)
- state aid (1)
- stay-at-home mom (1)
- stealing (1)
- Stephen King (1)
- stories (1)
- storms (3)
- story (1)
- stove (1)
- strange clothing (1)
- street scramble (1)
- stress (5)
- stroke (1)
- students (1)
- stuffed animal (1)
- stuffing (1)
- submitting writing (1)
- suicide (1)
- summer (1)
- sunshine (3)
- superbowl (1)
- superbowl sunday (1)
- surgery (1)
- sweater (1)
- tax returns (1)
- taxes (2)
- teacher appreciation week (1)
- teamwork (1)
- technology (1)
- teeth (1)
- testament (1)
- the rose (1)
- therapy (1)
- thoughts (1)
- time off (1)
- to-do (1)
- tourist (1)
- tournament (2)
- transfering works (1)
- traveling (2)
- treadmill (1)
- trucks (2)
- trust (1)
- tuesdays (1)
- tumors (1)
- tutors (1)
- twisted ankles (1)
- Typealyzer (1)
- unusual ingredients (1)
- unworthiness (1)
- updates (2)
- vacation (1)
- vasovagal (1)
- vasovagal sycope episode (1)
- vasovagal syncope (1)
- venting (1)
- videos (1)
- vocabulary (1)
- vomit (1)
- voting (1)
- wacky holidays (1)
- walking (3)
- water (1)
- weather (1)
- weekends (2)
- weight (1)
- weight gain (1)
- weight loss (2)
- widgets (1)
- wii (1)
- wii fit (1)
- wind (1)
- wind storms (1)
- word a day (1)
- word-a-day (3)
- words (3)
- wordy writing (1)
- work (5)
- working (2)
- world habitat day (1)
- writing (21)
- wtf (1)
- yard work (1)
- yards (1)
- yardwork (2)
- youtube (2)
- zombies (1)
- zoo (2)