~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Woe the Snow

I woke up this morning to a couple-inch layer of snow across my yard and car. I didn't think much of it, although being very glad that I had not yet put my zucchini starts into the ground. Padded into the kitchen to start my coffee, feed the cat, wake the kids- the normal morning routine. Out into the living room to flip on the news for that background noise, and occassional story of interest. I caught it right as it was reading off school closures. I didn't think the kids' school would be on there, but yet, there it was. Not under the closures, mind you, but under the "two hours delayed" section.

I hollered for the kids to nevermind about getting up, and vented profusely at the television, taking my ire out on them that I should have focused on the snow. Had it completely closed the school for the day, it would have been nicer to me. I had a meeting over in Bremerton today for work, but because we are not on a bus schedule, I cannot go. I need to get my kids to school today. Had it been closed, I would have just let them know I would be gone for a couple hours, and gone to the meeting. Alas, I will need to be dropping them off at school during the meeting. And not a couple minutes ahead or behind, but pretty much right in the middle. Grrr...

So, I called my fellow coworker I was going to carpool with, and let her know what happened. And I curse more at the dratted snow. I'm so ready for it to be gone for the year. I have my planting bed all ready to go, but can do nothing with it because this frost keeps lingering. My starts are beginning to be ready to transplant, yet this icky frozen stuff.... /sigh.

Not to mention, I have the kids' birthday party scheduled next weekend at a park. Let us hope that the weather turns out kindly for us on that day!

Ok, enough venting for now. Back to my coffee, and picking up around the house while I wait.


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