~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Saturday, February 28, 2009


The day is coming to it's end, and I have to say, I feel rather accomplished, even if I did not get everything done I had originally intended. I finished my cup of coffee, and did indeed have another. Once the kids were up and ready to go, we headed out to get some shopping done. Your garden variety household items from Walmart- including some food for my mouse, which is usually not easy to find there. A trip to the chinese buffet for some lunch, which the kids always enjoy. I did make it to the Goodwill, and while I did not find my baking pans, I did pick up some various items, such as a cute little tea party tin for my tea, and I even tried on some clothes, and brought them home with me. I even found a pair of very cute snakeskin look-a-like boots. Rawr.

On the way home we stopped at Lowe's- always dangerous! But we found just the light Dustin wanted for really cheap. We grabbed some of those planting pots that you can plant right into the ground, and I was able to transfer all of my starts that are now too big for their little greenhouse to those, and keep them in the shed with the lights still.

I got my house picked up, and the kitchen clean. My son worked on more of his homework, and him and my daughter both chose to use tomorrow as their day of cleaning their rooms. That is fine by me. I'll be working all day!

I sat down and went through a couple of the cookbooks, and typed up some of the recipes I thought looked interesting into my laptop. (The laptop is the only computer we have set up for printing from at the moment.) I even drew up a menu for the next 8 days, including a shopping list. Most of the items I already have on hand though.

So, all in all, I think it was a pretty good day. I'm satisfied with what I got done, and it makes me feel good. Now, I'm going to go play video games!


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