There is suppose to be a big windstorm tonight. At least that is the rumor going around the library today. Outside the wind violently whispers its verification. As I sat in the break room reading, the walls and ceiling creaked and the door rattled around me. It was as though something had awoken within them- something formed of dust and old leaves, maybe even forgotten books, their pages crinkled and yellowed- all forming together in some semblance of life; waking and moving through the walls, shaking the windows and doors in an attempt to escape. Outside of this room there is nothing by which to gauge the breezes, which makes the scene even more eerie.
I have emailed Dustin and asked him to fill up some old gallon jugs with water, just in case the power goes out. Being on a well, if we lose power, not only do we lose our hot water, but we lose all water. Including drinking, bathing, and potty. I can live with the first two, but having the toilets backed up is debilitating. Not that I think we would be out for that long, but I learned my lesson a couple years back, when we had a big wind storm, and lost power for about two weeks. We were on a well then, too. I will leave it to your imagination to think of how that turned out. I can assure you, it was worse.
I woke this morning to snow. Well, that's not true. I woke this morning to the phone ringing. The only person(s) who would call at that time on a weekend morning was the library. I was befuddled though, as to what they would be calling about. With me covering my co worker's Sunday shifts, I am the first person in on Sundays, so they couldn't be calling me in to come in early. I figured maybe they needed me to bring something, or whatever. I bumbled out of bed, and went to check the message I knew would be waiting on the voice mail.
My living room's blinds are usually always closed, and they were so this morning. I checked the caller ID, and was not surprised to see my boss's number on there. I checked the message, and while doing so, strolled into the game room, whose blinds are up. I was shocked to see inches upon inches of SNOW in my front (back) yard! She was calling to let me know it was supposed to turn to rain, and to make it in whenever I could.
Snow. Darn blarney. I'm so sick of that cold white stuff. It's beautiful, but I want to plant my starts. Yes, the ones I've pretty much killed by leaving out overnight. That is a different story that makes me want to cry, so I haven't posted about it yet. I might get around to it, I might not.