~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Thursday, May 14, 2009

I did it!

For those of you keeping track of my writing prowess (or lack thereof), you will be happy to know that I actually completed(ish) and submitted a piece!

I saw an ad for a gentlemen looking for submissions of father-daughter anthologies from the daughter's point of view. He wanted the story, as well as how that relationship continues to influence the daughter's everyday life.

The piece I submitted I cannot say I am happy with. I have a very hard time writing about my father. However, I finished it. I submitted it. It may not get chosen, and that is okay. I am proud of the fact that I have gotten as far with it as I have. It was not a long piece- only roughly 3500 words. But, again, it's done. That is the highlight.

So, wish me well if you like, but celebrate my completion more. Now, the next deadline I have is for sometime in the Fall of this year. This one I need to start pushing myself more on, because this one is to be an actual book-long story. It will involve copious amounts of research on my part, and with my procrastination level, I need to really strive to keep on task. But the fact that it is per request of a friend perhaps will boost my motivation level. If only to appease.

In any event, there you have it. One down- about 4 or 5 more I'm working on.


Lee Bemrose said...

Well done. When do you find out? And why are you not happy with it?

But well done. It's always good to have something out there.

Thaydra said...

Thanks! I should hear from him by July, he said. I've got a stab of hope in my heart, but nothing that is going to devastate me if it doesn't go through. My victory was in finishing it. Publication would just be icing on the already delectable cake.

It just didn't have a "flow" with me. When I read back over it, it was okay, but there are so many underlying emotions with my father, and I just don't think I even scrapped the surface of properly bringing those feelings to life on paper.

Baby steps, though :)

Accumulate Man said...

Brava! Accumulate Man

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