~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I'm Not Writing- I'm Raving.

Or something like that. And not raving as in "That was so awesome!" raving. Raving as in "raving mad!". And not mad as in angry- more like crazy. Or something like that.

My desire to write has just about vanished. I haven't written anything in awhile now. I've been saving my word-a-day words, but I haven't been even looking at them. They aren't even printed out. And my stories, well, I've looked at them in my head some, but that's as far as I've been motivated to go with them. Not sure where this funk came from, but it's here. It's not only affecting my writing, but all creativeness in me. I haven't crafted anything. I've made no more jewelry, although I was starting to even like the stuff I was making. I've been wearing it and everything. I do need to go pick up some wire though. I'm all out.

On a good note, my son got his orange belt after his test. It was rough, and it was hard to watch, but he persevered and he got it. He needs to study up on his terminology, but he was nervous as all hell, so forgot a lot of what I know he knew. And it didn't help that I had lost part of his study guide, so some of it he just had to remember from class- which I think he did a good job of doing. Then he got beat up for an hour or so. He got hit a couple of really good ones. One in the stomach that I thought was going to make him throw up. But he stuck with it, and went right back in. I got to snap some of my spirit into his new belt. So did his dad, Dustin, and even his Sister got up there and added some of hers. We were all really proud of him.

The 4th of July was nice. My sister's neighbor across the street owns a fireworks stand, so of course he gets his hands on some good stuff. Therefore, being the nice guy he is (or he could just be a show-off, -I've never met him personally), he puts on a show for the street each year. Then, turns out my best friend from high school's mom lives across the street next door to that guy, and BF was there, so we got to hang out all night and shoot the poo. It was cool. Kids had fun. I had fun. It was Epic Win. Okay, maybe not "epic", but at least "heroic". (If you don't get that, you aren't a gamer, and therefore disowned. Okay, maybe not disowned, but I am shaking a disapproving finger at you and muttering "tsk tsk".)

Work is chugging along like work does. I'm lucky in the aspect that I enjoy my job. I work with fantastic people, and the work I do is enjoyable. I'm still amazed at how lucky I got in landing this job. I'm so use to absolutely abhorring my work, that this is still crazy new to me- and it's been almost 2 years now. Really? Two years already? Holy cow's milk. I was in the Port Orchard Street Scramble this year , which is just running around town kind of like a scavenger hunt for a couple hours in the morning, as part of the Library Team. We were in the Parade again, but you could definitely tell that our hearts just weren't really into it this year. It seems as though there is a pall fallen over the town this year. There is just no oomph or excitement. It's okay though. It usually signals change, and while scary, change is usually good.

The kids' dental work is well under way. My son has to go in Friday to see if they can finally cement his expander in. Hopefully they will. He leaves for Summer Camp with his Boy Scout Troop on Sunday for a week. He's really looking forward to it. He is signed up for a bunch of exciting classes that he's pumped up for. He always has fun on these trips. I think it's great.

Which reminds me, I need to call and cancel his doctor's appointment for Friday. Don't let me forget!

Hmmm.... let's see.. Has anything else been going on that I can write about? I'm not thinking of anything. It's been pretty chillaxed around here as of late. So, I'm going to wrap this up with a nice pretty bow, and post it for your enjoyment. Or to numb your brain. You decide.


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