The other day I was talking with a friend, and I mentioned needing to download an audio book so that I'd have motivation to get onto the treadmill more often. So, this morning I did just that. The book I wound up downloading is called "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin.
It worked, as I got onto the treadmill for about a half hour. Just walking, but varying levels of speed and incline. That is not the point of this post though (although it may factor in later). The point is that while I was listening to it, she was talking about identifying areas in my life that need work on the happiness level, and then setting goals to reach those areas. She created twelve goals for herself, and gave herself a year to make them habit- incorporating one habit per month, and adding another each additional month. I found this to be something that might actually work for me. Instead of trying to work on all the things all at once, which is just a recipe for disaster, take baby steps and allow for time.
So, I'm going to try and figure out what I need in order to feel happier with myself and with my life. Then I'm going to set monthly goals that work on those areas. Not necessarily in the order I think of them. LOL
1. My weight. Losing weight will go a tremendous way towards making me feel better about myself. My weight makes me feel ugly and lazy. Not to mention the physical ailments from it- lack of flexibility (which may actually fall more into another category), stiffness, hip and knee pain, back pain, neck.. etc. Who knows what it's doing inside my body.
2. Get more energy. This is going to be closely related to my weight goal I think. It will involve making sure I'm eating better (which I'm definitely not doing right now), exercising, sleeping enough, and drinking water. Adding supplements into that regime again.
3. Get back to Nature. I need to be outside, surrounding myself with plants. Learning the different plants, what they are used for, how to grow them, etc... Get near the water. Collect the bits and bobs I find that soothe my soul. Absorb the sunshine, or the rain. Moon bathe. Watch the stars.
4. Create. I need to find projects that make me happy. That I become passionate about. I need patience with myself while I learn. If nothing else, just journal
5. Pay off my debt. Along with the weight thing, this is probably the biggest thing I could do in order to breathe easier again. Not to mention be able to go do some of the other things. I plan to get a second job. I'll keep my eyes and ears open for better opportunities either within my current job, or elsewhere.
6. Embrace my spirituality more. I've already been doing this, but I need to go further. Some of the things I'll be doing will help with this- such as learning plants, and connecting with the Sun and Moon. I want to learn more about runes, tarot, and stones. Also moon work.
7. Find solitude. I've noticed that I'm more at peace when I am alone. I don't have to worry about the other person, and what their needs are. Or what they are doing around me. Finding ways to carve out alone time is something I need to focus on.
8. Keep learning. The things I really want to focus on learning I've already mentioned, but I want to make it a point to keep myself open to new knowledge. Reading, looking up stuff, watching videos or documentaries. Even things that might not be necessarily fun, but would be helpful- like Excel.
9. Get my own place. I don't think this needs explanation. LOL
So, there are some that I can think of right now. They do not touch upon my long term goals, but they fit into them and get me started in the right direction. Now I need to use these to come up with twelve goals- one for each month. Of course, I will not be starting at the first of the new year, but I will be starting on Beltane,, and somehow that just makes sense to me.
1. Get active- exercise and stretching
2. Diet & water
3. No frivolous spending
4. Get outside for fifteen minutes every day
5. Learn one new thing- even if it's connected.
6. Create something- art, writing,
7. Identify and research a new plant
8 Practice gratitude
This is more difficult than I thought, and I'm not sure how to order those things. All of them are things I want to start doing right away, and some of them overlap each other. I think I might have to look into this a bit further to really get myself a workable list, but I've got time before May 1st, so hopefully I can come up with something by then. :) Of course, who knows where I will be eight months from now, so my needs and wants might change. Maybe giving myself room to fluctuate is a good thing.

April 17th update:
Upon further reflection, I'm wondering if I should take a different approach to the "one a month" idea. Since so many of my needs overlap each other, I feel I need to take a different route. Things like "get outside every day" and "no frivolous spending" are things I can easily do now, every day. Especially since the weather is warming up. So, my idea now is to have those things done every day. Then, adding in (at least) one more every day, with the goal to have done all of them at least once during the week. I do feel like I'm going to have to sit down and really decide what constitutes "frivolous spending" and what doesn't. Especially when looking at making sure I add some creative time in there, since that might require spending some money. Maybe just only buying what I need, and only for a specific project. Then, DO that project before more spending?
This whole happiness project is going to require its own journal entry (hand-written, which will allow me to slow down and process a little more, as well as add scribbled note and allow for my chaotic thinking patterns). I am a little excited about the whole process though. If nothing else, it will give me a little structure to my chaos.
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