~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Thursday, June 2, 2011

What to Write?

 I'm suppose to be writing every day, and lately I've been having a severe lack of ideas.  I think it's because I wait until so late to start thinking about it, so instead of being able to focus on an actual topic, I'm thinking more about still having to take a shower, get leftovers put away, dishes washed, and being able to go to bed in a timely manner ( I heart my sleep!)   I know I need to start doing this earlier.  At least on the days that I have the earlier time free.  Or, keep a notepad nearby so I can jot down ideas.

  I try to have people give me ideas, but more often than not they wind up being way too involved in storyline or thought, and don't fit the need that I need them for.   Sometimes something strikes the right chord in me, and I can pull it off to an acceptable note (like the turtle and penguin  story I wrote for Dustin).  Other times, it just fills my stomach with dread trying to come up with the scenarios surrounding it.  However, I do keep them all filed away in a little box in my head (or document on my computer) for later use, because I never know when suddenly that idea will work! 

  The other day I got a part of my actual story I'm working on written, and it's even pretty much satisfactory.  For now anyway.  But I don't read it and hate it, like some other parts.  I'm trying not to focus on that at this point though.  The goal is to get the story written down, and then I can go back and beef it up.  Switch stuff around.  Whatever.  My biggest concern with this, however, is that some of my goings over have contributed to major changes in story line, and if I have already written it, then it's huge rewrites.  I am viewing it as just more experience, though.   That if I hadn't written what I changed, then maybe I never would have thought of the change to begin with.   Whatever keeps me going, I guess.

Like dreams of making it big!  Authors are one of those great areas where you can be super rich and have your name be famous, without everyone really knowing what you look like.  So I can still go out to eat, go to a movie, shopping, whatever.  

Dreams... gotta love them.

Speaking of which, I really do need to go buy myself a notebook and pen to keep by my bed to record my dreams in.  Some great ideas have come from my dreams.  Well, pretty much every honest story I've started writing (or have ambition for) have come from dreams.  In creative writing class in high school, my best stuff came from dreams.   So, I need to be better about keeping track of them.  The best part is- the more I keep track of them, the more vivid they become.  And the easier to remember all those little details. 

Ok, well that's my post for today.  Hey, at least I came here and wrote something, eh?


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