~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Sunday, June 2, 2013

June 1st, 2013

  I recently picked up a copy of "The Magic" by Rhonda Byrne from the library.  Not my usual cup of tea, but the snippet on the back tugged at some old heartstrings buried deep within my bosom, so I brought it home with me and flipped through it.  Here is what the back says:

"Remember when you were a child and you believed that life was magical?  Well, the magic of life is real, and it's far more breathtaking, awe-inspiring, and exciting than you ever imagined as a child.  You can live your dreams, you can have anything you want, and your life can touch the stars! Come with me on an unforgettable journey for 28 days, as we discover how truly dazzling our lives can be."

I know... a little cooky and new-agey in that dripping, sappy sort of way.  However, I do remember when I was a child and life was magical.  I remember how magical it stayed for a long time.  I don't know exactly when it started to fade, or when I started to become too jaded to still see and feel that magic, but I know its absence has left a deep, hollow cavern in my soul that is sucking the life out of me.  I need to refill it.   I figured, if I could get through the hype and the chalkboard scratching, over-the-top "Atta Boy!" feel of the new-agey books, then maybe I could use it as a tool to help me regain that lost magic. 

It does read like an infomercial.  I do admit that.   It's full of exclamation points and the sense that you absolutely cannot live a happy, successful, satisfying life without this!   That said, I think she's right.  You can't.  I say this, because the product she is pushing is gratitude.  I mean, seriously, have you ever met a person who was truly happy who wasn't grateful for something?  How can you truly be happy with something if you don't appreciate it??   Of course, we immediately think of material things when we think of appreciating what we have, but look beyond the tangible and take a broader view.  All of Life itself... how wondrous is it?  How beautiful and magical?  

I decided to give her 28-days a shot.   What could it hurt?   I am not going to chronicle each step here, as some of it is too personal and is only for me to mull over.  Some I will share perhaps, but not everything.  For that, go pick up the book and flip through it yourself.  That said, the first step she proposes is that every day, you write down ten things you are thankful for in your life, and why.  Whether it be something as broad as "my job" or as little as "the chocolate bar I had after dinner".   Many of my items will probably overlap a bit, as more detailed moments of gratitude are acknowledged alongside broader scopes of gratitude.  That's okay, though.  The idea is to think about it, recognize it, acknowledge it, and then truly be thankful for it.   

So here are my ten things I'm grateful for, and why.  Today's list is very broad and encompassing, as well as obvious, as I imagine most lists start out as: 

1.  My kids.  I've spoken of this so very often on my blog, as well as in real life.  They are the most important thing in my life.  They keep me grounded when I want to fly away.  They are what keep me making better decisions, not just in my care for them, but also in being a positive role model for them. 

2.  My family.  They are my foundation; my roots.  They are nearby, and I know will always be there for me.

3.  My friends.  Same as my family. 

4.  My health.  Not just in general, but also the fact that I've decided to take charge of it, both physically and mentally.

5.  The health of my loved ones.  Pretty simple here.  I have seen the heartache and stress having a loved one with health issues can impart, and so far I have been blessed with the happiness, health, and safety of those closest to me.

6.  My job.  Not only does it provide me with money to help pay for the cost of living, but I actually enjoy what I do.  After working a couple of jobs that I loathed, the fact that I love my job is still fantastic!

7.  My coworkers.   My job would not be nearly as satisfying if it were not for the fact that I work with a fabulous team.   They are all considered a friend as well as a coworker.

8.  My community.  I adore where I live.  I do not worry about our safety.  The kids have a good school, and great friends.

9.  Shelter.  I have a roof over my head, which is more than many can say.  It may not be "ideal" but it is better than other places I've lived, and much better than nothing at all.  It has space for us, and my landlady is attentive, patient, and understanding.  Its location is also perfect.

10.  Coffee.  My mornings would not be nearly as nice without it.  ;-)

So there you go.  I plan to do this every day for the entire month of June.  So, if you see I miss a day, throw stuff at me, and call me names until I post it!   And hey... it will also force me to write every day, which I need to do anyway.  =)  


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