~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Sunday, June 2, 2013

June 2nd, 2013

So, as promised, I am back for ten more things.  Now is a good time for it, too, as I'm feeling rather blue today. 

1.  My treadmill, so that I can run the angst out when it starts to get overwhelming.  Also, because I do actually enjoy running (jogging), and since it's inside, weather is NOT an excuse! 

2.  $5 pizza at Papa Murphy's.  The kids love it, and it doesn't break my bank (even when I spend my absolute last $5 on it). 

3.  Clean, running water.  Because I seriously need my shower and my drinking water after all that running. I'm kind of a neat freak as far as showering, often taking two a day.  Don't worry... they are super quick (we're talking 5 minutes, people).

4. Sunny days.  I'm solar powered, I'm pretty sure.  Honestly... give me a sunny day and I will show you productivity.  Otherwise I'm probably still in my jammies laying on the couch either sleeping or reading.  Not that reading isn't freakin' awesome.  I just have other shit that needs to get done, as well.  :)

5.  Books- for letting me easily travel between realms, worlds, and time. 

6.  Movies- for the same reason.

7.  Ditto for video games, just on another level.  They are also very good for blowing off some steam.

8.  Rain.  Yes, I went there.  Living in the Pacific Northwest, I tend to get sick of it.  However, without it we would just be another drab area.  The rain is what gives us our beautiful forests, rivers, lakes, etc....   Plus, I also absolutely LOVE the smell outside after a good rain.  It's also helpful to my plants, as I tend to forget to water them.... O.o

9.  Rainbows-  after the rain, they are there to remind us that a good cleansing can bring about ethereal beauty.   They remind me that tears can still be followed by hope and smiles.

10.  A working washer and dryer... because.. seriously....  


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