~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

June 3rd, 2013

Ok, so technically today is the 4th, and I forgot to post my gratitude list yesterday.  So, I will do it this morning while I drink my coffee.  =) 

1.  I'm thankful for having one day of coffee left.  Not sure what will happen tomorrow morning, but after getting very little sleep last night... I'm thankful that I had coffee left for this morning.

2.  Streaming newscasts.  My mornings would not be nearly as calm and routine when I don't get to listen to/watch the news while drinking my coffee.

3.  Youtube and Pinterest.  They are how I get my morning workout in easily every (most) morning.

4.  Music.  It is such an emotional conduit for me.  Whatever emotion I am getting overwhelmed by, I can release it without causing damage to other people or things.  hehe

5.  Needle and thread.  I think I might have saved my daughter's favorite pair of jeans.  We'll see if it holds. 

6.  My blender.  Green monster smoothies.  Enough said.

7.  Blogger.  It lets put this list out there, where I feel more obligated to keep up with it, and since I'm on my laptop anyway, it's easier to sit down and get it done. 

8.  My cat.  He's a freaking hilarious little zombie kitty.  Cracks me up. Makes up for all the vomit and hairballs he decides to leave for me to step in first thing in the morning..or afternoon, or evening..

9.  Modern medicine.  As much as some of the technology out there really makes me cringe, the level of our ability to heal is a magical thing in my eyes.   (I'm listening about the 2 year old with the flesh-eating bacteria... poor baby.)

10.  Kids. They are just so stinking cute.  Unless they're not.


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