Five things I am grateful for:
1. My kids have great friends
2. My car is running again
3. I am close enough to work to walk when the weather is nice.
4. Leftovers
5. Washing machines
What did I cross off my list today?
I went through the library books and took a bunch of them back. I kept out the ones I want to go through. If I haven't touched them by the time they are due, they go back.
What did I do today that makes me happy?
I took the time to sit and just drink a cup of coffee without trying to do other things in the meantime.
What made me laugh?
This: Funny Cat Compilation My kids and I actuary watched the entire thing. We laughed pretty good.
What new thing did I learn today?
Ummmm.... that this is a thing...
What physical activity did I do?
I got on the treadmill for 20 minutes and jogged.
How was my diet?
I did get a huge fruit (and carrot) smoothie in. Other than that. Mediocre. Water intake pretty bad, honestly.
What inspired me? Why?
Sometimes it's hard to find the strength to keep going, when it feels like it never ends. However, I have to remind myself that not only will it be spectacular at the top, but the climb itself yields plenty of its own beauty if I just take the time to slow down and focus on looking around me rather than just focusing on how much of a pain in the ass it is. :)
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