~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

100 Days To-Do List

Okay, so this list is mainly for my own use (for obvious reasons), but I figured I'd post it so you all could see it too.   I guess it's that whole accountability issue again-  you will be able to ensure I'm crossing things off.  :)  I will add to it as things come to mind.

My to-do/stop tolerating/quit putting off this shit list:

1.  Clean out and organize my Tupperware cupboard.  Toss anything without a lid, or that I don't use.

2.  Clean out and organize the hall closet.  Create a good space for any medication/first aid items, and for tools.  Go through everything, toss out old, outdated, expired things or items that haven't been used.

3.  Go through the mound of library books I have.  Decide which ones I might actually get some use of, and return the rest.  I should probably quit checking out cookbooks.  I have my magazine and Pinterest for recipes.

4.  Create a box for items to be given away to the Goodwill (or anyone who wants them) and drop it off when it gets full.

5.  Go through the items I might actually want to try and sell, and make a decision on them.  If I decide to sell them, photograph them and post them.

6.  Go through my clothes in my closet.  Get rid of anything that doesn't fit or that I haven't worn.

7.  Go through my clothes in my drawers.  Do the same as with the closet.

8.  Go through my clothes in my armoire.  Do the same with them. See if I can't get them to fit into the drawers on my bed or into my closet so that I can give my son the armoire.

9.  Go through the entertainment center(?) craft thing.  Organize, purge, and try to get it out of there so I can get rid of it. Find something to replace it.

10. Go through the dresser in the crafting area.  Perhaps some of what's in the center can be moved there.

11.  Do the same thing with the plastic bins in the craft area.

12.  And with the boxes (I have a lot of crafting stuff....)

13.  Go through the cleaners under the sink.  Get rid of what I'm not using.  See what needs to be replaced and replace it.  Try to make my own solutions.

14.  Clean out the junk drawers in the kitchen.

15.  Clean out the fridge.

16.  Clean out the freezers.

17.  Go through all of my jeans.  Repair those that can be repaired, toss those that are damaged beyond repair, and donate any that no longer fit.

18. Go through my pots and pans.  Toss any lids that don't go with anything.

19.  Go through the baking pans, sheets, etc.

20.  Go through the utensil and knife drawers.  Donate or toss anything that hasn't been used.

21. Fix the lights in the kids' bathroom.

22.  Change the light bulb in the laundry room.

23. Fix the vacuum cleaner.  If I can't figure it out, get help.

24. Put together that damn bookshelf I bought last year...

25. Draw up an on-going chore list.  Separate daily, weekly, and monthly chores.  Post it.

26. Take and record my measurements.  Keep track of them.

27. Dig up the front yard (this needs to be done soon!)

28. Plant the front edge.

29.  Start the plant starts.

30. Replace the trim around the door.

31. Get some porch (mildew) cleaner (or see about making some) and scrub the porch, steps, and railing.

32. Empty all the planters.

33. Completely clean the grill - both sides

34. Dust the living room.

35.  Get a copy of my credit report and go through it.


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