So, right off the bat I fall behind. How's that for typical? LOL Oh well. Life happens. Wednesday I had a date so didn't have time to do this, and then yesterday I just flat out forgot. I've been a little tired the past week. So, make up time.
Five things I am grateful for:
(15, since 3 days worth)
1. Pandora
2. Cell phones
3. My plan that only lets me text, so I have a good, valid excuse not to talk on the phone.
4. Being able to let my daughter go to California again.
5. The bar being so close I can walk, to multiple..
6. Pizza delivery
7. Having a washing machine in my house.
8. Finding sales on awesome stuff at the craft stores
9. Reading glasses
10. Random sun breaks during rainy days
11. Good books
12. Socks
13. My kids got relatively good reviews during their conferences
14. Eye candy
15. Coffee. I know it's been said already, but I'm thankful for it enough to say it again.
What did I cross off my list today?
.I got the light bulb in the laundry room changed. I didn't do it, but I had my son do it, and that's close enough. I think that might be all I got done in these three days. Don't judge.
What did I do today that makes me happy?
Wednesday I tried out a new craft project, and was very happy with it. Thursday I went and got probably the most aggressive massage I've ever had- which was fucking awesome. Tonight I'm going to stay in and catch up on some shows. Too bad I don't have any wine left....
What made me laugh?
Some inappropriate stuff that I won't post here. ;)
What new thing did I learn today?
- Wednesday I learned that new craft technique/medium (alcohol inks)
- Thursday I learned that this was a thing and it really turns my stomach. I learned about it when reading an interview with the author in the back of the book I just finished (What She Left Behind).
- Today I just learned on that The Guinness Book of World Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from the library...
What physical activity did I do?
Wednesday I walked to work with every intention of walking home, but it was raining when I left. I also ran on the treadmill for 20 minutes that morning.
Yesterday I didn't do shit.
Today I ran for 5 minutes, then was afraid I might literally fall on my face because I was so tired and quit. I haven't done anything else.
I think I need to get some sleep.
How was my diet?
I ate some seriously awesome food at Fujiyama's in Silverdale Wednesday night though. Filet Mignon, sea scallops, and lobster. Oh, and a bottle of wine. Yes- I said bottle.
We'll just skip the other days...
What inspired me? Why?
My dreams, because they mean I'm sleeping and that's something I haven't been doing enough of.
I'll leave you with a photo though-
This one is so true for me. I am always judging myself, and feeling like I don't measure up. I'm not pretty enough, skinny enough, intelligent enough, motivated enough, etc. etc. etc. I need to stop comparing myself with every other fucking person out there, and just learn to be and love who I am. Period.
One: I love the feel of the sun on my face. It's like a warm hug.
Two: I need to look towards what is positive and happy, so that the other things just kind of fade into the background.
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