Yesterday I was one of the many who were fortunate enough to visit Crypticon 2008 in Seattle, WA. Actually, it was in SeaTac... but who cares.
Crypticon is a horror film convention, complete with many various industry linked people attending, from actors and actresses, special effects, directors, art conisours, and, of course, FANS!
I got to mingle with Leslie Easterbrook, Bill Mosley, and Sid Haig from the notorious
The Devil's Rejects; aclaimed stuntman
Kane Hodder , also known for his role as Jason Voorhes in Friday the 13th; Ashley Laurence from
Hellraiser; Troy Holbrook the awesome special effects make-up artist/photographer; Hanna Hall, Danielle Harris, and Daeg Faerch from
Rob Zombie's 2007 Halloween remake ;
Camden Toy, who played villans on both Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel; and the Candyman
Tony Todd . There were many other performers there as well that I did not get around to talking to.
We watched a few movies, and saw a promo for an upcoming movie spoof called
The Book of Zombie that looks just 100% absolutely fabulous in the total cheesy B-zombie movie way. It is definately one I will be grabbing up once it comes out. We met the guys who worked on it, and they were very fun and energetic in their enthusiasm for this project!
One of the programs we attended was watching
Troy Holbrook and Nick Kaufman turn a guy into a zombie. It was fantastic watching him and his pal turn this guy from alive to dead within a 45-50 minute spot with really no warning. Apparantly Troy found out yesterday morning that he would be doing this when he read about it in the schedule! He spoke to me briefly on how the people had known for 3 months prior that he was scheduled to do this workshop type thing, and no one told him about it. He was pretty miffed I think, because he could have prepared and done something spectacular. I assured him that given the time frame he was given, and lack of prep, that what he turned out was nothing short of awesome.
I must say, that Leslie Easterbrook is probably the sweetest, most enthusiastic and personable woman I've met. She was quick to talk and share, and embraced everyone who took the time to say hello. She even had one gal that got her autograph right before I came up to say hello, and that girl followed Leslie around the entire time we were there. We spoke often with her, and were pleased to find out that her and Bill Mosley just worked on a film based off the book
House by Frank Peretti and Ted Dekker.
Camden Toy was very much a gentleman. He even insisted that Dustin take a photo with him when he found that it was Dustin who was the fan of the show, not myself =) We passed him often in the halls, and he took time each time to stop and say a word, or just acknowledge us and say hello as he passed.
Kane Hodden is very much the stuntman! He is brutal(ish) in his roles, and admits that he pushes limits to obtain the most realistic results for the show. He stated that he was upset to not get the part of Jason in Jason vs Freddy, and that it was the producers (or some higher ups in production) that insisted on the part being played by someone else. I believe him, too.
Ashley Laurence was very sweet. She was nervous being up in front, trying to conversate and get questions going. Luckily, my friend Michael was there to keep her from suffering any silence! She was very intelligent, and it showed, which was pleasant. She has been doing art, and is starting to get it out there, and Dustin and I gave her some advice as to how to start pushing it into audiences. Hopefully she gets it out there, and I am hopeful to have a link to her site on my page here once her site is up and running.
Daeg Faerch is a Guitar Hero fan, apparantly. Any time he was able to, he was up at the Guitar Hero area, jamming away at one song or another. He also frequented the leather and weaponry vendor nearby. He is very much still a young kid, and it's amazing to see the difference in how he would look to his mom for permission when I asked to take a photo with him, and his character on Halloween 2007!
We did not attend the Costume Ball, as I was tired, and we had spent too much money already ($20 per autograph!)! But we saw some of the people who were dressed up for it, and it looked like it may have been entertaining. I lie in bed last night thinking about it, and sort of regretting not staying longer, but alas- I have to work today, and figured I'd better play it safe!
All in all, it was a fabulous day- one I will remember for a long time to come. I plan to follow the Crypticon and make sure to prepare ahead of time next time it comes around so that we can enjoy the entire weekend there! (I found out about it Friday morning, spent Friday while at work trying to find information on it, and was finally able to get out Saturday) It was well worth the money, in my opinion- as long as I don't think about it too much! LOL. It would have been fun had I been able to take my son with me. I think he would have gotten quite the kick out of watching the movies, and then meeting the people who were in it. My daughter I think may be a bit out of sync for something like that at this point. But who knows, maybe next time it comes around she will be ready!
See all my pretty photos! clicky here------>>>
My Crypticon photos { NOTE: due to my lack of technical prowess, the link to my photos is not working at this time, unless you have a MySpace page and log in, or decide to create one. It was not my intent to make people have to sign up for MySpace to view these, so unless you already have a profile there, this link is having technical issues, and will be fixed as soon as I can figure it out!! }