~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)

 This year has really been a shit show.  I feel like I'm just treading water and not getting anywhere.  The sun rises and falls and I feel like no matter how hard I paddle, I'm no closer to seeing the shore. I'm wasting energy, and I'm mentally and emotionally exhausted.  So, I suppose for awhile I'm just going to float here.  I'll watch the clouds swim across the sky.  I'll watch the birds flit and dance in flight.  I'll listen to the sound of the raindrops on the water.  I'll witness the majestic fires that coat the sky as the sun rises and again as it sets.  I'll try to enjoy the beauty that surrounds me while I'm here.

This is my goal now.  I'm obviously at a point in my life where I am stuck.  I just am.  It just is what it is.  I'll continue to do the things I need to do to try and get myself above it.  But I'm sick of wallowing.  I'm tired of being in the same place, but at the same time continuing to allow myself to be awash in guilt, anger, and envy is getting me absolutely nowhere- except for maybe a little farther back as it crushes the person I am inside. 

I took a "test" over the summer while in quarantine that was about finding my "signature strengths".  I may have already posted about this-  I don't remember if I did here, or only in my handwritten journal.   In any event, my number one "strength"- regardless of what mind frame I was in when I took the test (and I took it about 4-5 different times over the past few months in various frames of mind)- was:

Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence


Noticing and appreciating beauty, excellence, and/or skilled performance in various domains of life, from nature to art to mathematics to science to everyday experience.

With this in mind, I've decided I'm going to use this.  I've tried doing the gratitude journaling and all that jazz, but it felt forced and convoluted.  It wasn't working.  Instead, I'm going to approach it from another standpoint- one more in line with that "strength".  I'm going to appreciate the beauty and excellence I see around me.  I had an idea yesterday while out with my daughter.  We were waiting for my sister to arrive downtown and while sitting in the car I viewed the tails of some pampas grass set against a stormy background.  It was striking and I started taking pictures of it through the car window.  My daughter suggested that we get out and take them from outside.  We then proceeded to walk along the boardwalk, snapping photos of things we found striking, or beautiful in their own mundane way.  I joked about starting an Instagram just for all the pictures I take of things I find interesting.   She told me I should.  It dawned on me that this could be a way for me to take note and share some of those things I find beauty and excellence in.  I think I'm actually going to do it.  Because, why not?  

Another thing I've realized that I need to do is remind myself how to delay gratification.  I'm impulsive and I want the things I want now.  I need to teach myself how to have patience again.  How sometimes the wait makes it so much sweeter and meaningful when I do get it.  That it will more often provide a better quality to what it is I desire if I allow it to take time.  That it will be more beautiful and more excellent.   Patience not only for the little things-  like satisfying a sweet tooth or getting that item I want (but most likely don't need)- but also the big things, like a place of my own.  The things I have in my head and my heart and my soul that I want out of this life...  they are such strong yearnings.  Almost needs.   Property to have my gardens.  My chickens and maybe my goats and bees.  To create food and beauty and health from Nature with my own hands from my own gardens.  To live in harmony with the plants, animals, and Earth herself.  To have my solitude, but to be nearby enough for a trip to the grocery store or to market to sell my wares.  I feel this on such a deep level it's insane.  This is where I need to cultivate my patience, and work towards having this.  Creating this.  Living this.

This has caused me a bit of a conundrum.  As you'll know if you've read any of this blog previously, in order to get my debt paid and qualify for a loan for a home, I need to make more money.  I've got applications to fill out for jobs that will pay me more.  Potentially significantly more.  However-  this shift in job would not necessarily get me closer to where I want to be, and I cannot guarantee that they will make me happier.   The job I have now - I work with such great people.  I have a level of autonomy and creative license that I cannot see me having at these other jobs.  While I would like to be able to pay off my debt and afford a piece of property- at what expense does that come with if I am unable to appreciate it?  

When thinking of making a career change, what really comes to mind is a complete change.  One of going back to school and doing something more in line with my actual desires and passions.  I would like to get into a school for botany and herbalism.  I'm not sure how to go about this in my current situation though.  I still have student loans from when I was in school for pharmacy.

I've begun applying for a second job, which would not allow me time to do anything, but would allow me to get those bills paid off so that I could have some breathing room to think.  Then perhaps I could look into actual schooling.  In the meantime, I need to begin to self-teach.  Self-teaching is something I am not very good at without a hands-on approach and without accountability.  I would need to begin actually doing.  My space and finances don't make that readily accessible, but I need to figure out a way. Little steps at a time. 

 I wish this was going to be a happy post.  I'm so sick of coming on here and whining, but sometimes I just have to let the pressure out, and this is the only place I know of to do so.  

I don't feel like I can talk about this to anyone.  They are either too close, not interested, have their own issues that I don't want to add to, etc...   I really don't feel like there is anyone I can talk to anymore, and it's a really shitty feeling keeping this shit bottled inside.  I also know it's not healthy. 

Since no one reads this anyway, I feel like maybe just having this as my dumping ground will be okay.  I'm only whining to myself, right?  So, yeah.

I'm a failure.  At everything.  I'm 43 years old living in my friend's spare room.  I've overstayed my welcome, but there isn't anything I can do about it.  I cannot afford to move out.  I've done the math a million different ways.  It just doesn't work.  Now I have to start paying them rent- which is 100% understandable- but is going to just make it a million times harder.  It will cut into the amount of money I can save (I'll actually have to use the money from my savings account to pay the first installment.. happy birthday to me!), not to mention the amount I can pay towards my credit cards.  They suggested bankruptcy.  I'm only like $18,000 in the hole right now.  I need to find another way. 

I am looking into a second job.  I know that is the logical next step, but it worries me.  I'm not sure what kind of person I will become if I am always at work with zero down time.  No sleep.  It will most likely cut into any kind of regular diet.  

But see-  I'm also a failure because I can't just commit to anything like that either.  I know it's what I need to do but I so utterly don't want to.  I hate that it's something I have to consider.  I've worked so hard for so long, and have just made bad choices, put into bad situations, misdirected loyalties, etc...   I wonder if I've done anything right in my life.  I don't even think my kids actually like me.  

I'm depressed.  I'm bad depressed.  I know it.  I don't have anywhere to go with it.  I have no passions anymore.  Nothing is fun for me.  I don't care about anything.  I long for things I'll probably never have.  Everything I do turns to shit. I try and I try and I think I'm finally getting somewhere and then - sike!   Here's something new to fuck everything up- and it's your own fault. 

I don't know what to do.  I really don't know what to do.  I've journaled.  I've soul searched.  I need to find a spark again but I'm a failure- remember?  I try to push forward, but I'm fucking tired.  I just want something to actually happen that is good!  That stays good. That stays positive and forward moving.  I'm an awful human being.  I'm pretty fucking worthless right now.  

Thursday, August 13, 2020

I don't have a title for this

 Goddess... can I for once come here with good news?  Alas, no-  I am here to bitch and moan once more.  

I don't know what to do.  I'm drowning and all the planks of wood I find to drift on disintegrate beneath me before I can gain any distance.  I'm overwhelmed, and scared, and feeling like such a fucking failure that a big part of me just wants to give up.  But I can't even do that because I don't even know how to!  

I've worn out my welcome here, I'm sure.  On top of that, they are actively looking to buy, and I know it won't be long before they are packing and moving.  There will not be room for me there.  However, I'm looking at my finances and I just don't see how I could possibly afford rent prices.  Even if my daughter were to procure a job right now, she still wouldn't have had it long enough for most places to consider it.  And we still need to get her a new car.  

I'm trying really hard not to panic.  I don't know what to do.  I've already told my son that if his dad is looking to move, to make sure there is room for my daughter because I may not be able to put a roof over her head. 

How did I get so far off from stable?  How have I come this far and not have anything at all to show for it?  My life has been reduced to one (shared) room.  It's about to get worse.  I just don't see how to get myself out of this.  I don't want to move in with my mom, but it's looking like I'm going to have to.  

Both of the lenders I've tried to get to help me just won't talk to me.  Apparently I'm not worth their time to even tell they aren't interested.  Just vagueness and dismissive emails.  I've just sent a message to the lender my parents worked with.  He helped them tremendously and I'm hoping that the third time will be the charm.  If he doesn't help either, then I really don't know what to do.  

I can't even get a damn therapist right now, because everything has to be done by teleconference, and I'm not going to open up to someone over fucking Zoom.  I still haven't gotten the MRI on my arm, and it's been hurting deeper and more often again lately.  Still waiting on the prior authorization.  I emailed my doctor asking about it, and two days later still have no reply, which is odd for them.  I may just have to call tomorrow.  

I'm trying so hard to stay positive and hopeful.  To continue to try and attract good energy and good outcomes, but I keep getting kicked.  I don't know which way to go anymore.  I have no rope.  No path or road map.  

I've started re-reading The Stand by Stephen King.  For a long time I've secretly dreamt of a post-apocalyptic world.  Today it finally dawned on me that the thing I desire from it is being left alone.  Not having to worry about work or bills or anyone else.  It sounds free. There would be no one left to disappoint.  So, I've been burying myself in the book, because at least for a time I can live that life, even with it's struggles.  Of course, I've only just started it, so all of the bad shit hasn't started up yet... but still... for just a little while...

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Whatcha going to throw at me next?

Image may contain: text

This year can seriously just go fuck itself.  There is too much happening.  Too many big, bad things.  It's wearing me down.  I'm fucking tired.  So far:

1.  I lost my home and now live in a single bedroom with my daughter.
2.  I find out that I don't make enough to qualify for a home loan that would be enough to buy anything close to what I would want.
3.  Covid-19 hits and I'm stuck in the house with a bunch of people.  I've already discussed this in a previous post or two. 
4.  The world goes insane.  America is divided more than ever.  Hate is rampant everywhere.
5.  All the things get cancelled.  I don't get to go to the family reunion to meet all my family I've never met. The programs I get excited to work on for the library get cancelled.  
6.  My daughter's car breaks and I have to spend $700 on it. 
7.  My dad dies
8.  My father-in-law dies
9.  My daughter's transmission goes out and it's probably not worth the cost to fix.  

I'm still trying to save money to put towards a home loan.  I'm trying to work on how to fix that issue of not making enough.  I'm worried about my kids not being able to find jobs or get back into school.  I'm working again and all of that time off made me realize some very core stuff about myself- that I'm not able to do anything about.  

I'm running out of steam.  I'm so close to just giving up because every time I start to feel like I'm gaining control of things again, something else blows up.   I try putting out good energy.  I try to do as many good deeds as I can.  But it's not enough.  It's never enough.  

I just want to know when I'll be in a place where I'm not having to struggle so fucking much ALL the time.  When will I be able to breathe for awhile and just be without having to constantly worry about the big shit happening around me?

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Don't Invalidate

You guys-  if someone tells you that they are struggling, don't proceed to tell them about how much more your life sucks and that you don't see why they would want to change their situation.   Remember that the grass is not always greener on the other side.  You don't know what that person might be doing to make it appear that way.  For all you know, they are spray painting it in the middle of the night so people don't ask questions.   But if they open up and tell you they are hurting, don't fucking invalidate that by saying you have it worse.   All that will do will make it so they no longer tell you the truth about how they are feeling.  

Just as things suck for you- there is always someone out there who has it worse.  That fact doesn't make your hardship any easier.  Don't judge.  Don't invalidate. 

Sunday, June 14, 2020

What Happened to the Grey Areas?

**Warning- this is a long post.  If you want to read it all I suggest you grab a coffee or tea, go to the restroom first, and get in a comfy spot.  

I've put off writing this for awhile.  Mainly because I was so overwhelmed by it all - mostly the people freaking the fuck out everywhere- that I just had to distance myself and stop reading/watching for awhile.  I un-followed almost every one and every thing on Facebook, and took it off of my phone.  This actually allowed me to really look at my thoughts and analyze them to see how I feel and where I stand on everything.  It allowed me to be intentional on where I got my information without being inundated with all the unchecked stuff being thrown around like shit does on social media.

What I want to write about here is my opinion on all of this.  Note-  I said MY opinion.  You can disagree with me all you want.  That's fine.  That's YOUR opinion.   It's okay for them to be different. I also want to point out that I say a lot of "You" "Everyone" "Our" in this. This is done in order to make it easier for me to get my thoughts down without worrying about being specific.   It is meant as a collective and not as a blanket statement.  I'm not saying any type of  "If you think <this way> than you are an idiot that should have been swallowed" or anything like that.  If you find yourself reacting to these words and taking them personal,  then maybe you need to take a step back, take a breath, and remember that this is not written toward you.    I don't even know who you are (unless you comment or tell me).  Or maybe you just need to read it another time.  Or maybe this thought-dump just isn't for you.  That's okay too.

In the beginning of March of this year I heard about this virus that was basically like a suped-up flu.  I hadn't met anyone affected by it, so like most people I figured it was just media hype.   Then I started hearing about how other countries were going into quarantine; their hospitals were overflowing, and doctors were having to make decisions about who was worth trying to save and who wasn't.   But, this is America.  That won't happen here.   

Then I started reading about how they were starting to close things down.  I read that my workplace would be closing at the end of the next week.  I went back to work on Monday, expecting to work through the week.  By the time I left my shift on Monday, we had been told we were closing by the end of the day, and that was it. Get our stuff and go home and stay there.  

But- everyone knows this story.  And everyone knows what comes next.  Absolute panic and chaos.  People went insane.  Government went insane.  Everyone and every thing was insane.  

Opinion | People Around the World Are Panic-Buying … Toilet Paper ...

Do I think we needed to take precautions to slow the spread of this thing?  Yes.  I absolutely do.  Do I think they went about it the right way?  Nope.  Do I blame them?  Yes and no.   Everything about this got out of control.  Our government was watching other countries almost fall apart, and it was coming our way.  They knee-jerk reacted, and while the idea / theory behind closing everything down made a certain amount of sense, the way they did it did not.  Keeping fast food restaurants open as "essential" and allowing hoards of people into Walmart and Fred Meyer while closing down small businesses who may only have one or two people in them at a time normally was asinine.   If you are going to close down the country, then CLOSE IT DOWN.   Yes, obviously grocery stores and pharmacies  ARE essential.  We need to eat and take our life-saving medications. But even those could have been restricted in a way that allowed access without so much interaction. Instead, being told that we were basically all grounded and not allowed to go anywhere-but allowing things like big corporate stores, coffee stands, and fast food places to stay open -made us act like tween-agers and sneak out whenever we could to wherever we could.  If it was open, people flocked there.  Those businesses are not trained to deal with things like population control in their buildings.  These retail workers were suddenly expected to police how many people went into their stores and how close they got, many of whom felt that the shut down was bogus and unnecessary.. Did they do that?  Fuck no.  I don't expect them to.  That kid is like 17 years old.  He's not going to be able to stop the mob, and he probably doesn't care.  LOL  

And if they weren't going shopping and getting coffee and lunch, they were buying up all the toilet paper, sanitizer, bleach cleaners, bread yeast, and flour  and then yelling at anyone who dare go for a walk alone outside in the fresh air. 

Then you have all of the misinformation that started flying everywhere.  In typical sensational fashion, news media and other "news" outlets started reporting "information" that had been shared with them, without fact-checking it first before feeding it to the masses.   Finger pointing is happening all over.   Conspiracy theories abound.  Covid-19 was manufactured by the government and Bill Gates working in cahoots.  There really is no covid-19.  We need to wear masks.  Wearing masks is bad.  You can't touch anything or else you'll get sick.  Covid-19 isn't spread on surfaces.   You shouldn't even leave your house.  Go outside and take a walk and get fresh air.  Practice social distancing.  The only way is herd immunity so go expose yourself.  

Huh What? GIF - MarkWahlberg Confused What - Discover & Share GIFs

I think what happened is that our government saw something bad happening, had no idea how to stop it, panicked, and just reacted badly.  It's like when you are frying something on your stove and it catches on fire.  This has never happened to you before.  You've heard about this kind of thing before, and you've seen horror movies about it, but you don't know what you are actually supposed to do.  You panic, look around wildly, and grab the glass of water that is next to you because water puts out fire, right?   So you throw that on the fire, but it's a grease fire, so it only makes it worse.  Now more things are on fire. It's spreading. One of your towels that your kid made you is on fire, so you try to put that out, but the curtains and wall are on fire, and should probably be put out first.  No fire department is coming to help you, but one neighbor is yelling at you to do this, your other neighbor is telling you to do this instead, your husband is saying they are all overreacting and you need to do this, and all the telling and yelling is garbling in your panicked brain.  Eventually, as some efforts work and some don't, you get the fire under control and eventually put out.  But now your kitchen is a mess and much of it needs to be replaced.  In hindsight, you realize that if you had just put the lid on the pan, or threw some flour on it, it would have been better.  That you should have accessed where the major damage was happening instead of focusing on the littler things that maybe mean more to you, but were actually small in the bigger scheme of things.  Now that you've been through it, you can look at what went right and what went wrong, and craft a plan for the next time it might happen so that you can be better prepared and react calmly and rationally.

So, do I blame them for what went wrong?  Yes, because they are to blame.  Do I fault them for it?  No.  I think that damage control could have started sooner, but I know what it's like to be completely overwhelmed, not knowledgeable in the subject even though you are the one having to make decisions, and having all of these "experts" and "advisors" telling you conflicting information and expecting you to make the right choice.  I don't think it was solely the government's fault, but a combination of a bunch of people reacting in a panic mode.  

Then-  when everything is starting to slowly reopen-  a police officer kneels on a black man's neck, ignoring his pleas that he cannot breathe, and kills him.   Once again (understandably) the people go up in arms.  

Now with this one- I fully support BLACK LIVES MATTER.   I couldn't give an ounce of a fuck about what someone's skin color is, what gender they are or identify as, etc...  I judge people on how they treat me and others.  Period.  As far as I'm concerned-  as a human being -that is the way it should be across the board.  Unfortunately it's not.  

So now instead of panic buying of toilet paper, protests are becoming riots in the streets.  Police forces are pepper spraying kids and shoving old men onto the ground.  Businesses are being smashed and looted.  More chaos, and once again the people are divided. No one is taking responsibility and everyone is pointing fingers.  

Here's my take on all of this.  Let me first state that I am fully aware that I am a "privileged" white girl, and I will NEVER understand what it's like to be judged because of the color of my skin.  What I will say is that I know what it's like to be judged , ostracized, and even attacked because of my religion.  Not the same, but it gives me a small taste.  I'm also aware that it is something that I am able to hide in order to protect myself.  People cannot hide the color of their skin.  

I understand the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement.  I understand that it is not saying that their lives matter more than others, but that they matter JUST AS MUCH.   I saw a meme that compared the black lives matter to the rain forests.  It basically explained it as:  If I tell you that the Amazon matters and needs saving-  you don't throw at me that ALL forests matter and need saving. You understand that we cry SAVE THE AMAZON because that is what is currently in danger.  Of course all of the other forests matter, but this is the one that needs our help right now.  Same applies for black lives matter.  

Peaceful protests do not work.  Very, very rarely does a peaceful protest do shit to create needed change.  Look at how and why America even started, for fuck's sake!  So I understand that when peaceful doesn't work, then you step it up.   You have to MAKE them listen to you.  To know that you mean business and you are willing to do what it takes to not only be heard but to be listened to. 

I've watched the news for years, and I've seen the violence perpetrated against black people.  I've seen how they are automatically assumed to be more dangerous that their white counterparts.  It's disgusting to me how this is still an issue right now.    I've never had to warn my kids to make sure they don't put their hands in their pockets or to never play with a toy gun.  I've never had to worry that someone was going to see my son and automatically assume danger, and retaliate before confirming. 

Our police are supposed to "protect and serve", but there are those who are there for the power, and it's obvious.  I hear people shouting that police are also abusive towards white people... as if that excuses their behavior toward the black person   Are we supposed to believe that it's okay that George Floyd was killed over being accused of stealing $10 because a white man was also beaten by the cops the other day?   Um....  

Police brutality is a thing.  HOWEVER... I also know that most cops are good people just trying to help their community and make a living.   But it's becoming a common enough occurrence that it does really need to be scrutinized and re-looked at.  Police who abuse the system need to go.  If you are using excessive force consistently, then you're fired.  I understand things might get a little rough when it's not going smoothly, and that things happen.  DEATH should not be one of them (unless the officer's or someone else's life is actually being threatened of course).   De-escalation tactics should be one of the first things driven into an officer's arsenal.  Staying level headed in spite of horrifically chaotic situations should be another.  Being able to correctly assess threats.  Now, I know there has also been a lot of violence perpetrated out of the blue on police, so they are understandably on guard and maybe a little on edge.  But their training should include this sort of shit so that they can deal with it rationally instead of in a panic.  I'm seeing too many "accidental" shootings because the officer reacted first instead of accessing the situation rationally 

Enter the idea of defunding the police.  Now I' will admit that I don't know much about this.  From what I've read I understand that they are not talking about abolishing the police force, but redistributing funds to help bring more funds to other agencies that should be dealing with some of the issues our police and other emergency systems are having to face that are out of their area of knowledge.

If that is the case, then I am for this- but on a much larger scale.  I do believe that the police force needs to be looked at- including their union that not only allows but fights to get abusive police back on the force.  The union should be protecting those officers who see something wrong, but are afraid to speak up for fear of retaliation.  THOSE are the ones who should be being fought for.  But I think THE ENTIRE GOVERNMENT needs to be peeled apart and looked at.  Our schools are sorely underfunded.  Our mental health departments are so underfunded it's almost got to be a joke.  And the list goes on.  

So, if they want to take a look at the funding, and redistribute that to also include more mental health services to accompany the police force, then fuck yes.  Police are not trained mental health professionals and neither are prison guards.  It's a disservice to the officers and jailers, the person with the mental health issue, and the communities- to make them act as such.  Get actual mental health professionals to be a regular part of this, so we aren't treating someone who was just having a mental episode (like screaming at people because his meds got fucked up and now his schizophrenia is back) as criminals.  Treat them as patients and get them the help they need in a place that knows how to treat them-  not stuck in a prison cell.  Reassess how officers are trained, and make dealing with mental health a bigger part of the training. Have training regarding equality (in all areas) be standard.  Have partnerships in place so that the emergency services and mental health professionals actually work more hand in hand.  I don't understand why this is such a hard concept for people to understand and get behind. 

Working Together Successfully: How to Move Campus Relationships ...

What I do understand is that people are sick of being taxed to death for frivolous spending.  Instead of stepping back and looking at the funding given, where it is being used, whether it's being used properly, seeing where adjustments need to be made-   they just add new taxes.   

(Fair warning-  I'm about to get really ranty)

I don't care whether they are Democrat, Republican, or whatever.   Our entire governmental system has gotten completely out of control and so beyond what they were originally created for that it's disgusting.  Politicians care more about what it's going to do for their power, control, and pocketbooks before what it will do for the people.  Our Congress members sit in there for decades, getting further and further out of touch with the real world.  They get paid obnoxious amounts of money (especially when you factor in pensions and medical benefits) and most of the time they don't even do their fucking job!  They fight with each other, each "side" crying that the other one won't budge, declare a standstill, and then take a three -month paid vacation and go have cocktails with each other.  The people no longer trust their government, and that my friends is a problem. 

In my humble opinion-  we need to tear the whole fucking government system down and rebuild it from the ground up.   Term limits need to be set for every section of it.  I'm not saying a Senator cannot become President because he's already served four years in the senate.  I'm saying that they need to have limits on how long they stay in any one position. I'm not sure why our Congress can stay indefinitely while our President cannot (not that I want the President to be able to preside forever... not at all).  Where and how things are funded needs to be audited, super analyzed, and redistributed where they are needed and where it makes sense.  This should be looked at and redone every damn year.  Or at least every couple.  Things change, and the funding needs to shift as well.  In all aspects of government.  And you should not be able to vote on your own promotion and raises.  That is just ridiculous. 

I'm not saying that I would be able to do this, because I sure as fuck can't.  But there are people who can.  When the audit comes up, it needs to be done by people/companies who are in no way associated with or compensated by any governmental agency outside of the work they are doing at that moment.  Nor should the compensation be so outrageous that they are being "bought off".  I also think it should be done by more than one.  

I don't know how the internal workings of the government and governmental agencies work, so obviously I'm not an expert.  I'm not saying that I have all the answers, but I do know that what we have right now IS NOT WORKING.  "We the People" have become so divided on so many issues that we cannot see anything other than "black" or "white" (no pun intended).  There are no grey areas anymore.  No one is willing to compromise, because we've been made to believe that compromise means that we've caved or changed our minds on "what side we are on".  It's an act of betrayal to try and listen to, understand, and (gasp) maybe even find common ground with someone whose thoughts are not the same as yours. 

I want to know what happened to the art of compromise.  What happened to actually working together for a common cause?  What happened to regular unbiased evaluation and updating as needed?  What happened to remembering that we are all individuals, with individual ideas and beliefs, and that in order to work we have to come to listen to one another, try and understand (even if we don't agree) and figure out where the common ground is so we can build from that?   What happened to being able to change your mind with new information?  What happened to being able to understand where someone else is coming from and respect that without feeling like it has to change or is a betrayal to your opinion?  Why have we gone so far that we have reverted to our grade school selves bullying each other and calling each other names because we don't know how to process emotions and problem-solve yet?  

Things are not black or white.  Not only this way or that way.  There is so much in-between.  So much where we have to overlap, come together, and make things work.  There is so much grey that needs to be seen and appreciated.   Then, we can put the color back into the world.   I don't have the answers on how that can happen.  I just know that we need to figure it out, and we need to figure it out soon.

Fifty Shades of Grey (Paint) | THE TERI TOME

Friday, May 29, 2020

May Sucked

I haven't written in awhile.  I have been journaling, but in a notebook instead of here.  It's sometimes more therapeutic for me to actually physically write it out. 

On Sunday, May 17th, my dad passed away.  Technically he was my step-dad, but considering he's been a more active part of my life than my "real" father was, yeah- he was my dad.  So, we'd been dealing with everything that goes along with the grief of that.  On Wednesday we were able to have him cremated.  It was one of the final steps in finding closure, and the ability to now more forward in this new reality. 

It's new reality all over, as well.  Not just moving forward with him gone, but the world itself is morphing and changing into - I don't know.  It's all so complex, and uncertain, and overwhelming. People have gone insane, and seem even more divided than ever. On top of my own personal situation I've been battling with for this past year.   It's crazy.   I don't know what is up or down or left or right anymore.   I've found myself questioning my faith, which I really need to hold onto right now.  A call with a friend helped me with that.  I find myself questioning every single thing I do.  Every choice, ever decision, every thought, every action.  Is this helping me?  Is it doing anything at all?  It seems like everything I try to do isn't working.

My happiness project has fallen by the wayside in light of this month's insanity.  I'm planning to reevaluate and start again in June.  I refuse to give up.  Even if it's not necessarily helping, it's giving me some guidance, some inner dialogue and reflection.  It's not hurting me. Of all the starts in my greenhouse, only one of  them has sprouted two stalks.  We're talking out of about twelve different plants, four of each.  After restarting them again . I don't even know.  But I keep trying.  I keep going out there and talking to them, and watering them.  Touching the soil.  Breathing the air.  Even through the feeling of failure, just the atmosphere of being in the greenhouse is calming.  I do have some other plants that I bought in there, so they help. 

On my walk this morning (which I convinced myself to do to get rid of some nervous, negative energy) I really thought about what I was feeling, and where I was feeling it.   As for the where:   my stomach, my shoulders, my chest, and my eyes for sure.  Basically everywhere.   As for the what-  I feel stuck.  Overwhelmed.  Like I'm swimming and swimming and swimming but not getting anywhere, and I'm starting to flounder again.  I'm getting tired.   I need to figure out a different tactic, and maybe a new direction.  But even that seems like something I keep doing over and over.  Eventually I will figure it out though, right?   Because out here, there are no rescue boats or helicopters.  I have to find the shore and get there myself.    There may be some pieces of wood to cling to in order to get a little rest, or other things to give guidance, but they can't swim for me. 

My head is just a mess.  I cannot focus.  I don't even remember what the reason for me starting to write this was.  It's just a jumble of chaos.  I need to figure my shit out.  I don't even know where to start anymore.

I need to figure shit out.. | Time quotes, Me quotes, Quotes

Monday, May 11, 2020

Not today

I'm having another bad mental health day.  I am trying to break myself out of it, but I'm having an extremely difficult time, so I'm decided to lean into it instead.  

I feel like a failure.  Like everything I try to do just doesn't work out.  I'm mediocre.   I'm surrounded by such amazing, successful, confident people.   I feel lacking- everywhere. 

I'm stuck.  I'm trying and trying and trying to climb my way out.  I'm trying so many different ways to do so.  But nothing is working.  Every time I get excited about something- thinking this time it's going to work and I'm going to dig myself out of this hole...    nothing happens.  It's not necessarily that it backfires (although sometimes that is the case), but ... just nothing happens.   At some point I realize that what I thought was upward momentum was just an illusion and wishful thinking, and that I'm just stuck in the same place, going through the motions with my eyes closed making myself believe I'm actually moving.  But at some point I realize that nothing is happening.  Nothing is different.  And then I'm right back where I started from. 

I'm trying.  I really am.  I keep stepping back to analyze the situation and come up with a new plan.  It is just becoming so exhausting.  There are so many obstacles- ones I cannot overcome right now.  With time, maybe.  But it all seems so insurmountable.  

The person I am inside does not match the person I am on the outside.  I don't know how to change that.  Nothing I do is working.  

So I guess today I'm just going to sit here and feel.  Maybe if I feel long enough, I'll find a root.  Then maybe I can start digging that root up.  I'll brew it into tea or something. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Plan in Place

Yesterday I went out and bought a bunch of notebooks so that I can start this project on Friday.  What an appropriate feeling day to start this on.  :) 

I've put together an outline of how I want the journal to go.  I've created a mock-up in my Google Sheets.  However, I don't know how to link that here, so I guess I'll do a quick version.  Basically it goes like this:

Front of book lists all of the goals/action steps I listed in the previous post- that way I can refer to them throughout

Month page: 


"inspirational quote"

Events happening this month:

Goals for the month:


Daily page:

Overall mood:
Water intake:  am/pm and other
Diet:  list poor- excellent and any other info
How did I connect with nature?

Daily Gratitude:
Self Gratitude:

What made me laugh?
Spiritual practice:
Mindful moment:

About my day:

Favorite part:
Least favorite part:
Actions I can take:


Week in Review:

Overall mood:
Did I meet last week's goals?

What did I learn?
How did I move?
How was I creative?

Needs work:

Goals for next week:

Additional Thoughts:


Month in Review:

Overall mood:
Did I meet last month's goals?

Who did I write?
Financial status:

Needs work:

Goals for next month:

Additional Thoughts:


So there it is.  I figure I will adjust it as necessary.  I'll be going day to day, so if I decide I need to alter it, it won't be a big issue to adapt.  One thing I would kind of like to do is have a specific focus for each month.   I'm not sure quite how I want to go about that yet though. I figure I'll start this month with my focus on gratitude, and go from there.  See how the whole thing goes.  Maybe I'll come up with something, or maybe I'll decide that this works for now.   However, since it's a happiness thing, I figure I need to be mindful about how I go about it.  I'll try and think of focuses, and then maybe I can adapt some of the areas to reflect those more on the pages. 

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Now What?

Happiness is Self Made - Feijial

Previously I identified the areas I want to work on, and what I (think I) want in each category.  Now I need to break those down and find out the "how".  I then need to put together a game plan, and this needs to be done by May 1st so that I can implement it on (or before) Beltane. 

I first went and identified what spanned more than one category.   Those are: Garden (nature, physical); Go outside (nature, physical); Journal (intellectual, spiritual); Embrace inner child (spiritual, self); Be in nature (nature, spiritual); Unplug (intellectual, spiritual); and Practice gratitude (self, social).  I haven't done anything with those other than note them at this point.

So, what ways can I get these things into my life?   Here is where I will put down ideas to do that.  Afterwards, I will see how I can incorporate them into goals for the year. 

Nature Happiness:  have more experiences, get outside every day, touch nature every day, garden, follow my interests, learn about plants

Take a quiet walk with Mother Nature. It will nurture your mind ...

1.  Go on more hikes, and go camping -  have experiences, get outside, touch nature
2.  Find new places to do #1 and revisit favorites- experiences, outside, touch nature
3.  Check in on my plant starts and my house plants.  Talk to them. - touch nature, garden
4.  Forage / wild-craft-  get outside, touch nature, follow interests, learn about plants
5.  Study plants and herbs.  Keep a journal of their growing conditions, medical and spiritual uses, how to harvest. -  follow interests, learn about plants
6.  Admire something in nature:  a pretty plant, the sunrise/set, water, moon / star gaze, etc..  - touch nature, have experience
7.  Ground/physically touch nature:  put bare feet in the grass or sand, feel the sun on my skin, stand in the rain. - have experiences, touch nature
8.  Learn the different birds and their bird call/songs-  learn, follow interests
9.  Craft with natural materials. Gather and create something fleeting or longer lasting-  get outside, follow interests.

Social Happiness:  listen more, write letters, laugh more, practice gratitude, connect w/ people, embrace solitude, charity/volunteer

Money, News, Social Media, Sharing and Happiness - Abderaouf ...

1.  Write letters to friends, especially afar but those close as well.  Get addresses and put them somewhere they won't get lost.  Write a letter once month-  connect
2.  Message people on Facebook or text.  Reopen dialogue with those I'd like to continue to have contact with.  - connect
3.  Find a place to potentially volunteer- connect, volunteer
4.  Remember that this is an experiment, and I am a solitary person so I need to allow myself to withdraw and recharge as needed.  But let people know so they don't feel abandoned. -  embrace solitude, connect
5.  Practice active listening.  Don't worry about telling my stories, listen to theirs fully.  Tell my stories another time-   listen more, connect, laugh more
6.  Find what I like / appreciate/ admire about the people I am around.  Write it down, just acknowledge it in my head, or better yet tell them.  - practice gratitude

Financial/ Vocational Happiness:  be recognized for my work, pay off my debt, get my own place, learn new job skills that will help with promotion/ better job, feel self-sufficient, appreciate what I have

Laura Riley, Author Of Money And Happiness: A Guide To Living The ...

1.  Stop frivolous spending.  Make sure I need what I am buying.  Allow one or two days before purchases to make sure it's not impulsive. -  pay off debt
2.  Continue to work with my Google sheet to keep track of spending and to see where I may need to make changes-  pay off debt, feel self-sufficient
3.  Speak up at work if I feel invisible.  Talk with bosses. -  be recognized at work
4.  Focus on the positive aspects about my job when I find myself dwelling on the negative.  Go to work with a positive attitude.-  appreciate what I have, be recognized
5.  Don't partake in gossip at work. - appreciate, be recognized
6.  Look into schooling for my interests and/or job skills like Excel- learn new job skills, be recognized, feel self-sufficient
7.  Continue to add to savings account, don't use it unless absolutely necessary. - pay off debt, get my own place

Physical Happiness:  lose weight, eat healthier, drink water, be active, go places, stretch

Decoding the mind-body connection: Physical fitness can lead to ...

1.  Go for walks during the day, after dinner, or on lunch breaks-  get active, lose weight
2.  Listen to an audio book and get on the treadmill-  get active, lose weight
3.  Start each morning with a glass of water, preferably with lemon.  Cut a lemon into small wedges in the start of the week, squeeze each into a glass of water to drink first thing - drink more water
4.  Keep my water bottle with me all the time - drink more water
5.  Drink glass of water before going to bed-  drink more water
6.  Find and make easy, healthier snacks-  eat healthier, lose weight
7.  Try to incorporate fruit/veggies with every meal- eat healthier, lose weight
8.  Go for hikes-  get active, go places, lose weight
9.  Stretch every day, even if it's in bed, while making coffee, touch toes before bed-  stretch 
10. See about space in the garage to lay out a yoga mat for yoga-  get active, stretch
11. Don't eat after 8pm-  lose weight

Intellectual Happiness learn/be curious, follow interests, be creative, unplug, read more esp. non-fiction, journal

Three mistakes we make when relating intelligence and success ...

1.  Wild-craft/forage.  Read the books, websites, and groups.  Go out and just do it.  Practice.  - learn/be curious, follow interests
2.  Create beauty and health products with herbs and flowers.  Order them if needed, and create bath products as well as salves and tinctures, etc.. for medical health..-  follow interests, read non-fiction, learn, be creative
3.  Find a time of the day to set aside to completely unplug from computer, phone, television- unplug
4.  Use audio-books while walking, cleaning, outside -  read more
5.  Learn wire wrapping and knitting- learn/ be curious, follow interests, be creative
6.  Fit journalling of some kind (personal, happiness journal, spiritual, knowledge based) into the week as often as possible.- journal, be creative
7.  Look up questions I have, no matter how silly, and find out the answers.  Go even further and read other topics about it that might show up on Google-  learn/be curious

Spiritual Happiness embrace inner child, learn, be in nature, unplug, be in the moment/mindful, journal, use intent

Spiritual Happiness with Like-minded Friends - Photos | Facebook

1. Play more.  Go splash in puddles, play hide and seek, climb trees-  embrace inner child
2. Be outside in natural settings. Go for walks/hikes in woods or along the beach.  Go foraging.  Do gardening-  be in nature, be in the moment, unplug
3.  Get off of the computer and do something magical- unplug, be in the moment
4.  Slow down and do things more mindfully- be in the moment
5.  Use small "mundane" tasks in a mindful, spiritual way.  Wash negativity off hands, down drain in shower.  Put intentions in while making food.  Prepare food especially for specific intentions.  Repeat affirmations while preparing coffee.  Drink water with intent to flush negativity out of body.  - be mindful, use intent
6.  Find a topic and learn about it.  Journal findings.  Moon phases/meanings, herb uses, stones/crystals, tarot cards, runes, deities,-  learn, journal
7.  Craft items with specific magical uses or intentions-  learn, be mindful, use intent
8.  Keep in tune with the phases of the moon and with holidays.  Do something, regardless of how small, to acknowledge and celebrate-  be mindful
9.  Learn the cycles of plants, the birds and their songs, identify plants- learn, be in nature

Self Happiness:  better self worth/image, stay positive among the negative, embrace inner child, find my passion, practice gratitude, laugh more, be self-sufficient, have patience

Self-Love is Your Key to Happiness — Blog - Dr. Jennifer Huggins, PsyD

1. Squash negative self talk and replace it with positive. - better self worth/image, stay positive
2.  Find and acknowledge things about myself that I like.  Find both physical and personality traits.  Write them down and refer to as needed.-  better self worth/image
3.  Slow down and allow things to happen.  Do not force or rush. -  patience
4.  Watch more comedy on purpose.  Find videos on YouTube  or other venues.  Share or save them. - laugh more
5. Find and write down or mentally acknowledge things I am grateful for every day.- practice gratitude
6.  Learn how to make my own soap, beauty products, medicinals with herbs/plants, foraging, etc... -  be self-sufficient, find passion
7.  Embrace my dark side and allow myself to feel emotions, but don't let them rule.  -    stay positive, embrace inner child
8.  Pursue topics that interest me.  Learn and practice. - find my passion
9.  Don't allow set backs or failures to slow me down or give up.  Find the lesson in the experience and try again.-  stay positive, have patience
10.  Sing and dance like I don't care who's watching-  embrace inner child
11.  Blow bubbles, make wishes on dandelions, find shapes in the clouds, spin around and around and around until I fall down, etc.. - embrace inner child

Well, I've got my work cut out for me now.  My end list might not look like any of these things had anything to do with it, or that this exercise was completely unnecessary, but I think it is helpful to really break everything down and look at it from all angles.  This was a start, for sure.  Next I'll come up with my to-do list.  But, later.  I'm tired now.  I'm going to embrace that inner child- and take a nap.  :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

7 Layers of Happiness

 I sat down with pen and paper, and wrote down everything that I could think of that would make me a happier person.  Some of those aren't activities that I particularly enjoy doing, but I think that accomplishing them would have the desired end result.  Not all happiness is fun....

Inspirational Quote about Happiness - Visit us at ...
I may be taking this much farther than is sane, but it's giving me something to do during the shelter-in-place, and it's helping me really delve inside and look at myself. As I did some research, I discovered different categories of happiness.  I felt that it would be helpful to break these actions down by category, to give myself a better feel for my desires, and maybe see if there were areas that were more prominent than others.   In no specific order, the seven categories I came up with are:

1.  Nature
2. Social
3. Financial/Vocational
4. Physical
5. Intellectual
6. Spiritual
7. Self

I took all the things I had written down and divided them into the categories.  Many of them fit into more than one. Some of the items listed seemed to be a little repetitive, but I left them, since there is a degree of difference in them.   I discovered that all of these categories were pretty even as far as how many items were in them.  No one category particularly stood out from the others.  Seeing how some of the items overlapped was interesting.  Here is how they broke down:

1. Nature Happiness

  • Go outside every day
  • Gather experiences
  • Touch Nature every day
  • Garden
  • Follow my interests (wild-crafting, foraging, gardening, herbalism, etc..)
  • Learn plants-  identifying, cultivating, harvesting, uses, etc.... 

2.  Social Happiness

  • Listen more
  • Write physical letters/cards, etc
  • Laugh more
  • Practice gratitude
  • Connect with people 
  • Embrace my solitude
  • Look into volunteering options

3.  Financial / Vocational Happiness

  • Be recognized for my work
  • Pay off my debt
  • Get my own place
  • Buy my own place
  • Learn Office (?)
  • Be self-sufficient
  • Look into schooling 

4.  Physical Happiness

  • Lose weight
  • Eat healthier
  • Drink more water
  • Be active 
  • Go places
  • Garden
  • Be outside
  • Sing & Dance

5.  Intellectual Happiness

  • Always learn/ be curious
  • Follow my interests
  • Be creative
  • Unplug 
  • Read 
  • Journal

6.  Spiritual Happiness

  • Embrace my inner child
  • Learn more about spiritual stuff
  • Be in Nature
  • Unplug
  • Be in the moment
  • Journal

7.  Self Happiness

  • Have better self-image/worth
  • Stay positive while embracing the shadow
  • Embrace inner child
  • Find my passion
  • Practice gratitude
  • Laugh more
  • Be self-sufficient

I'm sure there will be more to add later.  However, this is my starting point.  My goal now is to break each category down even further by analyzing each item and brainstorming ways to incorporate or work toward each item.  The items that cross categories I will pay attention to, since those are the actions that will have results in multiple areas.  Then I will be able to prioritize and come up with an action plan.

Happiness Quotes - Quotes About Joy - Quotes About Happiness

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Happiness Project

The other day I was talking with a friend, and I mentioned needing to download an audio book so that I'd have motivation to get onto the treadmill more often.  So, this morning I did just that.  The book I wound up downloading is called "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin.

It worked, as I got onto the treadmill for about a half hour.  Just walking, but varying levels of speed and incline.  That is not the point of this post though (although it may factor in later).  The point is that while I was listening to it, she was talking about identifying areas in my life that need work on the happiness level, and then setting goals to reach those areas.  She created twelve goals for herself, and gave herself a year to make them habit- incorporating one habit per month, and adding another each additional month.   I found this to be something that might actually work for me.  Instead of trying to work on all the things all at once, which is just a recipe for disaster, take baby steps and allow for time

So, I'm going to try and figure out what I need in order to feel happier with myself and with my life.  Then I'm going to set monthly goals that work on those areas.   Not necessarily in the order I think of them.  LOL

1.  My weight.  Losing weight will go a tremendous way towards making me feel better about myself.  My weight makes me feel ugly and lazy.  Not to mention the physical ailments from it-  lack of flexibility (which may actually fall more into another category), stiffness, hip and knee pain, back pain, neck.. etc.  Who knows what it's doing inside my body. 

2.  Get more energy.  This is going to be closely related to my weight goal I think.  It will involve making sure I'm eating better (which I'm definitely not doing right now),  exercising, sleeping enough, and drinking water.  Adding supplements into that regime again.  

3.  Get back to Nature.  I need to be outside, surrounding myself with plants.  Learning the different plants, what they are used for, how to grow them, etc...  Get near the water.  Collect the bits and bobs I find that soothe my soul.  Absorb the sunshine, or the rain.  Moon bathe.  Watch the stars. 

4.  Create.  I need to find projects that make me happy.  That I become passionate about.  I need patience with myself while I learn.   If nothing else, just journal

5.  Pay off my debt.  Along with the weight thing, this is probably the biggest thing I could do in order to breathe easier again.  Not to mention be able to go do some of the other things.  I plan to get a second job.  I'll keep my eyes and ears open for better opportunities either within my current job, or elsewhere.  

6.  Embrace my spirituality more.   I've already been doing this, but I need to go further.  Some of the things I'll be doing will help with this- such as learning plants, and connecting with the Sun and Moon.  I want to learn more about runes, tarot, and stones.  Also moon work.

7.  Find solitude.   I've noticed that I'm more at peace when I am alone.  I don't have to worry about the other person, and what their needs are.  Or what they are doing around me.  Finding ways to carve out alone time is something I need to focus on.  

8.  Keep learning.  The things I really want to focus on learning I've already mentioned, but I want to make it a point to keep myself open to new knowledge.  Reading, looking up stuff, watching videos or documentaries.  Even things that might not be necessarily fun, but would be helpful- like Excel. 

9.  Get my own place.  I don't think this needs explanation.  LOL

So, there are some that I can think of right now.  They do not touch upon my long term goals, but they fit into them and get me started in the right direction.  Now I need to use these to come up with twelve goals- one for each month.   Of course, I will not be starting at the first of the new year, but I will be starting on Beltane,, and somehow that just makes sense to me.  

1.  Get active-  exercise and stretching
2.  Diet & water
3. No frivolous spending
4. Get outside for fifteen minutes every day
5.  Learn one new thing- even if it's connected. 
6.  Create something-  art, writing, 
7. Identify and research a new plant
8  Practice gratitude

This is more difficult than I thought, and I'm not sure how to order those things.  All of them are things I want to start doing right away, and some of them overlap each other.  I think I might have to look into this a bit further to really get myself a workable list, but I've got time before May 1st, so hopefully I can come up with something by then.  :)   Of course, who knows where I will be eight months from now, so my needs and wants might change.  Maybe giving myself room to fluctuate is a good thing. 

Lessons in happiness: how a short course can boost your wellbeing ...

April 17th update:

Upon further reflection, I'm wondering if I should take a different approach to the "one a month" idea.  Since so many of my needs overlap each other, I feel I need to take a different route.  Things like "get outside every day" and "no frivolous spending" are things I can easily do now, every day.  Especially since the weather is warming up. So, my idea now is to have those things done every day.  Then, adding in (at least) one more every day, with the goal to have done all of them at least once during the week.  I do feel like I'm going to have to sit down and really decide what constitutes "frivolous spending" and what doesn't.  Especially when looking at making sure I add some creative time in there,  since that might require spending some money.   Maybe just only buying what I need, and only for a specific project.  Then, DO that project before more spending? 

This whole happiness project is going to require its own journal entry (hand-written, which will allow me to slow down and process a little more, as well as add scribbled note and allow for my chaotic thinking patterns).  I am a little excited about the whole process though.  If nothing else, it will give me a little structure to my chaos.  

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Boredom sets in

I'm so bored.  

I'm sitting here trying to get myself motivated to do something.  Anything.  It's a beautiful day outside.  I have all of this free time.  I should be using it. There's plenty that I could be doing:  writing my friend's story,  crafting, baking, going for a walk, exercising.....   Yet I'm sitting here in my bedroom on my laptop whining.  

Problem is-  I don't want to do any of those things.   Strike that.  I don't have the motivation or energy to do those things.  I know I should just force myself to.  But...  sometimes doing that is hard.  Instead I find myself immersing myself in Guild Wars 2 or just watching Netflix, Hulu, Prime... whatever. 

I did do some resin projects the other day.  They came out so pretty!   And then fell apart.  I'm not sure what happened.  Too much of the ink coloring?  The color just peeled off.... it was so sad.  I need to figure out what I'm doing wrong, but that is such an expensive hobby to just practice on.   I made a little felt guy yesterday.   He came out pretty cute, considering I'd forgotten to put his face and stuff on before sewing him together.  LOL .     It's been awhile since I made one.  The things you forget.  I even gave him a fluffy butt.  

No photo description available.I     

So, I've been doing little things here and there.  I've gone for walks, but I'm getting tired of that.  They aren't giving me that refreshed feeling during or after.  It just feels forced- which it pretty much is.  I have gone beach-combing.  I'm finding a lot of cool rocks and shells, but can't really do anything with them at this point.  I mostly leave them there.  I brought home some, and when I put them outside to dry out, the dog got into them.  I lost everything but the three big shells, which were what I really wanted but it was still a big heart-breaking. 

Image may contain: food

I think the forced feeling is what is getting me. The idea that I have all of this time so I SHOULD BE SUPER PRODUCTIVE!  It's making me feel like I have to be doing something.  That combined with living situations, combined with this self-isolation thing going on due to covid-19.   I can't go to various different parks-  change up my scenery.   I can't just jot down to the craft or thrift store for random supplies.  I can't even go find new books to read.  

Focusing on my end game has been helpful to an extent.  Thinking about my ultimate goal of quitting the 9-5, moving to a huge chunk of land, and living off of my self-sufficiency is a good motivator when I need an extra push.  It at least gets me moving, if only for a little bit.  Hell, it's what got me to at least sit down and blog here.  I've been trying to get myself learning things I want to learn:  soap-making (I have some melt and pour base, but need dried lavender.... ), finding a crafting project that I truly enjoy, wild-crafting, herbology,  ,gardening, some of my pagan leanings like moon, astrology, tarot, and how my wild-crafting, herbs, and gardening fit in with it.  

I'm terrible at self-directed learning though.  Especially if I feel confined, which I do so much right now.  Hell, I am just about ready to go back to work just to have a change of scenery- to have to get up and do something.  It's crazy, because the amount of stuff I've been doing recently would have actually been highly acceptable to me if it was life as normal with work and all.  

My daughter and I are going to go for a walk today.  Needing to check the mail is a good excuse, so we'll take the long scenic route up to the post office.  I'm thinking I should check when the tide is out and maybe try to go during low-tide, and get some beach-combing in.  Definitely soak up some sunshine.   I also offered to show her and our roommate's daughter how to make the little felty guys like the one up there.  That is one thing I have plenty of supplies for and it would be a fun little project for them I think.  

So, I'm hanging in there, but I'm getting stagnantly restless- if that makes sense.  I feel the need to do but lack the oomph to actually go.  Baby steps.  I'll make it through.  Hopefully when this shelter-in-place order is lifted, I can reevaluate how I live my daily life and where my priorities are.  

Friday, March 27, 2020

Covid-19 and Self-realizations

So, we're quite a ways through my unexpected vacation, due to covid-19.  I left work on the 16th of March, and we are slated (barring anything further happening) to go back on the 13th of April.  During this time I've had plenty of opportunity to do all of the things I've been wanting to do.

But I haven't.

I had envisioned days of cooking, baking, crafting, reading, learning, exercising.  So far, I've made a batch of cookies, a loaf of beer bread, and a no-sew throw pillow cover.  After ten days.  Which, hearing that, it doesn't sound quite as bad.  Still. I feel like I should be doing more- taking advantage of the free time that's been given to me.

The problem is-  I'm not in my own space.  I'm in someone else's space.  And while they do their best to make me feel completely at home here- it's still not the same.  If it had been my own house, I would have been more apt to do the deep cleaning, cook all the things, make a huge mess, digging and planting garden beds, doing whatever struck my fancy.  But I don't feel comfortable doing that here.  It's isolating, even with all the people.  I feel cooped up- unable to stretch out.  I've watched a lot of television- mainly cooking shows. 

Yesterday I was reading a book (The House Witch) and I came to a bit of a realization;  Something that also covers how stifled I felt when I was in my own place.  I'm a hearth witch.  Yes- I love the outside in the woods or by the sea.  In the gardens and kitchens.  The moon and sun and stars. But I've always felt my best when tending completely to the home.  I was happiest (not including my marriage aspect) when I was a stay-at-home mom and my job was to cook and clean and make sure the house ran smoothly.  Reading through this book - it just sort of finally came together in my head.  And it's hard for me to do that after working full-time all day, and just not having the energy to put into it.  Even harder when the space you are in ultimately belongs to someone else.

One of the things I'm hoping can come out of this displacement right now, is the clean slate that will come with getting into a new place.  Especially if I'm somehow able to make that new place one that I am actually purchasing- so I have complete freedom to do whatever the hell I want to it.  I can incorporate all of those things that make me feel in my natural state at home, even if I'm not able to tend to it at all times due to work, especially if I get a second job (which is the plan once all the pandemic stuff has calmed back down). 

I suppose my next step will be to identify what exactly I want my space to be.  What are must haves, and must nots?  Put together a foundation list, so that regardless of the type of space, I can start to build something positive from the very beginning. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

I'm Not Okay

Image result for im not okay

Wednesday, February 5, 2020


"Home" is something I've been thinking about a lot lately.  I've finally moved out of the old place.  Most of our stuff is currently residing in a storage unit.  My son is staying with his dad.  My daughter and I are sharing a room at a friend's house.  My whole feeling of "home" has been torn asunder, and I find myself grasping for ways to reclaim that feeling.  That feeling has always been fleeting to begin with, but now it's just gone.

Dictionary.com defines "home" as:
1. A house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, household.
2. The place in which one's domestic affections are carried out.

With this, I suppose I do have a home at my friends' house.  It is my shelter.  It is where I go after work.  Where I sleep.  But that isn't what makes a home.  "Home" is more of a feeling- somewhere where you are at peace, where you feel you belong. This feeling of home is what I'm lacking.

Don't get me wrong-  my friends are fucking amazing, and I am beyond grateful that they offered us a place to go to get our feet back under us for awhile again.   But it's their space and their things -not mine.  The walls are infused with their story, their lives, their love.  Not mine. I feel welcome here, yes. They go above and beyond with that.  It's just not my home, and the fact that I'm 43 years old and yet again do not have a place to feel that is making me crack inside.  It's tearing me on so many levels that I sometimes cannot stand it anymore. I have no feeling of belonging anywhere.  Where is my home?  Where is my kids' home? 

Where do I belong?

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Aggressive Manifestation

It's becoming crunch-time for moving.  I have decided to move in with some friends for the time being. They were generous enough to offer, and I swallowed my pride enough to accept.  I go get the storage unit today, and next Saturday we'll be renting a U-Haul and moving everything we're keeping into it.  It just feels like the right decision for now.  I will be able to pay down my credit cards, and get myself into a better financial situation while figuring out where to settle.

As for settling (down) with a place of my own (purchasing)-  it appears that won't be happening for awhile. I met with a lender, and we went over my income, my debt, my credit, etc...   My credit is actually pretty good.  If not for the amount of the debt it would actually be pretty awesome.   So what is the issue?  My income.  I don't MAKE enough money to qualify for the amount I would need to find a place that I would actually want to buy.  Even if I were to be completely debt free, my loan amount would still be about $50,000 less than I'd be wanting.   Maybe I just really need to lower my standards, but that feels.... wrong.  I don't know.

I did some spell-work a couple of months ago, and damn if it isn't manifesting in the most aggressive of ways.   It's like "okay bitch- you want this, you asked for it, so we're going to MAKE it happen".  LOL    /sigh.      I've been wanting to purge my shit.  I've been wanting to look into buying a house.  I've been wanting to figure out what to do with my career.  Apparently those decisions are being brought  right up front and center, and I'm being forced to deal with them.   No more "dealing with it later".

It's a lot though.  I have so much to think about.  After the move I will need to sit down and really look at my life, and consider my future, and decide what it is that I really want.  Not the physical things per se, but where do I want to be?  What do I want to be doing?  How do I want to live?  And then what will it take for me to get there? I suppose that will be one more benefit of staying with friends-  if I am not worrying constantly about money, it will free up space in my brain to breathe and really delve into this. 

2020 is apparently going to be a year of significant change.  Significant thought.  Action and introspection.  Accepting help.  Pushing boundaries even further.  It will be a year of shedding and growth. 

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