~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Play Ball

Depression sucks.  It's a constant battle of will.  It's fighting to stay strong but feeling oh-so-weak.  My arms are tiring; my feet are slipping..   It's struggling to decipher where the line of reality stops and where misconception begins.   Constantly analyzing Every. Single. Thing.  trying to figure out whether or not you are reading it correctly, or if you've crossed over that line into blowing-shit-out-of-proportion.   That line is so muddled and unclear. It's a chalk line in the dirt, except it's been raining torrential downpours for the past week, and now it's all muddy and mucked up.  You can tell where the relative area is, but as for whether or not you've crossed it is unclear.  Are you in-bounds or out-of-bounds?

I want my brain to shut the fuck up.  I'm sick of analyzing everything.  I'm sick of feeling like I don't matter, and that I'm not worth anyone's time anyway.  I'm just sick, always, literally.  It's maddening.  I've always been a bit of a drifter, and staying put is really not in my nature.  The urge to run is overwhelming.  As always, my kids keep me grounded.  I find myself telling myself that I only need to wait until they are grown and moved out.  But what am I waiting for?  What is it that my brain is thinking I'll be able to do once they are out of the nest?  That thought scares me.  I don't think I want to know the answer at this point. 

I'm trying to be strong.  I am well aware of what I suffer from, and the distortions it puts in my head.  It's so hard, though.  I'm just tired.  I want it to stop, and I'm getting to the point where I don't care how it stops as long as it stops.   I'm waiting for my insurance card to get here.  Then I'll make an appointment with my doctor.  Medicating myself again seems to be the only course of action at this point in time.  I need to get something to make the thoughts stop.  I need to start exercising and focusing on my health again, but I keep telling myself "What the fuck for??".  I need to stop that, too, I know.  I need to push through and just do it anyway.  I'm trying.

I'm tired.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Another vague post

I think I'm losing my fucking mind. 
And there's no drugs to blame it on this time.

I'd point the finger at the fact that I'm not feeling well today, enough so that I called out of work, but that would just be me finding a scapegoat and I damn well know it. I've been struggling with this for a while.  I was consoled by the thought that perhaps it was just the medication I was on for that week (an antibiotic that apparently is somewhat known for it's effect on one's mental health), however I know that if anything it only helped to heighten something that was already there to begin with. 

I went to a mental health class a few weeks ago- trying to give us some tips and tools while on the job for dealing with people who might be suffering from mental health issues.  There was one point early on where I almost got up and walked out.  Things were ringing too true to my own ears and I almost just couldn't stomach it anymore.  I know there's something wrong with me, but I just don't have the balls to reach out and actually try and get help for it.  I'm not sure what they could help with. 

I try hard to be a good person.  I try to stay positive, to think forward, to let go of things I cannot change, and to work on things I can.  I try to truly appreciate the things that I do have, and not dwell on the things that I don't. 

However, I can feel that darkness in me twisting and growing.  I can feel it clutch my insides, running it's talons within, scratching and tearing.  It would be so easy to just "let go".  To just let it do its thing.  To just not care anymore.  To not feel. 

I'm not even sure the things I'm fighting for are things I truly want or can even honestly have.  Not as in I'm not worthy or I am not good enough to get it... I just wonder if I'm even capable of some of this shit.  

And then others I'm afraid of taking too far.

Is this all vague enough for you? 

Ok, so that whole "100 Days" thing didn't work out so well for me.  I've started to notice that I don't do well with things when they start to become "required" of me- even if those requirements come from myself.  As soon as I try to start "making" myself do something, it's like my entire being rebels as much as possible.  I think my inner child is a tweenager. 

I recently discovered that I am possible seriously allergic to metronidazole.  Or at least I had many of the "severe" reactions that should have prompted me to discontinue the medication and call my doctor, had I known what I was experiencing was a reaction to the medication and not me losing my freaking mind.   I've highlighted the symptoms I experienced.

"Dizziness, headache, diarrhea, nausea, stomach pain, loss of appetite, constipation, changes in taste, and dry mouth may occur. If any of these effects persist or worsen, notify your doctor or pharmacist promptly."

I had headache (which I always have, so could have been unrelated), nausea (again, that's normal for me), changes in taste (that was weird.. I had a hard time even drinking water), and dry mouth.

 "Tell your doctor immediately if any of these unlikely but serious side effects occur: unsteadiness, seizures, mental/mood changes (such as confusion), numbness/tingling of hands/feet, painful urination.

Tell your doctor immediately if any of these rare but very serious side effects occur: eye pain, severe/persistent headache, sudden vision changes, stiff/painful neck, sore throat, persistent fever, unusual bleeding/bruising, severe stomach pain, persistent nausea/vomiting.

A very serious allergic reaction to this drug is unlikely, but seek immediate medical attention if it occurs. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include: rash, itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), severe dizziness, trouble breathing."

This is where it got interesting.  I'm going to copy and paste what I posted on my Facebook page.

"I have another story about something that happened to me today. It kind of freaked me out a bit, so maybe one of you out there have experienced it or something. I was sitting at the desk at work, already not feeling well (headache and stomachache). Suddenly I got this pressure in my right eye. The only way I can think of to describe it is that it felt like it bubbled up... like a balloon or someone blowing bubbles. It made me think of fish eyes. My vision got all distorted, and my head went all weird. It was like being in a kaleidoscope, complete with the turning. I blinked a couple of times, hoping it would clear, but it didn't. It got worse. I had to get up and go hide in the back room, close my eyes, and force myself to breathe calmly. After five or so minutes I was finally able to see enough to go back to work. I was honestly afraid for a bit there that I was going to have to go get someone to take me to the hospital.. I will say that, other than the preceding and following headache (it got worse after, for sure), it never actually hurt. It was just pressure but mostly that whole tilted feeling/vision. Yesterday I started to feel ill, and it came on sudden. I've felt crappy all day today (especially after aforementioned experience) and just feel 100% off-kilter.. I'm not sure what is going on... If it happens again, I will go see a doctor."

I'm not even sure which of those symptoms that covers, but I see things about vision changes, eye pain, confusion, etc... That whole thing freaked me the fuck out, to put it lightly.  I thought I was stroking out.  

Then, I actually had to call out of work on Monday, because I honestly thought I was losing my fucking mind.  I can't even explain why I felt that way, but my head was so unscrewed that I could not handle it anymore.

 Now, I'm sure that I already have enough mental crap going on in my head.  I picked a really messed up time to take that medication.  My emotional / mental state was already unsteady. Then I went and threw that on top of it, and holy shit.  I never, ever , ever want to experience that again.   I felt like I had been on meth for a couple weeks nonstop... so the twitchy, shaky feeling combined with the not sleeping or eating for days on end, etc etc.   It was not a good feeling at all.  To say that it was a relief to discover that all of the symptoms I was experiencing were most likely caused by the antibiotic would be like saying a Wizard of Oz style tornado is a soft breeze...

I realized on the last day of my treatment that I had a rash, and then noticed that I had been having trouble breathing (I noticed these before being made aware of the side effects of the drug).  It was like I could not take a full breath, and that my lungs just could not fill with the oxygen they wanted.  
So, take this as a public awareness notice-  if you get prescribed metronidazole and start going insane... call your doctor.  Chances are it's just the drug.   Or you might be going insane.  Either way,  your doc should probably be made aware.   

Surprisingly, I still made myself get onto my treadmill for at least 15 minutes of actual jog/run time most every day.  I did take the weekend off, but I don't feel guilty about that.  I've kept myself active, and gotten shit done.  I got all of my plants transplanted into their respective garden beds/ planters.  I've gotten the birdcage cleaned out and will begin my fairy house in it this week.  I'm getting outside and enjoying the weather when it's nice, and doing stuff around the house that needs to get done.  I need to be more on top of food, though, and getting my water drank.  I'm pretty sure I'm getting rather dehydrated. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

April 14th, 2014

Five things I am grateful for:

1.  Being paid to walk in the sunshine and ogle gorgeous houses.
2.  Great coworkers
3.  Learning new things about my town.
4.  Finding great books that speak to me.
5.  Naps

What did I cross off my list today?
I took my measurements down.  After watching and reading quite a few reviews about that Javita coffee, I decided to go ahead and try it for a month or so.  I plan to remeasure myself at the end of the first box and see if there is any difference.

What did I do today that makes me happy?

I got to walk in the sunshine.  Sure- I was working, but it was so nice out!!

What made me laugh?

What new thing did I learn today?

That one of the houses nearby is the first house built in town.  Also that there are Native American graves (unmarked) in this little undeveloped area downtown.  Now I know why it's never had anything done with it

What physical activity did I do?

I also got to do quite a bit of walking (and stair climbing) for work today while we were out doorbelling.   I did walk to work, but caught a ride home.

How was my diet?

Not too bad.  I need to work on getting more water in me, though.

What inspired me?  Why?

The sunshine.  When you live in an area that doesn't get many days like this, you have to take advantage!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

April 10th, 2014

Last night was spent with a bottle of wine and crying myself to sleep.   It's amazing to me how I keep getting myself caught up in this shit.  I'm so guarded around people, specifically men.  My friends tell me I need to loosen up, let things flow, and let things happen.  I need to let down my walls and let people in.  However, whenever I do that, I'm quickly reminded as to why those walls are built so high around me in the first place.   Yesterday was a prime example.  Well, the past couple of days.

Regardless, I am not going to let it put a damper on me acknowledging what is still precious and good in my life.  I'm still going to acknowledge ways in which I allow myself to move forward.  I'm still going to smile and laugh and love those who have stayed by my side.   I let myself wallow last night.  I drank my wine (on an empty stomach), and I cried on a shoulder of a guy friend I've never met, but who "sat" with me the entire time and let me vent (through texts, but hey.. it worked).  I let it all out of my system.  I feel cleansed.  I expelled all (well mostly all) of that negative energy, and now I can let myself be refilled with positive energy again.  

Five things I am grateful for:

1.  Sunny days, even if weird people come wandering half-into my home.... =/

2.  Awesome coworkers

3.  Recipes that work.

4.  Sweaters

5.  A clean kitchen

What did I cross off my list today?
I got out and scrubbed the front porch, steps, and railing today.  It's not completely spotless, but it looks way better than it did this morning.

What did I do today that makes me happy?

Opened the door and curtains to let the sunshine and fresh air in, and took a nap.

What made me laugh?

What new thing did I learn today?

That if you take ripe strawberries, dip them into sour cream, and then dip them into brown sugar, it is freaking delicious.

What physical activity did I do?

Considering the fact that my arms still hurt from scrubbing the front porch, I'm thinking that counts as my physical activity.

How was my diet?

My breakfast consisted of a vegetarian egg casserole and fruit.  Dinner was chicken and homemade mac n cheese.  Not fantastic, but not dreadful.

What inspired me?  Why?

Especially in light of recent events, I sometimes have to remind myself that it is perfectly acceptable to walk my path alone without a mate/partner.  It doesn't make me any less of a person.  Some things just need to be done on my own.  This chapter (or perhaps the next few chapters) are solo.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

April 8th, 2014

  I had a migraine today.  So much so that I had to leave work early.  Luckily, I had some time I needed to take off for an upcoming meeting, so I used those hours today.   I came home and discovered that my kids' dad isn't picking them up until tomorrow night, so I had to figure out something for dinner as well.  Pizza it was, which is against my "diet", and my desire to stop spending money on "going out to eat".  Oh well.

 The highlight of my night, though, came in the form of discovering that someone I thought actually might give a shit decided that playing his video game, that he plays every week, and played all night last night, was more important than spending time with me.  Even though the time we have left is limited.  I was already starting to think that unless sex was involved, he could give a rat's ass anymore.  Now I guess sex doesn't even matter.   So, that's how my night went.  I'm going to try to not let all this drama fuckery compromise my attempt at keeping up with the positive stuff below.  

Five things I am grateful for:

1.  Having a job with coworkers who understand migraines and the havoc they wreck, allowing me to leave early.

2.  Having friends who will come pick my ass up because I'm leaving work early due to above-mentioned headache, and it's pissing rain outside and I walked.

3.  Wine.  Unfortunately, I have none.

4.  Dark, quiet rooms.  I worked in one today, and I'm in one now.

5.  A place where I can vent.

What did I cross off my list today?
It wasn't on my list, but I had a doctor's appointment today that I had been putting off.  It alleviated some concerns of mine, and while I'm still not 100% in the clear until all the results are back, the prognosis is pretty spiffy.

What did I do today that makes me happy?

Came home early.  That made me happy.

What made me laugh?

What new thing did I learn today?

That nicotine might be helpful to people with Alzheimer's and dementia.  Of course, you shouldn't go start lighting up just yet.  They are hoping to eventually isolate the helpful component.

What physical activity did I do?

I got 20 total minutes on my treadmill today.   2 minutes warm-up (1 minute at 2mph, and 1 minute at 3mph), 15 minutes of jogging at 4mph, 1 minute cool-down at 3.5mph, 1 minute at 3mph, and 1 minute at 2.5mph.

Then this video for stretching.

Granted, it's less time all around than yesterday, but I also started my jog with the beginnings of a migraine, so I don't feel too horrible about it.  I'm pretty happy that I got anything done at all.  LOL

How was my diet?


What inspired me?  Why?

Monday, April 7, 2014

April 7th, 2014.

Five things I am grateful for:

1.  Being able to teach my son something creative.  I showed him how to make paper roses last night, because he wanted to make some for his girlfriend (they just had their first anniversary).  He made some beautiful ones!

2.  My alarm clock.  While I hate it, I would never have gotten up in time today to get the kids off to school.

3.  Naps.  Also the fact that I have time to take one today before work.  =)

4.  It's supposed to be in the mid-60s today.  Although I'll be stuck inside at work, it is still nice to know that the warmer weather is coming, even if it's supposed to be 10 degrees cooler by my day off.

5. Friends that bring me coffee in the morning.  =D

What did I cross off my list today?
I went through the tupperware containers and cleaned that area out.  I also went through my baking/casserole dishes and miscellaneous cabinets.  I didn't have to take out too much, but now it's all organized, and I know what I have, can see it, and easily get to it.  =)

What did I do today that makes me happy?

I sat outside in the sunshine during my lunch break.  It was so nice out!!

What made me laugh?

What new thing did I learn today?

About necrophilia.

It won't let me put in the link from YouTube, so just follow  This Link Here.  You know you want to.

What physical activity did I do?

I did a total of 25 minutes on my treadmill.  2 minutes warm-up walking at 2.5 mph.  Then 18 minutes of jogging at 4 mph.   I then reduced by 0.5mph each minute afterwards as a cool down.  The total distance was 1.5 miles.

Then I did the following beginner's yoga video, which is more of a gentle stretching.  It wasn't as full of a stretch as I would have liked, but it was enough for now.  I might try to do a more all-encompassing one when I get home from work later if I can find one.

I also walked to and from work.

How was my diet?

I drank a 20oz bottle of water before leaving for work.  I also drank a large smoothie full of kale, strawberries, mango, pineapple, peas, blueberries, cranberry juice, and water.  It went with a piece of toast lightly buttered with honey, and a couple of fried eggs. 

I drank 3 more 20oz bottles of water while at work, and for lunch/dinner had my homemade Zuppa Toscana.  All in all, pretty decent, I think.

What inspired me?  Why?

I want to do this for my children.  I want to be someone they look up to.  Someone they look at and say, "You know what, despite everything, she did it.  She didn't give up."   I want to be a good example for them.  I want to be a good role model.  I know they, especially my daughter, will be looking to me for how to act, how to be a woman.  I remind myself this whenever I start giving up on myself, whenever I start feeling down on myself.  I think of what advice I would give her (and my son), what I would hope they would do, how they would react.  Then I try to model that.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

#9 April 6th, 2014

Friday night I got to work the teen lock-in at the library with a couple of workers, and a whole slew of teens, including my own.  It was a ton of fun.  Back to the Future II,  pizza, and an 80s themed disco dance party.  The only drawback to the whole thing was that I had to work 3pm to 11pm Friday night, and then turn around and be back at work at 8am the next morning.  Needless to say, I was a bit tired.  Another coworker had pity on me and bought me a coffee mid-shift to keep me going.  All of my coworkers are seriously awesome, by the way.

However, I don't think it's surprising that I didn't get to my "dailies" Friday or Saturday.  By the time I got home from work yesterday, I was pretty much done.  I showered, got into my jammies, and vegged on the couch watching Grimm and the X-Files until I took my book to bed and finished it.  Oh, I did clean the kitchen and make dinner, so I did accomplish some stuff before being completely useless for the rest of the evening.  :)  


Five things I am grateful for:

1.  Sleep
2.  Coffee
3.  Payday
4.  Being paid to do things like the teen lock-in
5.  A clean kitchen

What did I cross off my list today?
Nothing.  I'm bad.  I know.

What did I do today that makes me happy?

I went out for coffee with a good friend.  We took her girls to the park and had some much needed girl talk..

What made me laugh?

This.  Just.. you might not want to watch it at work.

What new thing did I learn today?

That the guy who invented the Pringles can was cremated and buried in one when he died.   Or that canola oil was originally called rapeseed oil.  That 25% of an apples volume is air, which is why they float in water.  Apparently I didn't correctly put in the link, and now I don't remember where I learned all that.  It was probably Mental Floss, though.  Same place as the video above. 

Oh, and all the stuff in the above video... 

What physical activity did I do?

Nothing.  I walked over to the birthday party, which is just around the corner, and back.  Not really exercise, but it got me some fresh air.

How was my diet?


What inspired me?  Why?

Nothing really today.   I got a good night's rest though, even if I did wake up stupid early. 

  I'm not sure why I woke up so early this morning.  7:30am on a Sunday morning, which is my day off, is not cool.  What's even more not cool is the fact that I've been rather emotional today.  There are things going rounds in my head that I've been desperately trying to ignore, and they are all pushing to the surface this morning, vying for attention. 

  It doesn't help that I got paid today, so decided to pay my bills.  I was hoping to put everything on auto-pay through my main credit card, and then I could just make bi-weekly large deposits into that account and take some of the stress off of remembering to pay them, figuring out which ones to do, and dealing with fines for forgetting.  Unfortunately, most of them will not do auto-pay with a credit card, so that's fucked.  Then, as I was adding up all I owe, I realized I owe more than I originally thought.  Then (there's a few "thens") I looked at my student loan bill, from 17 years ago, and realized I've barely paid it down, because of the fucking interest.  I haven't even worked in that field for maybe 10 years now.  It's frustrating. 

  Then, because my mind is already starting to freak out over the whole money thing, it riles up all the other thoughts that have been duking it out up there, and then a whole brawl starts.  Things like where I'm at, where I'm going, past relationships, the lack of current ones (not just romantic but in general) and all that other shit gets stirred up.  Each of them take their turn in the spotlight, reminding me of why I try not to think about this shit, but they've pretty much got me in a headlock, tied to a chair, and have placed toothpicks in my eyelids to keep them open and watch. 

It's times like this when I just want to get into my car and drive.  Far.  Far away.  Start over.  Of course, not only would my kids kill me if I moved them like that, I don't think my car would make it that far.  Which reminds me that I need to look at buying a new car, which reminds me that "Oh yeah!  I have no fucking money."   And then the cycle repeats itself. 

Excuse me while I go pound my head against the wall for a few hours. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

#8 April 3rd, 2014

Five things I am grateful for:

1.  Starbucks  (it got my daughter to go shopping with me today.  ;-)  )
2.  The sound of the birds singing outside my window in the morning.  It makes waking up a more peaceful thing.
3.  Music.  Seriously... life would be empty without it.
4.  Days off.
5.  Finding fabulous recipes that everyone in my house enjoys.  Especially when they're relatively healthy!

What did I cross off my list today?
I made a list of what I needed for my emergency first aid kit (which also is our regular first aid / medical kit).  I went through everything we currently have, threw out anything old or expired, crossed off what I already still had, and then went and bought the rest.

I also cleaned out my fridge.  

What did I do today that makes me happy?

Took my daughter to Starbucks and drank coffee while we shopped for mundane household things. :)
I also got my last massage today. It was 90-minutes long.  I was pretty happy.

What made me laugh?

The following exchange between my son and daughter:

To set the scene:  The three of us are sitting on my couch (it's actually more of a loveseat).  He's showing her how to copy music from my music folders onto her iPod library.   She drops the mouse on the floor.

Son:  "You dropped the mouse."
Daughter (without missing a beat):  "You are a mouse and you should be eaten by a cat."

Tell me that's not hilarious!

What new thing did I learn today?

You know those colors you see when you close your eyes?  The phenomena is called "phosphene".   You can read more about it Here.

What physical activity did I do?

I cleaned my kitchen pretty good, which is a workout in and of itself.

How was my diet?

Breakfast was horrendous (leftover pizza).  However, I made homemade Zuppa Toscana.  I no longer use the half & half in it.  I also use a ton of kale.  It might not be the healthiest thing, but it's better than much of the stuff I make! 

What inspired me?  Why?

I guess just getting stuff done.  Nothing specific.  Being able to spend time with my kids.  :) 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

#7 April 1st, 2014

I made it through a week.  Nope, this isn't an April Fool's Day joke.  I'm not witty enough for those.   Looking back, I got 4/7 posts done, which is actually okay I think.  More than I expected, really.  So I'm happy with that.  I need to get better about crossing stuff off my list, but I've gone a bit crazy with my sleep today and yesterday, since the kids are on Spring Break and I can actually sleep in.  I've been taking advantage of it while I can.  =)   

Five things I am grateful for:

1.  Sunshine so I could walk to work.
2.  Coworkers that look out for me.
3.  Subtle pranks that aren't blatantly obvious.
4.  A quiet day at work today, despite it being April Fool's Day.
5.  The strange shit my kids and their friends listen to.

What did I cross off my list today?
Nothing. :(

What did I do today that makes me happy?

I walked to work.  I love doing that, even if my eyes get all goopey with allergies.

What made me laugh?

Whatever this crazy crap my son and his friend are listening to...

What new thing did I learn today?

That if you (or your son, because it's April Fool's Day) change the date on your computer to a date 17 years ago... Firefox won't open any websites. 

What physical activity did I do?

I made it 15 minutes on my treadmill.   I did the 30 minutes just fine my first day, and then it went downhill from there.  I'm determined to work my way back to it, though.  

I am also walking to work today, and if the weather holds, I will walk home as well.  For those who don't know, I have to walk about a half mile up a hill.  It's a steep hill.  Part of it is so steep they put stairs in. LOL

*  I didn't walk home.  Not because I didn't want to, because I really did.  My coworker/pal gave me a ride home after the super creepy guy at work kept making eye contact with me, to the point where I was afraid he thought I was actually making eyes at him.  Since he knows my route home, and walks this same way often, my friend and I weren't really comfortable with me walking home tonight.  =/    I'd much rather lose out on a mile walk, then have to potentially deal with him, though.   

How was my diet?

I ate breakfast-  just your basic bacon and egg breakfast burrito.  I cut some green onions and fresh basil into it.  I need to get to the store to stock up on more veggies.  I can't wait until the market here opens and the Farmer's Market is in swing again, so I can just pick up fresh produce on my way home.

I did make a smoothie full of fruits and a couple of carrots.  I need to get to the store and replenish my supply of kale/spinach.

What inspired me?  Why?

This talk by Ash Beckham

Really- take the 11 minutes and watch it.  Yes, it talks about lesbianism, but it's not just that.  It is relevant to all people.  We all have closets.  We all have hard talks we have to have.  

Monday, March 31, 2014

5 & 6

So, apparently me doing these daily is not going to happen.  Too much life gets in the way, it seems.   I will continue to try, though. I'm only going to do the five today, although I should technically being doing two days worth.  So shoot me. 

Five things I am grateful for:

1.  Comicon
2.  Vodka
3.  Great coworkers
4.  Being able to work in a library- I mean, how awesome is that??
5.  Getting my rent paid on time.

What did I cross off my list today?
I got the seeds started today.  They are now under their happy little plant light downstairs- which I need to remember to turn off before I go to bed tonight....

What did I do today that makes me happy?

Today I slept in.  That makes me extremely happy.

What made me laugh?

I know I've laughed today, but don't recall at what.

What new thing did I learn today?

Turkeys can reproduce without having sex.  So can some lizards/snakes.  It's called parthenogenesis.  I love how it describes it as reproducing without the "benefit" of sex.  hehehe   I read about it Here.

What physical activity did I do?

I walked all day around Comicon yesterday.  If I had tried to do anything today I think my entire body would have rioted.

How was my diet?

Yesterday's was a mess, due to Comicon, although the sub sandwiches were loaded with veggies (it's how I like them).  Today's diet featured more fruit and some veggies, too, but not nearly enough.  I also really need to get better about drinking more water.

What inspired me?  Why?

One thing I need to be certain of is that I do not "settle" for someone.  I do not look at what they can offer me, and forgo this elusive thing that is called love.  I should not do that to them, nor should I do it to myself.  While at this point I'm pretty sure I'm incapable of feeling or expressing honest love for a man, I also don't think that I should make a relationship become what is more akin to a business deal.  Something to remember while meeting new people.
Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.

Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/b/buddha417367.html#Y6r0Xej84dYwdEeB.99

Friday, March 28, 2014

Catch-Up..Days 2,3, & 4

So, right off the bat I fall behind.  How's that for typical?  LOL  Oh well.  Life happens.   Wednesday I had a date so didn't have time to do this, and then yesterday I just flat out forgot.  I've been a little tired the past week.  So, make up time.

Five things I am grateful for:
(15, since 3 days worth)

1.  Pandora
2.  Cell phones
3.  My plan that only lets me text, so I have a good, valid excuse not to talk on the phone.
4.  Being able to let my daughter go to California again.
5.  The bar being so close I can walk, to multiple..
6.  Pizza delivery
7.  Having a washing machine in my house.
8.  Finding sales on awesome stuff at the craft stores
9.  Reading glasses
10. Random sun breaks during rainy days
11. Good books
12. Socks
13. My kids got relatively good reviews during their conferences
14. Eye candy
15. Coffee.  I know it's been said already, but I'm thankful for it enough to say it again.  

What did I cross off my list today?

.I got the light bulb in the laundry room changed.  I didn't do it, but I had my son do it, and that's close enough.  I think that might be all I got done in these three days.  Don't judge.

What did I do today that makes me happy?

Wednesday I tried out a new craft project, and was very happy with  it.  Thursday I went and got probably the most aggressive massage I've ever had- which was fucking awesome.  Tonight I'm going to stay in and catch up on some shows.  Too bad I don't have any wine left....

What made me laugh?
Some inappropriate stuff that I won't post here.  ;)

What new thing did I learn today?

  • Wednesday I learned that new craft technique/medium (alcohol inks)
  • Thursday I learned that this was a thing and it really turns my stomach.  I learned about it when reading an interview with the author in the back of the book I just finished (What She Left Behind).  
  • Today I just learned on http://uselessfacts.net/ that The Guinness Book of World Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from the library... 

What physical activity did I do?

Wednesday I walked to work with every intention of walking home, but it was raining when I left.  I also ran on the treadmill for 20 minutes that morning.
Yesterday I didn't do shit.
Today I ran for 5 minutes, then was afraid I might literally fall on my face because I was so tired and quit.  I haven't done anything else.

I think I need to get some sleep.

How was my diet?

I ate some seriously awesome food at Fujiyama's in Silverdale Wednesday night though.  Filet Mignon, sea scallops, and lobster.  Oh, and a bottle of wine.  Yes- I said bottle.

We'll just skip the other days...

What inspired me?  Why?

My dreams, because they mean I'm sleeping and that's something I haven't been doing enough of.
I'll leave you with a photo though- 

This one is so true for me.  I am always judging myself, and feeling like I don't measure up.  I'm not pretty enough, skinny enough, intelligent enough, motivated enough, etc. etc. etc.  I need to stop comparing myself with every other fucking person out there, and just learn to be and love who I am.  Period.

One:   I love the feel of the sun on my face.  It's like a warm hug. 
Two:  I need to look towards what is positive and happy, so that the other things just kind of fade into the background. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

100 Days: Day #1

Five things I am grateful for:

1.  My kids have great friends
2.  My car is running again
3.  I am close enough to work to walk when the weather is nice.
4.  Leftovers
5.  Washing machines

What did I cross off my list today?

I went through the library books and took a bunch of them back.  I kept out the ones I want to go through. If I haven't touched them by the time they are due, they go back.

What did I do today that makes me happy?

I took the time to sit and just drink a cup of coffee without trying to do other things in the meantime.

What made me laugh?

This:  Funny Cat Compilation   My kids and I actuary watched the entire thing.  We laughed pretty good.

What new thing did I learn today?

Ummmm.... that this is a thing...  

What physical activity did I do?

I got on the treadmill for 20 minutes and jogged. 

How was my diet?

I did get a huge fruit (and carrot) smoothie in.  Other than that.  Mediocre.  Water intake pretty bad, honestly. 

What inspired me?  Why?

Sometimes it's hard to find the strength to keep going, when it feels like it never ends.  However, I have to remind myself that not only will it be spectacular at the top, but the climb itself yields plenty of its own beauty if I just take the time to slow down and focus on looking around me rather than just focusing on how much of a pain in the ass it is.  :)

Okay, so this list is mainly for my own use (for obvious reasons), but I figured I'd post it so you all could see it too.   I guess it's that whole accountability issue again-  you will be able to ensure I'm crossing things off.  :)  I will add to it as things come to mind.

My to-do/stop tolerating/quit putting off this shit list:

1.  Clean out and organize my Tupperware cupboard.  Toss anything without a lid, or that I don't use.

2.  Clean out and organize the hall closet.  Create a good space for any medication/first aid items, and for tools.  Go through everything, toss out old, outdated, expired things or items that haven't been used.

3.  Go through the mound of library books I have.  Decide which ones I might actually get some use of, and return the rest.  I should probably quit checking out cookbooks.  I have my magazine and Pinterest for recipes.

4.  Create a box for items to be given away to the Goodwill (or anyone who wants them) and drop it off when it gets full.

5.  Go through the items I might actually want to try and sell, and make a decision on them.  If I decide to sell them, photograph them and post them.

6.  Go through my clothes in my closet.  Get rid of anything that doesn't fit or that I haven't worn.

7.  Go through my clothes in my drawers.  Do the same as with the closet.

8.  Go through my clothes in my armoire.  Do the same with them. See if I can't get them to fit into the drawers on my bed or into my closet so that I can give my son the armoire.

9.  Go through the entertainment center(?) craft thing.  Organize, purge, and try to get it out of there so I can get rid of it. Find something to replace it.

10. Go through the dresser in the crafting area.  Perhaps some of what's in the center can be moved there.

11.  Do the same thing with the plastic bins in the craft area.

12.  And with the boxes (I have a lot of crafting stuff....)

13.  Go through the cleaners under the sink.  Get rid of what I'm not using.  See what needs to be replaced and replace it.  Try to make my own solutions.

14.  Clean out the junk drawers in the kitchen.

15.  Clean out the fridge.

16.  Clean out the freezers.

17.  Go through all of my jeans.  Repair those that can be repaired, toss those that are damaged beyond repair, and donate any that no longer fit.

18. Go through my pots and pans.  Toss any lids that don't go with anything.

19.  Go through the baking pans, sheets, etc.

20.  Go through the utensil and knife drawers.  Donate or toss anything that hasn't been used.

21. Fix the lights in the kids' bathroom.

22.  Change the light bulb in the laundry room.

23. Fix the vacuum cleaner.  If I can't figure it out, get help.

24. Put together that damn bookshelf I bought last year...

25. Draw up an on-going chore list.  Separate daily, weekly, and monthly chores.  Post it.

26. Take and record my measurements.  Keep track of them.

27. Dig up the front yard (this needs to be done soon!)

28. Plant the front edge.

29.  Start the plant starts.

30. Replace the trim around the door.

31. Get some porch (mildew) cleaner (or see about making some) and scrub the porch, steps, and railing.

32. Empty all the planters.

33. Completely clean the grill - both sides

34. Dust the living room.

35.  Get a copy of my credit report and go through it.

  Recently a post was making the rounds through my friends on Facebook.  It was titled "60 Small Ways to Improve Your Life in 100 Days"  At first I just bypassed it, thinking just another "self-help" type fad that was circling.   Then, during a down moment where I had nothing else to do, I decided to read through it.  Then I decided to print it.  Now I've decided to do it.  The things they had listed might have been sort of "duh" points, but the idea is to actually buckle down and do it.    

  Now, I'm not doing all 60 items listed on the list.  Some of them overlap for me, and others I just feel I won't actually stay on track with, and since that's setting myself up for failure, I will just start out with a few I can actually focus on, and I think they are the more important ones (for me) anyway.  Then I can gradually start adding in the others.  This way, I won't overwhelm myself right off the bat. 

The ones I am focusing on (note that the numbers are based off the number on the article):

#1  Creating a decluttering calendar. 
#3 Identify items around the house you've been tolerating and fix one each day.

These two I am combining into one focus, since many of the things I've been "tolerating" are also decluttering jobs.  I will make a list (to follow) of things to get done, and be sure to not go to bed without marking one off each day. 

#4  Write down 5 things I'm grateful for, every day.   It's good to remember what's going right, even if it's hearing the birds chirping outside. 

#5  Make a list of things I enjoy doing, and make sure to do at least one each day. 

#7  Have a good laugh (and share it) each day.

#9 Learn something new (and share it) each day.

#19  Get a notebook and take it everywhere, to store random thoughts, to-dos, appointments, etc.  I just got a new phone, and think I'll become very familiar with the note apps on it for this.

 #26  Weekly reviews.  I'm also planning to do daily reviews, which I will explain following.

#31 Eat my veggies

#32  Eat my fruit (smoothies ftw!)

#36 Drink more water (I don't drink carbonated beverages very often; rarely actually.  I do need to up my water intake though)

#38  Make lunches/dinner.   I'm altering this a bit from the site, but I have a horrible time with not taking a lunch to work, which means I have to go out.  Or I get lazy when I get home and order pizza instead of cooking.  This wastes money and most often creates horrible eating habits.

#39  Create a list of healthy snacks.  Keep them on hand (and at work!).

#40  Create meal plans for two-week increments.

#42  Exercise and stretch

Something I added:   Find and share a quote I find inspiring.  Reflect upon said quote for a few moments.

In order to hold myself more accountable for these, I've decided to do a nightly blog about what I've accomplished during the day, and reflect upon where I need to work.  It will be like a daily diary /journal entry before retiring for the night.   I know this "blogging for accountability" hasn't worked much for me in the past, but I think I might have a couple more people who read this now who can help hold me accountable.  I'd appreciate any feedback in either private messages or in the comments during these.  It also lets me know I'm actually being watched (ie: accountability).  So reprimand me if I start slacking.  ;) 

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