~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Friday, January 25, 2008

Help the Students!!

We're all students, right? Students of life, love, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, yadda yadda yadda. I actually am a student, and I have two other little students at home. I went through and picked one link from each topic to sign up with and try out. I actually liked them all.

On the first one, I went with Zoho { http://zoho.com/ }. While I haven't yet actually done anything on it, it looks fairly simple to use. I also like the idea that you can post them directly to a blog. This site I think would help anyone who needed a good Notepad who didn't have Word on thier own computers. Or for those who need to use public computers to write up essays, etc.

In the second topic, I went with the Backpack one { http://www.backpackit.com/ }. I love this one. I can create lists of things I need to do around the house, or in general and share them with my boyfriend (*Honey....DO*). I can set up reminders for things like... a staff meeting on a day out of the norm... Only thing I didn't care for was that you had to pay for the calander. But can't honestly complain about that, now can I? Everything else is free, and they need to feed thier families somehow too! Again, I see this site being helpful for anyone who needs someplace to organize thier thoughts, if nothing else!

I then went to Notely { http://www.notely.net/ }. Being a college student, I can see this really helping out! You can list classes, room numbers, homework, calculate your grade, set reminders, etc etc etc. I can definately see myself utilizing this site for my college classes. It would be great for high school too!

The only one I didn't sign up for was the job topic. I am pretty sure I already have a profile on Jobster from my previous job search, before I wound up here! And, since I have no interest in looking for another job, I am declining to go through those ones. I can say that while useful for big city searches, I didn't find those sites particularly helpful in the smaller areas like Port Orchard and Kitsap county. Not to mention, I was inundated with emails from them, which was a bit annoying. However, my search for a job was not as emergent as some peoples. Those who are on a full frontal assault with trying to get a job might have better use of these than I did.

All in all, 3/4 topics got me hooked. I can see myself using them all for myself, and some or all for organizing things for my kids. I plan to introduce a couple of them to my children for them to help themselves get organized with school, activites, etc as well. Especially that Backpack one. And the Zoho can help them with typing up things and posting them to thier own blog if they want.

In the library setting, I can see us using this information to help many patrons. All of the sites i went to would be useful to everyone. Letting them know about sites like the ones I chose could be trememdous help to others, just as I think they can be for me. I think this is my second favorite section of this entire 2.0 thing (Library thing being my fav).

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