~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)

We were having this conversation here at work the other day. Why is it that we readers feel the necessity to finish a book that we hate?? It doesn't seem to matter whether we are at the beginning, middle, or near the end of the book. We hate it. We can't stand it. Yet we HAVE to see it through until the end.

Perhaps we could use this on our resumes? A clear example of how obsessively we see tasks through? Of course, if only I could transfer that crazy obsession to other areas, such as housework. I must see the cleaning out of my garage through to the end! It's an unfinished book! I wonder if that approach would work at all.

I have grand plans to clean out my kids' rooms this coming weekend (not today end of the weekend, but next weekend. My procrastination hasn't yet started. Or maybe it has but I'm procrastinating in acknowledging it). I will view this project as an Unfinished Book. The Book of Does My Daughter REALLY Have A Floor??

I'll let you know how that turns out....

I'm sure you all understand. Those of you with kids maybe more-so.

I stand there at the check-in counter, checking out (and in, of course) all those books our lovely readers bring back. And it never fails, I see some come through that just look so PERFECT for my kids. Today- for instance. I was at work for a mere 2.5 hours. I came home with like- 7 books. I thought my arm was going to fall off ( so I'm weak! Gimmie a break!). Sooo.. I lug them home, and add them to the 2 billion other books and dvds I've already brought home for my spoiled rotten minions.. I mean kids. (I don't take back the "spoiled rotten" part... that part is absolutely true. Ok- so maybe the minion part is too, but I'm not to blame... *whistles innocently*).

I have put a gazillion Bill Nye movies on hold for my son. Serious, I put about 25 of them on hold, before realizing they were all going to come in at the same time. Sure enough.. within a couple days, I had Bill Nye movies up to my ears. So, we are all getting our fair share of science lectures.

My daughter, a bit easier. Her tastes are pretty culturally popular, so there are more holds on what I find for her, which makes them come in a bit slower. But- you throw all those Bill Nye movies in with it, and I think I'm 10 again. Really. I can't remember the last "adult' movie I watched (no .. not THAT kind of "adult" movie.. jeez..buncha pervs!). At least it's not dumbing down my IQ. I feel almost smarter.

So now I've switched to books. Not because my kids are such avid readers. Getting them to read is about the cliche equivalent of pulling teeth. Nope- they are because I think they look fun. I have wonderful visions of reading them to a rapt audience of my 7 and 10 year olds. Can we say "pipe dream"? All together now... 1... 2.. 3.... PIPE DREAM. Hey.. I get some fun reads.

Ok.. I'm done for now. I'm actually bringing some of that mound back to the library tomorrow. Not enough to really make a dent.. but at least I feel like I can breathe a little!

Yeah, I know... I'll just end up bringing twice as much home with me tomorrow. Oh well.....

Ok- so not really. I have my own website that I have something of a blog on. But you guys don't get to see it! LOL.

This is work, after all. Can't go around throwing out all my personal business for you'all to see. We haven't known each other THAT long! Sheesh.... =P

Anyways, here we go. My first blog for the super-duper KRL2.0!!

Do I get my cookie now?

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