~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Monday, June 30, 2008

Fathoms O' Fun!

So, the Fathoms Of Fun Parade was this past Saturday, June 28th here in Port Orchard. Of course, the Port Orchard Library had a spot in it, and of course I got bullied into participating. Okay, okay, so I wasn't bullied. I volunteered. I got to be a book- the letter "R", to be exact. The kids got to wear their "Catch the Reading Bug" tshirts and ride their scooters behind our banner. Dustin walked alongside us, and took pictures as well as helping to hand out water when needed. Our branch manager, Kathleen dressed up as an old-schoolhouse librarian, and looked hilarious! Not to mention hot!

It was loads of fun. The walk up the hill to our starting point was worse than the route of the parade itself. The weather was absolutely gorgeous, and the crowd was great. My entire entourage of family and friends showed up, and cheered generously at our complete lack of real practice, and our flubbing of spellings. It all added to the atmosphere and fun and worked out really well for us. So well, in fact, that we won the "best" title in the public service portion of the parade!

My coworker Wally did an incredible job of dreaming up the act, as well as preparing the costumes. They were excellent! I'm sure we'll keep them for future fun!

I'll have pictures posted soon. Dustin has to upload them and get them resized for me. Then you all can see the hilarity!

Monday, June 23, 2008


I finally got my kitty cat!!! I got her this past Saturday. She is a little 10ish week old Bombay girlie. She's the runt of the litter. She's got some huge bear paws. When we got her, she was grimy, and had bugs. But she looked healthy otherwise. We took her home, gave her a flea bath, put a flea collar on her, and wallah! She's as good as new! She's black, but you can see the lightening up marks where it looks like she may be getting some stripes.

The first night, she would not leave my side. Yesterday, (Sunday), she crawled underneath a table and would not move until I got home from work. Muttley, our dog, doesn't quite know what to think of this little thing running around his domain. Luckily, he's rather accepting of her, and looks like he really wants to play, but is a bit timid.

Boo is getting more adventuresome. She's been touring the house today. She's learned to crawl up every one's legs, and the couch. And my massage chair. She's got some demon claws on her, which we need to get trimmed. The kids are thrilled with her. I'm thrilled with her. And even Dustin is thrilled with her, though you won't get him to admit it.

I'm hoping to get pictures up soon!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Time goes by

It occured to me the other day that I haven't blogged on here in awhile. I'm sure there are dozens of millions of you out there just dying to know what in the world I've been up to! Ok.. so maybe I'm letting my head get a bit out of kilter, but I hope there is at least someone out there who looks at this. hehe...

Anyways.. to answer that begging question.. well, not a whole hell of alot. I've been doing a little bit of writing, albeit most of it is still in my head. I've got a snippet of it on my thaydra.com website, but be advised that the entire thing there is probably already rewritten... at least in a different context. But I think it's a pretty interesting storyline, and it's gone round in my head enough for me to think I may just get something done with this one.

We had our Ants in your Pants dance party at the library here last evening. I had to work it, but I brought the kids down, and they had a blast. I didn't even know my daughter could hula hoop! She won second place in their contest! LOL. She didn't stop from the moment we got here until the moment we left. Even when the music was not playing, she was still moving. My coworkers got a kick out of it. My son enjoyed himself too, but maybe not to the extent his sister did. But I saw him out there dancing and jumping around as well.

I'm going to be in our annual 4th of July parade this year with my coworkers. I get to be the letter "E". And I'm a book. Figure that one out. Or just come down and watch. It's going to be on June 28th, in Port Orchard. What fun it will be! And the fair will be in town, so I'm sure we'll end up there.

Ok.. that's about all the excitement I can type for right now. I have to actually go work before I go home!

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