~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Insert Witty Title Name Here

The bills for my mole removal have been arriving in the mail. It's now sitting at about $500. That is only for two of them. If you know me, you know that I have about eleventy-billion moles on my body. Each one of them suceptible to becoming precancerous. I hope no more of them show signs. I can't afford it. I mean, I'm grateful those two were caught and removed, because they did come back showing signs of progression into cancer, but man- at $250 a pop (and that's with insurance), I just can't do it.

On a lighter note, my son had another karate tournament last weekend. This time, he was bumped up into the next section- put in with boys of colored belts, ages 13 to 15. My son is 13, so now he is at the bottom of the age pool. Also, these are kids from schools who are pretty into kicking butt. I was scared. Like- really scared. Oh- they also put him in the "advanced" section.. did I happen to mention that? Out of 12 kids- he got 4th place in sparring! Isn't that freakin' awesomesauce?? And, he only took one kick (the first) to his chest, that knocked him out of breath. After that, he was just fine. He can definitely show off that medal with pride! Oh, and his dad made it to that tournament, so I think that really made him feel good, too.

I haven't been writing as much as I'd like, but I have been writing. Little moments of 15 minutes, 30 minutes, my hour long lunch. But I figure if I keep at it, eventually I'll hit that groove again, and those 15 minutes will turn into 3 hours! It's mucking through this awkward part.. I just need to get through this!

My stove is officially busted. Officially busted beyond our ability to repair. Apparently the mouse decided that stove wiring was a tasty treat. Now we have exposed wires, that we are relatively certain water got into. Nice, eh? So now we have to contact the landlord and have him come out. It sucks. I hate dealing with the landlord. But, I really, really want my kitchen back, and most definitly my stove! I never realized how much I depend on it, until I didn't have it. I've been experiencing a lot of that lately. Maybe it's trying to help me be happy for what I have? Who knows. I just know I want to reclaim my kitchen!

I got to take a First Aide/ CPR class yesterday. It was fun. I learned stuff I didn't learn last time, and now I'm all certifiable and stuff. It had some gorey pictures, which was fun watching every one squirm and try not to loose thier lunches. And, it was relieving to find that I had no problem with performing CPR correctly on infants and children. It was interesting to note that I had a rather difficult time on adults, though. So, something to keep in mind. Don't require CPR around me. I'll fail! Unless you are small.

Presidential Proclamation--Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Remember the children! September is National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month! Spread the word, take a moment to read some info (links on the right), and lets beat this thing!

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Each year, thousands of children face the battle against cancer with inspiring hope and incredible bravery. When a child is diagnosed with cancer, an entire family and community are affected. The devotion of parents, grandparents, loved ones, and friends creates a treasured network of support for these courageous children. During National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, we honor the young lives taken too soon and the survivors who face chronic health challenges, we celebrate the progress made in treatment and recovery, and we rededicate ourselves to fighting this disease so all children may have the chance to live a full and healthy life.

While survival rates for many childhood cancers have risen sharply over the past few decades, cancer is still the leading cause of death by disease for young Americans between infancy and age 15. Too many families have been touched by cancer and its consequences, and we must work together to control, and ultimately defeat, this destructive disease. I invite all Americans to visit Cancer.gov for more information and resources about the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of childhood cancers.

Tragically, the causes of cancer in children are largely unknown. Until these illnesses can be cured, my Administration will continue to support investments in research and treatment. The National Cancer Institute, the Federal Government's principal agency for cancer research, is supporting national and international studies examining the risk factors and possible causes of childhood cancers.

The health reforms included in the landmark Affordable Care Act advance critical protections for individuals facing cancer. Provisions in the law prohibit insurance companies from limiting or denying coverage to individuals participating in clinical trials, the cornerstone of cancer research. After recovering from cancer, children can no longer be denied insurance coverage due to a pre-existing condition. It also requires all new plans to provide preventive services without charging copayments, deductibles, or coinsurance, increasing access to regular checkups that can help detect and treat childhood cancers earlier. The Affordable Care Act eliminates annual and lifetime caps on insurance coverage and prohibits companies from dropping coverage if someone gets sick, giving patients and families the peace of mind that their insurance will cover the procedures their doctors recommend.

This month, we pay tribute to the health-care professionals, researchers, private philanthropies, social support organizations, and parent advocacy groups who work together to provide hope and help to families and find cures for childhood cancers. Together, we will carry on their work toward a future in which cancer no longer threatens the lives of our Nation's children.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 2010 as National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. I also encourage all Americans to join me in recognizing and reaffirming our commitment to fighting childhood cancer.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this
tenth day of September, in the year of our Lord two thousand ten, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fifth.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Scheduling the Job

As the kids begin their adventures back to yet another school year, I have decided that it's time to give myself some scheduled discipline as well. I have always heard that writers should schedule blocks of time devoted just to writing. Somewhat akin to a job schedule. This is my "other" job, and it needs to have dedicated time just for it. I have to write. Regardless of what spews forth, or where I spew it at, as long as I'm writing, it's okay.

Since the kids go to bed at 9pm (and I may increase it to 10pm if they get up easy enough in the mornings) I am officially making my writing time from 10pm until 12am. Tonight, that writing is going here. Eventually I want to move it to my story, but that task is a bit daunting right now, and I am honestly not in the mind frame for it.

I've noticed as Summer slips the torch onto Autumn, that my mood becomes quite internal and reflective. I have issues about / with myself that I someday hope to come to terms with, figure out, resolve, and whatnot. I have here and other blogs to help purge that from my system as well. My son's Language Arts teacher is requiring them to keep some type of journal this year. I am thinking it might be prudent for me to do the same. I won't be able to sort through most of this junk if I just keep letting it pile and don't honestly take time to decipher it.

I'm also toying with the idea of keeping a dream journal again. I did that in the past, and found it very rewarding. Not to mention, pretty much every story I've ever written, or have waiting to be written, has it's seed come from a dream. I find it fascinating to go back over the dreams, try and figure them out, decipher their hidden meanings. I found one of my old dream journals from when I was a teenager a while back. It was awesome to be able to go through, and remember dreams from way back then. I had told the idea to my daughter, who thought I meant a What-I-Want-Out-Of-Life type dream journal. I think that would be a neat idea to try and keep, too. Especially the kids at this age. Something to look back on, and see what all was accomplished, how dreams and desires grow and change, etc... So, I may have to buy stock in the composition book industry here soon!

As for more easier, if more physically daunting tasks, I have a few around-the-house items I need to attend to. Autumn cleaning, if you will. I need to organize the crafting area. Since my daughter has gotten involved in crafting, that area has just exploded! Which, is great, but it makes it difficult to find stuff. We need to put some sort of system in place so we can see what we have, know where it is, and be able to see when we need more!
I also want to completely clean out the carport and porch area. That has almost gotten to the point of physical need at this point. It makes coming home not-so-pleasant. The first thing I see is junk, disorder, yuck. That needs to change. The same goes for the front yard, though that is not quite as bad.

I really want to just go through and give each room of the house a complete overhaul. It seems like a crazy idea. But, I think it will do good to just take a room, pull everything completely out of it, and then put it back in. It will help with the decluttering, which is something I desperately need to do, both around the house and within myself!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

American Carnage!

Friday Dustin and I went to see Testament, Megadeth and Slayer at the WaMu Theater. That was so freakin' fun!!! We stood in line for a couple hours to get in, and marveled at how many young people were there! I've been following Slayer for over 20 years now, and there were many kids who weren't even that old there! There were quite a few parent/child combos, which I thought was absolutely fantastic. Once inside, I bought a $10 screwdriver (the drink, not the tool), then watched a hell of a good show. This being Dustin's first real main-stream concert, he had to participate in the front of the crowd, bar gut mayhem. He survived through Testament's, barely made it out of Megadeth's, and I advised him to not even attempt Slayer's, which he wisely agreed to.

All three bands put on spectacular shows. Testament was more vocal, as in, they talked more, riling the crowd up with mosh pits and the Wall of Death. Megadeth came out and thrashed the place, and then Slayer ended it with their overdose of awesome as they always do. I was beyond thrilled. I think I could have died and gone to heaven after they played Dead Skin Mask (which is my favorite Slayer song). Okay, considering where I was... maybe not Heaven, but it would have been a gloriously happy death nonetheless.

Yesterday, we were surprisingly not overly sore, as I was expecting to be. We were sore, but not stay-in-bed-all-day-because-I-can't-move sore. We instead went to a friend's birthday BBQ, and sat there all day. We finally left around 11pm. It was fun, and a lot of yummy food.

Today, we're going over to the Blackberry Festival in Bremerton. Tons of vendors with all sorts of different wares for eye-candy (and perhaps purchasing) pleasure. Then another birthday party, but this for a much younger sort. More fun times.

Tomorrow is Monday, Labor Day, and I don't have to work. So, I get to go hit up the Goodwill's $1.29 stuff, not to mention whatever other sales they have going on for the holiday. Who knows when I'll get another available Monday for this, so I'm definitely not missing it!

My weekend has been incredible so far. Love it!

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