~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009


So, I've been taking these Pilate's classes every Tuesday morning and Thursday evening. I can feel my core strengthening, and I notice that I tend to pull in my tummy and stand/sit up straighter more often now. I also have noticed that my shoulder absolutely and unequivocally does not like this new addition to our weekly routine. It has been howling and kicking and screaming every step of the way. Especially when we are doing the rotator cuff stretches. It makes me wonder again if it is that little bugger that's bugging out, although the medical staff had deemed it something else, although what that something else was, they never would tell. All I know, is it hurts. From the nape of my neck, down into my shoulder blade (all-encompassing), around the front of my chest, down through the top of my shoulder, into my elbow, and radiates down into my palm and fingers. I drop stuff that I hold in that hand often. Not always, but often enough for me to notice, and for others to notice.

Part of me thinks this stubborn reluctance to participate is good. Maybe it will work that sucker out, stretch it out, and make it more pliable and less ouchy. The other part wonders if I'm causing more harm than good. It most certainly feels that way, especially at night when I am trying to sleep. Grrr....

But, oh well. Class only runs for one more week. I'm not sure what I'm going to do when it ends. Probably cry. And my stupid shoulder will dance with joy.


dulcigal said...

Tell Elizabeth - after all, she's modifying all kinds of things for me and I'm sure she'd do the same for you. Pain is not good, especially what you're describing! Ow ow ow...

And I'm with you - a lot more aware of my physical self, standing and sitting. Gold stars for all of us, for sticking with it.

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