~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Friday, May 16, 2008

some parents

Some parents just amaze me at their utter disregard for their children. So many people seem to view the Library as a large daycare. They bring their kids in and just let them run rampant, usually while the parent cruises around on the Internet. Meanwhile, their child starts to get bored, and cranky. Often-times it's little tike, a toddler or baby, stuck in their stroller or on the parent's lap.

Then the parent gets irritated because the child is interrupting their Internet usage. It flabbergasts me that they bring in these young kids and expect them to keep still and quiet for son long. Usually there is not even anything brought in to entertain the child.

Now, I can understand the parent that is here because they have no Internet access at home, and need to check email or apply for a job or work on a resume.. etc etc . But most of these parents I see are just browsing their MySpace pages and looking at other people.

Many of these people, stereotypically I know, seem young and rather uneducated. Not ready for having a child but with one anyways. Now, I'm saying nothing against that.. I was not ready and had one anyways. Hell, I had two. But I don't bring them out in public and expect them to act like angels when they are bored and tired. Especially when they are at an age where anything that is not selfish is not even cognitively possible for them. When I take my kids out, I try to make sure I am aware of how tired they are, or may get. How bored they will be and if I have to be out, try and find them something to do that is entertaining, even if it's letting them bring a toy or something.

Parents.. your kids come first. Even before you. Respect them. Do you enjoy being dragged into someplace where you are stuck and unable to do anything even remotely enjoyable while someone else screws around doing nonsense stuff? Think about it.


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