~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Friday, May 16, 2008

zombie barbies and death pranks

There is a house down the street from me. It is a cute little two-story thing, reminiscent of a doll-house. They have been working on it lately, giving it a new paint job of a pretty blush pink with some nice dark lavender trim. There are brightly colored flowers blooming out front, with the cozy seating area.

My daughter has always thought of this house as "the dollhouse". The other day we were driving by, and I was pointing out some of the new additions I had noticed. We had just picked her two girlfriends up and were coming back to our house. As I pointed out the house, she chimed:

" I like it lots better pink and purple. When it was blue it was scary.. like a scary haunted dollhouse, with zombie barbies..."

She then proceeded to imitate what a zombie barbie would look like. Her and her friends then went on to create a scenario of how they would act, how they would eat each other until they were all zombies and then they would be friends again.....


Later on that same afternoon, while the kids were playing, my son and the oldest of the two sisters were downstairs co-oberating on how they would stage my son's death to scare the younger two (my daughter and the other sister). They were complete with finding the Nerf dart gun, and sticking the dart square on my son's head.. they were using a light saber to stage a stabbing... (is that what it's called when you are stabbed with a light saber?).

My daughter, the sneaky one she is, comes creeping down the stairs, complete in her pretty pink dress, white stockings and black patent baby doll shoes, armed with a long plastic sword. She motions with her finger for me not to give her away as she sneaks down the hall, and then- while my son and the oldest sister friend are still plotting how to scare the crap out of the younger two with his faked death, my daughter pounces and starts to slash him with her sword.

She even makes the "shlllish, shlllish" noises of the sword slicing through him....

It was hilarious.

*********I really need to get video set up in my house..............


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