~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Thursday, August 21, 2008

No Power?!?!?

So, in my attempt to write at least a little every day (an attempt that I have not been altogether successful at ), I decided to look up writing prompts. Google led me to this little site here: http://creativewritingprompts.com/ . I find it fantastic. It is from this little niche that I am going to do today's writing, albeit a bit cheating.. since it is more a list than actual writing. But hey.. I'm here, aren't I?

I chose to list 10 things you can do with no power. Since I live in the Pacific Northwest, and that is a rather frequent occurrence, I thought it would be not only appropriate and informative, but also relatively easy! Let us see if I am correct in that assumption!

1. Well, since I work at a library, I figured it rather obvious that I will list READ A BOOK! first. Not to mention, it is something I do with no power. Candlelight can be somewhat hard on the eyes sometimes, but a good book will make that inconvenience unnoticeable anyways.

2. Break out those board games! What could be better than playing a game of Clue during a blackout by candlelight!? When you decide to chance a guess, be sure to hold the flame beneathe your face, attach an ominous look to yourself, and state your guess in an evil, threatening voice.

3. A game of hide and seek in the dark. Oh yeah!

4. Go outside and see how many stars you can see now! It's amazing how much of the night sky is hidden by the glow of the city lights.

5. Have a campout in your front yard. Grab some sleeping bags, build a campfire, and roast marshmellows and tell ghost stories.

6. Grab a pencil and paper, and write a good old fashioned letter to some pals. Get creative, and post their address in an old time script, and seal the envelope with a dab of wax.

7. Teach yourself how to do something, be it play guitar, crochet, knit, etc.. That way you always have an activity for power outages.

8. Find a bunch of no-cook recipies that can be whipped together over a fireplace or woodstove. Call all your friends over for an old fashioned dinner, and play some of the games listed here.

9. Charades in the dark. Now that could be interesting.

10. Go to the local hardware store and purchase a generator. We live in Washington people.. you should have one!!!

There.. I did it. And it wasn't all that bad to come up with stuff. Now, the funny part is that next time the power goes out, and I want to refer to this list.. it will be conveniently stored on my computer- you know..that thing that requires POWER to turn on and look at...


That's how it goes in this technologically "advanced" age...


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