~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mother's Milk for Satan's Spawn

So.. I come home after working all day long. I'm tired. I'm groggy. I feel like a shower is in order. So I wash up. I shave my pits for tomorrow in case I'm walking (which I kinda hope I do). I'm standing in the bathroom afterwards, cleaning out my ears and applying deodorant. You know- typical just-out-of-the-shower crap. That's when I notice blood on my arm. WTF? I look at my pits. No blood. I look at my legs. No blood. I look around my arm. No more blood. Where the... I look down, and there is blood running down my tummy.

My freakin' BOOB is bleeding! Not just my boob, but my freakin' NIPPLE! Epic WTF. Now, for those of you who don't deal with me in reality, I recently had a "girly" visit with my doctor (new doctor) that went so fast I doubt I even had time to blink. I filled out all the first-timer forms. When was your last menstrual cycle? Jan. 2009. What form of birth control do you use? None. Do you want to change that? Yes. Do you get headaches/dizziness/etc? Yes to all- alot. Any history of cancer in your family? Yeah- my maternal grandmother had a brain tumor that killed her. You get the picture.

Sooo.. I'm thinking that question #1 alone is going to get me an hour long visit. She didn't even mention it. In fact- I had to stop her as she flew out the door to ask if I could possibly get a prescription for birth control. I thought she was coming back after getting me a referral. The nurse came back with my prescription for b/c. Now, 2 weeks later- I still have no answers. Not even the results of my test. No referral for the dermatologist (to check my moles to make sure I don't have skin cancer). Nothing.

So... bloody boobs- needless to say- scared the ever-loving shit out of me. And trust me, I don't love shit, so it was hard to find that bugger and poop it out.

I walked into the doorway, and asked LoveBug to come look at it for me. Was it a cut, or was it actually leaking out of my boob? He thinks it's a cut. I think I nicked it when shaving (either when I started or was putting it away). Omg... I feel better now. Although the bastard stings.

I made sure to curse it out for giving me a freakin' heart attack. Damn boobs.


LoveBug said...

I'll vouch for the cussing, i heard it after i walked out of the bathroom, laughing...

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