~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Monday, June 20, 2011

Inner Peace

1.  Do you often lose sleep worrying about work?
     I guess that depends on what exactly is considered "worrying about work".  I sometimes worry about special projects I have to do, such as the training sessions I'm suppose to put together over the next couple of months.  Teaching / training is not in my comfort zone, so I am having a hard time with that one.  But usually, my concerns over work- the stuff that makes me lose sleep- is the desire to not be working, the question as to whether I'll ever be able to stay-at-home while my kids are still living at home

2.  When you're with friends, do you find yourself talking about work?
     Sometimes.  We all talk about work.  Most of us work a lot with the public, so we often have stupid, silly or scary stories about our dealings with them.  I don't necessarily view talking about work as a negative.  Perhaps they more meant do I find myself complaining about work, which I don't do very often.

3.  Before you've finished one project, are you already thinking about the next one?
    I have about 30 projects that I am wanting to work on, or started to work on, or bought all the stuff to start working on-  and none of them are done.  What does that tell ya?

4.  Do you put your personal life "on hold" in order to tend to business?
    Only if it's stuff specifically for me.  I have a hard time doing stuff just for me.  Yoga is the closest I have to being selfish for the sake of me.

5.  Are you jealous of other people's achievements?

6.  When you've achieved a goal or obtained something you've worked hard for, do you take the time to enjoy the accomplishment?
     I will try, but- as mentioned in my previous post- I will immediately start tearing myself down, focusing more on what I have not done instead of what I have.

7.  Are you too busy to cultivate a hobby?
    I try to make time for my hobbies, but most of the time I just wind up feeling like a failure at them, so I give up.

8.  Do you often work through lunch?
    Hell no.  I need to eat! 

9.  Does success mean being the first to embrace the latest trend, owning the latest model car or gadget, or having more than your neighbors?
    No, not necessarily., though it would be nice to at least be on par... 

10.  Do you fear that everything you've worked for will be lost if you don't give it your constant attention?
    I don't really feel like I've achieved anything, so I don't really have it to lose.  Unless you mean relationships.  If that is the case, then yes.  I am constantly in concern of my relationships breaking down, or ending.  Whether it be relationships with my boyfriend, children, friends or family. 

So, the idea for this quiz is that, if you answer "yes" to more than half of these questions, that you don't spend enough time thinking about what will make you truly happy.  Since I think there is really only one that I answered no to, I may be in trouble. 

Do I know what would make me truly happy?   No.  Not even a little.  According to this, I need to locate my inner peace.  No duh.

So, I am suppose to make a list of all of the activities that give me a sense of peace.  Right down to the simplest of activities.  Then I am to make it a priority to schedule a couple of these activities into my schedule.  

Peace-giving Activities:

1.  Playing with my kids.
2.  Digging for hidden treasures on the beach.
3.  Lying on a grassy field watching clouds.
4.  Sunbathing (in the sun, which is virtually non-existent here!)
5.  Hiking through the woods.
6.  Gardening.
7.  Reading.
8.  Shopping the thrift stores.
9.  Lunch / dinner with friends.
10. Having a clean house.
11. Turning the radio up loud and singing along just as loud.
12. Dancing.
13. Walking on the treadmill.
14. The smell of the air after it rains.
15. Splashing in puddles.
16. Yoga.
17. Candlelight (esp. if they are scented)
18. Taking pictures.
19. Writing (when it flows).
20. The smell of clean sheets.


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