~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Sunday, April 26, 2020

Now What?

Happiness is Self Made - Feijial

Previously I identified the areas I want to work on, and what I (think I) want in each category.  Now I need to break those down and find out the "how".  I then need to put together a game plan, and this needs to be done by May 1st so that I can implement it on (or before) Beltane. 

I first went and identified what spanned more than one category.   Those are: Garden (nature, physical); Go outside (nature, physical); Journal (intellectual, spiritual); Embrace inner child (spiritual, self); Be in nature (nature, spiritual); Unplug (intellectual, spiritual); and Practice gratitude (self, social).  I haven't done anything with those other than note them at this point.

So, what ways can I get these things into my life?   Here is where I will put down ideas to do that.  Afterwards, I will see how I can incorporate them into goals for the year. 

Nature Happiness:  have more experiences, get outside every day, touch nature every day, garden, follow my interests, learn about plants

Take a quiet walk with Mother Nature. It will nurture your mind ...

1.  Go on more hikes, and go camping -  have experiences, get outside, touch nature
2.  Find new places to do #1 and revisit favorites- experiences, outside, touch nature
3.  Check in on my plant starts and my house plants.  Talk to them. - touch nature, garden
4.  Forage / wild-craft-  get outside, touch nature, follow interests, learn about plants
5.  Study plants and herbs.  Keep a journal of their growing conditions, medical and spiritual uses, how to harvest. -  follow interests, learn about plants
6.  Admire something in nature:  a pretty plant, the sunrise/set, water, moon / star gaze, etc..  - touch nature, have experience
7.  Ground/physically touch nature:  put bare feet in the grass or sand, feel the sun on my skin, stand in the rain. - have experiences, touch nature
8.  Learn the different birds and their bird call/songs-  learn, follow interests
9.  Craft with natural materials. Gather and create something fleeting or longer lasting-  get outside, follow interests.

Social Happiness:  listen more, write letters, laugh more, practice gratitude, connect w/ people, embrace solitude, charity/volunteer

Money, News, Social Media, Sharing and Happiness - Abderaouf ...

1.  Write letters to friends, especially afar but those close as well.  Get addresses and put them somewhere they won't get lost.  Write a letter once month-  connect
2.  Message people on Facebook or text.  Reopen dialogue with those I'd like to continue to have contact with.  - connect
3.  Find a place to potentially volunteer- connect, volunteer
4.  Remember that this is an experiment, and I am a solitary person so I need to allow myself to withdraw and recharge as needed.  But let people know so they don't feel abandoned. -  embrace solitude, connect
5.  Practice active listening.  Don't worry about telling my stories, listen to theirs fully.  Tell my stories another time-   listen more, connect, laugh more
6.  Find what I like / appreciate/ admire about the people I am around.  Write it down, just acknowledge it in my head, or better yet tell them.  - practice gratitude

Financial/ Vocational Happiness:  be recognized for my work, pay off my debt, get my own place, learn new job skills that will help with promotion/ better job, feel self-sufficient, appreciate what I have

Laura Riley, Author Of Money And Happiness: A Guide To Living The ...

1.  Stop frivolous spending.  Make sure I need what I am buying.  Allow one or two days before purchases to make sure it's not impulsive. -  pay off debt
2.  Continue to work with my Google sheet to keep track of spending and to see where I may need to make changes-  pay off debt, feel self-sufficient
3.  Speak up at work if I feel invisible.  Talk with bosses. -  be recognized at work
4.  Focus on the positive aspects about my job when I find myself dwelling on the negative.  Go to work with a positive attitude.-  appreciate what I have, be recognized
5.  Don't partake in gossip at work. - appreciate, be recognized
6.  Look into schooling for my interests and/or job skills like Excel- learn new job skills, be recognized, feel self-sufficient
7.  Continue to add to savings account, don't use it unless absolutely necessary. - pay off debt, get my own place

Physical Happiness:  lose weight, eat healthier, drink water, be active, go places, stretch

Decoding the mind-body connection: Physical fitness can lead to ...

1.  Go for walks during the day, after dinner, or on lunch breaks-  get active, lose weight
2.  Listen to an audio book and get on the treadmill-  get active, lose weight
3.  Start each morning with a glass of water, preferably with lemon.  Cut a lemon into small wedges in the start of the week, squeeze each into a glass of water to drink first thing - drink more water
4.  Keep my water bottle with me all the time - drink more water
5.  Drink glass of water before going to bed-  drink more water
6.  Find and make easy, healthier snacks-  eat healthier, lose weight
7.  Try to incorporate fruit/veggies with every meal- eat healthier, lose weight
8.  Go for hikes-  get active, go places, lose weight
9.  Stretch every day, even if it's in bed, while making coffee, touch toes before bed-  stretch 
10. See about space in the garage to lay out a yoga mat for yoga-  get active, stretch
11. Don't eat after 8pm-  lose weight

Intellectual Happiness learn/be curious, follow interests, be creative, unplug, read more esp. non-fiction, journal

Three mistakes we make when relating intelligence and success ...

1.  Wild-craft/forage.  Read the books, websites, and groups.  Go out and just do it.  Practice.  - learn/be curious, follow interests
2.  Create beauty and health products with herbs and flowers.  Order them if needed, and create bath products as well as salves and tinctures, etc.. for medical health..-  follow interests, read non-fiction, learn, be creative
3.  Find a time of the day to set aside to completely unplug from computer, phone, television- unplug
4.  Use audio-books while walking, cleaning, outside -  read more
5.  Learn wire wrapping and knitting- learn/ be curious, follow interests, be creative
6.  Fit journalling of some kind (personal, happiness journal, spiritual, knowledge based) into the week as often as possible.- journal, be creative
7.  Look up questions I have, no matter how silly, and find out the answers.  Go even further and read other topics about it that might show up on Google-  learn/be curious

Spiritual Happiness embrace inner child, learn, be in nature, unplug, be in the moment/mindful, journal, use intent

Spiritual Happiness with Like-minded Friends - Photos | Facebook

1. Play more.  Go splash in puddles, play hide and seek, climb trees-  embrace inner child
2. Be outside in natural settings. Go for walks/hikes in woods or along the beach.  Go foraging.  Do gardening-  be in nature, be in the moment, unplug
3.  Get off of the computer and do something magical- unplug, be in the moment
4.  Slow down and do things more mindfully- be in the moment
5.  Use small "mundane" tasks in a mindful, spiritual way.  Wash negativity off hands, down drain in shower.  Put intentions in while making food.  Prepare food especially for specific intentions.  Repeat affirmations while preparing coffee.  Drink water with intent to flush negativity out of body.  - be mindful, use intent
6.  Find a topic and learn about it.  Journal findings.  Moon phases/meanings, herb uses, stones/crystals, tarot cards, runes, deities,-  learn, journal
7.  Craft items with specific magical uses or intentions-  learn, be mindful, use intent
8.  Keep in tune with the phases of the moon and with holidays.  Do something, regardless of how small, to acknowledge and celebrate-  be mindful
9.  Learn the cycles of plants, the birds and their songs, identify plants- learn, be in nature

Self Happiness:  better self worth/image, stay positive among the negative, embrace inner child, find my passion, practice gratitude, laugh more, be self-sufficient, have patience

Self-Love is Your Key to Happiness — Blog - Dr. Jennifer Huggins, PsyD

1. Squash negative self talk and replace it with positive. - better self worth/image, stay positive
2.  Find and acknowledge things about myself that I like.  Find both physical and personality traits.  Write them down and refer to as needed.-  better self worth/image
3.  Slow down and allow things to happen.  Do not force or rush. -  patience
4.  Watch more comedy on purpose.  Find videos on YouTube  or other venues.  Share or save them. - laugh more
5. Find and write down or mentally acknowledge things I am grateful for every day.- practice gratitude
6.  Learn how to make my own soap, beauty products, medicinals with herbs/plants, foraging, etc... -  be self-sufficient, find passion
7.  Embrace my dark side and allow myself to feel emotions, but don't let them rule.  -    stay positive, embrace inner child
8.  Pursue topics that interest me.  Learn and practice. - find my passion
9.  Don't allow set backs or failures to slow me down or give up.  Find the lesson in the experience and try again.-  stay positive, have patience
10.  Sing and dance like I don't care who's watching-  embrace inner child
11.  Blow bubbles, make wishes on dandelions, find shapes in the clouds, spin around and around and around until I fall down, etc.. - embrace inner child

Well, I've got my work cut out for me now.  My end list might not look like any of these things had anything to do with it, or that this exercise was completely unnecessary, but I think it is helpful to really break everything down and look at it from all angles.  This was a start, for sure.  Next I'll come up with my to-do list.  But, later.  I'm tired now.  I'm going to embrace that inner child- and take a nap.  :)


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