~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Plan in Place

Yesterday I went out and bought a bunch of notebooks so that I can start this project on Friday.  What an appropriate feeling day to start this on.  :) 

I've put together an outline of how I want the journal to go.  I've created a mock-up in my Google Sheets.  However, I don't know how to link that here, so I guess I'll do a quick version.  Basically it goes like this:

Front of book lists all of the goals/action steps I listed in the previous post- that way I can refer to them throughout

Month page: 


"inspirational quote"

Events happening this month:

Goals for the month:


Daily page:

Overall mood:
Water intake:  am/pm and other
Diet:  list poor- excellent and any other info
How did I connect with nature?

Daily Gratitude:
Self Gratitude:

What made me laugh?
Spiritual practice:
Mindful moment:

About my day:

Favorite part:
Least favorite part:
Actions I can take:


Week in Review:

Overall mood:
Did I meet last week's goals?

What did I learn?
How did I move?
How was I creative?

Needs work:

Goals for next week:

Additional Thoughts:


Month in Review:

Overall mood:
Did I meet last month's goals?

Who did I write?
Financial status:

Needs work:

Goals for next month:

Additional Thoughts:


So there it is.  I figure I will adjust it as necessary.  I'll be going day to day, so if I decide I need to alter it, it won't be a big issue to adapt.  One thing I would kind of like to do is have a specific focus for each month.   I'm not sure quite how I want to go about that yet though. I figure I'll start this month with my focus on gratitude, and go from there.  See how the whole thing goes.  Maybe I'll come up with something, or maybe I'll decide that this works for now.   However, since it's a happiness thing, I figure I need to be mindful about how I go about it.  I'll try and think of focuses, and then maybe I can adapt some of the areas to reflect those more on the pages. 


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