~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Sunday, January 25, 2009

People are people

My enchantment with the human race is slowly dwindling to a point of non-existence. Maybe it's because I'm off the happy-pills, so I am more agitated more easily. Maybe it's pre, during and post PMS syndrome... who knows. Regardless of the cause, people's stupidity is grating on my nerves at a near neck-breaking pace. The race car is the fingernail, and the wall the chalkboard, and that puppy is just flying those sparks down that sucker!

The school parking lot is probably one of my more illuminated irritants. The way these parents act is enough to turn my stomach into knots. The drive-by pick up I am part of, simply because I tried to park to go in, and when I tried to leave, I could not get out of the parking space. But I bring my book to read while I wait, and I am considerate and let people out when they are ready. Especially those who actually parked and went in. But some of these parents are just bullying for the front of the line, to jump up front and get out first. They block people in, do not let others who are finished out, and cause huge congestion areas in an already tight parking lot. Some parents will circle around in the thoroughfares way and stop in the middle once their child comes out. I cannot believe that the school employees (who stand with the kids) allow this. If I ran that school.. heck no. You must be in one of the designated pick up areas. That is for people who are leaving. NO BLOCKING! lol.

Or for instance, right now, as I sit here, there is a parent, who is letting their child - who cannot be more than 2-3- run unattended through the library while they mess around on the computer. This child has run through the back area here twice now, almost ran out the front door (right into the street), and is running aimlessly throughout inside. He is talking to everyone, which normally isn't a problem as long as there is supervision. I like to think the library is a safe place, but you never know. Through all this, the parents have made no notion of noticing the antics of this young man, and it worries me to think about what could have happened if none of us had been standing up front and seen him almost dart out the door (it was one of our employees who stopped him, not the parent). Sadly enough, this is not the first time I've witnessed this kind of "parenting", nor do I believe it will be the last.

Just driving is enough for me to tear my hair out. Just being around large groups of people. The lack of attention, respect, consideration. It blows me away that my children act better than some of these "grown adults" I run into. What happened to compassion and camaraderie? A thing of the past, it seems, and it's sad. I hope that I have brought my children up to at least be somewhat aware and mindful of others. To think before they act, and take into account those around them.

Ok, that is my rant for today. It was something for me to write about, so I got that out of the way. I really need to go work on some of my actual story telling. But I've come to a place that reminds me of dirty water. If that makes any sense. But I will try.


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