~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Resolute (updated 1/14/09)

I've never been a fan of the "New Year's Resolution". Sure, it seems fine- giving yourself one goal to accomplish by the year's end. However, people (at least myself) tend to set unrealistic goals, or goals that are too broad. And when the end of the year rolls around, and that goal has not been achieved, you leave that year with a sense of failure.

That said, I am still a fan of using the mark of a new year as a chance to put behind us all the negativity of the past year, and to look forward with bright eyes and a hopeful heart. I relish it as a time of renewal- not just of the year, but of the self.

An esteemed collegue of mine blogged not of a single resolution, but of a variety of goals he would like to acheive over the course of 2009. I thought it was a grand idea, and have adopted it for myself. How much more accomplished it will feel to look at what I was able to check off, rather than woe on what I never did.

So here I go, with a list of 25 Things I'd Like to Accomplish in 2009.

1. Write more. I keep saying this, yet don't do it. It would be easier if I had someone to keep me accountable for it, but the only person I have is myself, so I have to be firm with myself and make sure I do it. I want to write daily, but even every other would suffice to quell that screaming demon in my head.

2. Read more. You would think that working at a library, this one would be a cinch. Problem is, I tend to bring home books on crafts, or for my kids. I don't really bring home actual stories for myself, and when I do, I don't take the time out of my day to devote to them. Perhaps a scheduled time for the entire family to turn off all the t.v.'s and computers and use the time to read is in order.

3. Learn how to use my sewing machine- without breaking it. It seems that every time I turn it on, it breaks somehow. Maybe I just need one that likes me.

4. Expand my vocabulary. I feel like I'm in a vocab rut, using the same words over and over. I've signed up to 3 different word-a-day feeds to assist with this one.

5. Find some new parks. The ones I know of in the area have become dull to me, and even my kids. Time to move on to new and fresh.

6. Spend more time outdoors. With the garden on it's way, and an actual yard to play in, that will be much more feasible than before.

7. Go camping. I cannot remember the last time I went, and I miss it.

8. Start actually doing all those crafts I bought all the supplies for.

9. Cook in more- eat out less. We spend way too much money on going out to eat. I've decided to start planning my dinners for the week ahead, and be prepared with everything on hand. I'm also striving to be more realistic in planning my meals with our schedules in mind.

10. Eat healthier. That will be easier when added to the whole "eat-in" aspect as well. Plus, once the garden comes in, it will be easier to get those veggies in us!

11. Exercise more! I got a Wii and Wii Fit for Christmas. I've been using it. Who knew a video game could wear me out so much!?

12. Plant my garden, and keep it tended. There ya go.. one that ties in to many of my other ones! I'm actually really excited about this one.

13. Go out with my family at least once a month. By family, I mean my brother and sisters, and mom and dad. We don't spend as much time together as we use to since I quit partying. I need to have them for dinner, or whatever. I'd also like to start implementing monthly dinners/nights out with my friends.

14. Plan and implement more family activites. We tend to be one of those families who sits at home and veg on the computer. I don't want to do that anymore.

15. Enroll my son (and possibly daughter) in karate.

16. Enroll my daughter (and possibly son) in some kind of art class (dance, painting, choir, guitar, etc).

17. Sing more! I need to stop caring that I sound horrible and do it anyway, because I love to!

18. Attend some concerts. I love going to see live music. It doesn't have to be the huge production concerts (although I want to make it to some of them too), but even supporting the local music scene!

19. Get the animals to the vet.

20. Get the kids thier orthodontic work done. Especially my son, before he's too old.

21. Recycle more, and do more to help the enviornment. I thought about doing one of those adopt-a-street/stream/etc. things. I'd also like to get the kids involved in this.

22. Obtain medical insurance. I need to feel ok with going to the doctor if I need to.

23. Meet my neighbors. Maybe I'll plan a neighborhood summertime BBQ.

24. Drink more water.

25. Get a membership to the zoo/aquarium/etc and actually USE it thorughout the year. Even if I just go myself and work on photography.

Ok, so that is what I have so far. I am hoping to add to it, because the more visible my goals are, the better I am at it. And the more I have, the more I can get done, and the better sense of accomplishment I will feel.

I've thought of a couple more things to do

- Sign the kids up as volunteers for the library
- Stop biting my nails
- Go greener. I want to try making my own cleansing products, as well as some of our own personal sanitary products- like shampoo and lotion, etc.


Accumulate Man said...

Hey there..great list. You'll expand that vocabulary by reading and writing more. Read those books to the kids. That'll put those words smack dab in the middle of your subconcious and your conversations. Write here as often as you can, even if it's to say how much progress you've made on your garden, or what parks you've discovered, or how well your new menus have gone over. All of it seems daunting at first, but accomplished a bit at a time, it all flies by and so does the year. Have fun in that new garden of yours, and who knows? maybe we'll run into each other at Bumbershoot! Accumulate Man

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