~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Sick and the Restless

Ok, so maybe the title implies that this post is about many, but it's all about me. Well, I'm sure there are others in the same boat, so we'll include them as well.

I am sick. And I am restless. Bet that comes as a shocker. I actually got sent home from work. A coworker said he could tell that I feel like crap based just off my posture today. I wonder if that is an indication that my posture is usually good? I'll roll with that.

I feel like my head is stuck in a vat of mashed potatoes. Not real mashed potatoes, but those fake, boxed ones that always come out kind of chalky. And they are watery mashed potatoes on top of it.. because my head feels heavy, but watery. It's almost as if I can hear liquid sloshing back and forth in there. My sinuses won't stop running, and my poor nose is so mad at me now. I should have stopped and picked up some Puffs Plus on the way home, but it was all I could do to just concentrate on driving myself home safely, much less think of making pit stops along the way. My neck hurts, and my back hurts. That sick, achy kind of pain. My tummy is doing somersaults in there to spite me, I'm sure.

I've tried some Tylenol Cold, and while that cleared up my stuffy nose a little, that's all it did. I've tried to eat more but my stomach thinks that is a horrible idea, and is threatening to use force against me if I push it. I try to sleep, but my brain will not shut off and let me. I doubt it would be a restful sleep anyway.

So now I'm sitting here wondering what to do next. Thankfully, I have my laptop handy, so I can sit quietly here on the couch, snuggled in my blankie while the sun shines through the window. As long as I don't move, I'm ok. I tried to dispute that earlier, and it didn't work so well for me. I took a hot shower to try and break up some of this stuff, but with the trouble breathing I'm having with this thing, the shower didn't work so well, either. I had to lean against the wall the entire time, and cut my shower short.

It's hard to just sit here though, since I know that there are dishes to be done, laundry to be started and more to be folded, a bathroom in desperate need of some attention, and food to be prepped. Originally I had had plans to have my brother and his girlfriend over for dinner tonite, but I had to call and cancel that. I just don't see me making it through that. Dustin went over to a friend's house to watch movies on their big screen t.v with their new surround sound system. The quiet is nice, but my lack of ability to fall asleep is making me stir crazy. My attempts to get up and do something are making my body retaliate.

Gah.. I wish it would stop! Hopefully tomorrow it will be all better, and I can resume life as normal. Breathing and eating and sleeping! Wish me luck!


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