~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Thursday, March 5, 2009

Happy Birthday, Pumpkin!

Today my oldest turns 12. I can't believe how times flies. It seems he was only a toddler running after his sister mere months ago. Now, he is on the verge of turning into a young man. He is still at that wayward stage. He is the cool, collected young man on one side, and my little boy who still enjoys sitting and playing with his action figures and playdough. Especially with his sister. Of course, his games are turned into complex, strategic games. Almost Dungeon and Dragonesque. I bet if I bought him a D&D book he'd have a blast with it.

Since his sister's birthday is only 3 days away, we combine their parties into one. This year, we will celebrate at one of the local parks this Saturday. It has a nice big field, baseball fields, BMX trails, hiking trails, and a nice little playground to roll around in. As long as the weather cooperates, it will be a grand time. And, I suppose I could just tell everyone to bring a change of clothes, and in the case the weather decides to pour rain, we can have a great big dirty game of mud football.

We are replacing his PSP for him for his birthday. A pricey gift, but the one he had broke on him. Right before Christmas this happened, and since we were unaware of it, had bought him about 4 new PSP games. So he has sat, pouring through the literature that came with them, excited about the gameplay, but unable to partake in it. So, we are going to remedy that situation.

Now, hopefully he doesn't pick one of these next couple days to start reading my blog.

My little boy is growing up. He's not so little anymore (not that he was ever little to begin with, being a 10 pound, 10 ounce, 21 & 3/4 inch baby when he was born!). It makes me feel old. But it also makes me proud to see that, all in all, he is growing into a very great little man!

Happy birthday, Pumpkin!


Accumulate Man said...

Congrats to you, colleague, and a "happy birthday!" to your boy! Here's to many, many more! Accumulate Man

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