~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Thursday, March 12, 2009


I don't feel well today. My lunch idea was a bad one. I went to China Sun, but my taste buds just weren't into it. Oh well. better food than i would have eaten at McD's. And about the same cost. I had to leave early though, because the bustle of people was bothering me. The light and sound is not meshing well with my brain today. I paid for my measly lunch, and went back out to my car. In the parking lot at the library, I sat for awhile and continued to read my book, until all the coffee and water I had drank this morning was no longer willing to wait. Then I sat in the break room, in the chair next to the window, with the nice cool breeze, and the comfort of the sun rays hugging me. I read some more, until time to work.

Now here I am. Working.

I'm so tired. So tired lately. But I sleep. And I dream. I wonder if it's the dreams that are the culprit of my sleepiness. I dream, but they are busy, restless dreams, and I think I wake frequently during them. My eyes are heavy and leaded. It takes all my efforts to keep them open. I am looking forward to tomorrow's workday end, whereupon I can go home and just sleep. Sleep until I am not tired anymore.

Maybe I'm still sick. Those sick bugs are clawing their way through; refusing to die completely off.

Or maybe it's all the caffiene.

I feel like such a whiner. Part of me doesn't care. If I can't whine here, where can I?


Accumulate Man said...

This was a true "whine" and dine moment! Get out there and get some sun, that'll help chase those bugs away! But more than anything, be good to yourself and stay away from that Mickey D food! Yumm, Chinese! Accumulate Man

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