~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009


So, for those of you who have been following my antics throughout this blog, it is now the half-way point through the year. Can you believe it, already?! I can't.

Anyway, if you have been following along, you will remember that I posted a list of 25 (and a couple more) goals that I wanted to accomplish this year. Today I decided it was time to revisit that list, and take note of what I've gotten through, and what still needs to be done.

To my surprise, I have a few accomplished items on there! From my previous list:

1. Write more- I've been doing that. Not as much (or what) I had intended, but still- more is better than none.

2. Read more- yep, got that one down.

4. Expand my vocabulary- kinda mostly. Utilizing my two "word-a-day" definitions into weekly writings is helping. I think I may even expand that more.

6. Spend more time outdoors. This one is definitely in the bag. BBQs, gardening, mowing this lawn- it's got me outside much more than before!

8. The crafts- I've actually done a couple. Again, not as much as I'd have hoped, but it's getting there. I even wore a pair of earrings I made myself today!

9. Cook in more- that's been going okay(ish). Having the cookbooks, and the BBQ, helps- albeit it's not always me doing the cooking.

10. Eat healthier- this one I've been doing. I'm incorporating more veggies into my dinners, and using whole wheat flour / breads / pastas when I can.

12. Plant my garden- done!

14. More family activities- drive in movies, movies, Crypticon, zoos, aquariums, Science Center, parks- yeah this one is getting done, especially now that the schools are out!

15. Son enrolled in karate- he's trying out for his orange belt next Friday!

16. Daughter in extra-curricular activities- during school she was in choir, and volunteered at the library. This summer break, she wants to focus on writing.

20. Orthodontic work is in the works!

25. Memberships- got one to the zoo, and one to the Pacific Science Center.

And I've stopped biting my nails, and had the kids signed up as volunteers at the library.

Soooo... I figure that's not bad for six months in. Some of them I know won't happen, and that's okay. Priorities and desires change with time. I'm accepting of this, and won't be devastated if I do not make it through my entire list.


Tim said...

That's pretty impressive- I haven't even accomplished #1 on mine yet, which was-

1) Make a list.

I think you motivated me, though, so thanks!

dulcigal said...

Congratulations! That's an impressive amount of things to check off your list. I missed your earrings! Let me know when you wear them again - I want to be sure to see them.

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