~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tuesdays and Dog Vomit

My dog took off yesterday morning. She's normally very good about going into her "kennel", which also happens to double as my laundry (*cough*) room. As well as those two functions, it also houses the door out to my carport. However, yesterday, she decided she didn't want to be there for three hours, so she bolted out the door and into the long grassy meadow (By meadow, I mean my highly unkept, unmown yard out back. The grass there is taller than me.). Damn. I was already running late getting the kids out the door. They needed to get to school, and I needed to get to work to do the cash register business. Needless to say, I had neither the time or inclination to be running after a wayward dog all morning long.

My kids and I braved the jungle for a while. We strode up and down the road calling her. But alas, she was too content with running wild. I, having already been at the end of my nerve quota already, was fed up. Too much frustration, and other obligations to be met, so (dare I admit), I packed the kids into the car and left, content with the hope that having our other dog tied up outside would be enough to lure her home.

I dropped the kids off at school, and drove to work. I caught my boss as she came in, and told her my tale of imminent woe, and asked if I could leave after getting the cash report finished. Since I have the best boss in the world (she doesn't read this, so no, I'm not kissing up), she said "absolutely!" (okay, I don't remember exactly her wording verbatim, but that is close enough). So, I clocked in two hours of vacation time, and drove home to find the escapee dog in question lounging in my carport, tail wagging, looking at me as if there was nothing in the world wrong with this entire operation. I was relieved that she was home, but part of me balked at the fact that I didn't even have to set foot out of my car and call her, in a way at least justifying my impromptu time off and vacation leave wasted. Oh well.

So, crisis averted, I went back to the arduous task of shopping and internet surfing. It was horrible...

Now, I suspect she got into something icky, because she's vomiting. Everywhere. I have a pretty strong tummy when it comes to gross stuff. I can handle most everything. This isn't one of them. I gagged. It wasn't pretty. I began to worry that she had gotten into something bad. She was getting listless, and wasn't eating. She threw up a lot. This morning, however, she started to seem better. She was drinking and seemed to get her appetite back. I tied her up out front today, in the fenced area. I am hoping that she doesn't chew through her leash, and if she does, that she doesn't discover how to jump the fence. I have faith. I have to.

Ok... so there's the dog vomit story. How about on to more pleasant things before I get to go eat?

Today is Tuesday. It is, really. I promise. Consult with your calendar if you don't believe me. If it disagrees, then you don't know how to look at a calendar. Or it's no longer Tuesday, but you can't fault me for that. You are late. How dare you?

Anyway... this particular Tuesday marks the end of Friday and Saturday workdays for me! At least for awhile. How long, who knows? But for the meantime, I have my Friday and Saturdays off! Yay me! A coworker of mine asked if she could work them in exchange for her Tuesdays. Are you kidding me- you have to ask?! LOL. It will be nice to have my weekends free again. Especially since I have been unable to have my kid-free weekends open for "alone" time with Dustin. Now we can do stuff! And not just that stuff (you all are pervs... seriously). Speaking of which, don't let me forget to reschedule my doctor appointment. My boy is graduating 6th grade, and of course, it's scheduled right smack over my appointment. Priorites. Boy first, then doctor!

And speaking of Dustin, his work has him out at Mt. Rainier for six(ish) weeks! At least they are paying hotel, etc... but I don't get to see him during the week (I'm making a pouty, sad face. You can't see it, but I am.). He does get to come home Thursday night, and stay until Sunday night or Monday morning. So at least I get to actually see him now that my weekends are free :)

That's it for now. Carry on.


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