~A Bitter Swallow~

I think I thought-vomited in my brain a little bit...


My brain is constantly mumbling and muttering to itself. Sometimes it screams. Sometimes what it has to say is interesting enough to make note of, or is adamant enough that it must come out. I'll put that stuff here. :)
Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy Beltaine!!!

Today is Beltaine, and it's an absolutely GORGEOUS day for it! The Sun is shining majestically in the sky, the grass is green and lush, the birds are chirping their song, and everything is crisp and beautiful. And I am feeling better! Yay!

Today marks the return of the Sun to us. I wish I could put up a maypole... but alas, I have no material to do so. But I dance around it in my head, oh yes! I watch the colors swirl as I twirl.. and dance and laugh and be merry! I will also have to build myself a bonefire there as well, and rejoice in the summertime sun. I got my flowers planted yesterday, and found some more seed today while cleaning, so think I will go sprinkle those about and see what happens.

Where oh where are my fairies? I can put out small dishes of milk and hang trinkets for them to play with. I cannot wait until I can build my little fairy garden. What a quaint and magical place it will be!

Okay, this month also houses some fantastic awareness programs I want to make you all aware of.

It is Brain Tumor Awareness Month, which you all know is close to me. Please take a moment to see if you can contribute something to this little known and desperate cause! - http://cbtf.org/cms/ and http://www.tbts.org/home/

Okay, some other serious causes this month are:

Clean Air Month - http://www.cdc.gov/features/cleanairmonth/
Get Caught Reading! - http://www.getcaughtreading.org/
National Military Appreciation Month- http://www.nmam.org/
Teen Self-Esteem Month- http://fycs.ifas.ufl.edu/news/2007/05/teentop10selfesteem.html

Some fun causes for this month:

National BBQ month- http://www.nbbqa.org/ YUM!
National Hamburger month- http://aht.seriouseats.com/archives/2006/05/may_national_hamburger_month.html
National Salsa Month- http://best-recipes.biz/2008/articles/national-salsa-month-and-fresh-salsa-recipes/

Now, next week (May 3rd thru May 9th) don't forget Teacher Appreciation Week! Let's make sure all those teachers know just how much they are valued and appreciated for all the work they put forth to help our kids be the best!


Anonymous said...

Lol hun! Happy Beltaine! Seems the day was just wonderful :D

Accumulate Man said...

Great post! Just what I needed, yet another reason to be in the kitchen! Happy Burger/salsa/bbq appreciation month to you, as well! Now, where did I leave those cilantro seeds? Accumulate Man

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